Hi everyone, I have only discovered this site last week and have already learned a great deal. Thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge and advice. You guy are great!
Can anyone tell me if there is an advantage to becoming a member of discover games or if you would suggest marketing your game on your own? I have prototypes of 2 different games and am still play testing both to see which one to publish first. I already know that I do not want to sell my game to a large company, but instead have my own game company. So, I guess what I need to know is - Is discover games mainly to display your game to large corp. and game companies to obtain contracts or is it for retailers as well, who wish to sell your game for you? By displaying it at DG would it not give large game co. the opportunity to steal your game idea? I can't understand why a large co. would sign a deal with someone when they can make a similar game themselves from your game idea and not have to pay up.
That's my understanding of the services they offer (I haven't used them). They will take your game and give it space at the conventions (that would cost you an arm and a leg to get into). Like HRPuffenstuf said, you'd be one of many that they represent, but something is better than nothing.