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BoardGameGeek Text Ads

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Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

Just waned to give an update to anyone who has already tried out (or plans to try out) the text ad system at BGG.

About a year ago, I bought 15,000 impressions ($15) to promote "Castle Danger" ... it was used up in about 2 weeks, averaging about 1,000 impressions per day and about a 1% daily click-through rate.

A couple of weeks ago, I bought 20,000 impressions for the same ad ... it was used up in 3 days. It was hard to calc an average, since the first day (bought the ad in the afternoon) and last day (ran out of impressions) each had just over 5,000 impressions while the middle day had almost 10,000 impressions itself. The click-through rate was around 0.3%.

So ... in about a years time, the impression rate has gone up 10x and the click-through rate has been cut by a third.


IngredientX's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Re: BoardGameGeek Text Ads

Brykovian wrote:

So ... in about a years time, the impression rate has gone up 10x and the click-through rate has been cut by a third.


Interesting. Did you happen to catch how many impressions were from logged-in users, as opposed to anonymous views (likely to be spiders or bots)?

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
BoardGameGeek Text Ads

A year ago, about two-thirds of the impressions were from anonymous users. This time around, it was about even with a slight lead given to registered users.


BoardGameGeek Text Ads

Have you given Google adwords a go? is the URL. I have used this for my online game site for a while now. You get far fewer impressions than BGG, but they are targeted to a list of keywords you enter. I have gotten a sustained average CTR of about 1% since I started using it. That's without a ton of effort on the ads on my part. There is a cost (as with BGG), but it is based on the click-throughs, not the impressions. Minimum is 5 cents per click.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
BoardGameGeek Text Ads

I looked at the Faq’s for Adwords and I don’t get it. Why would I choose to pay more that 5 cents per click? How is a $1 click better than a 5 cent one?

BoardGameGeek Text Ads

Dralius wrote:
I looked at the Faq’s for Adwords and I don’t get it. Why would I choose to pay more that 5 cents per click? How is a $1 click better than a 5 cent one?

People pay more the 5 cents per click, because they want to be near the top of the page, where there are more clicks. Google displays the ads using a formula that has to do with maximum price per click + click through rate. If you want a better click through rate you pay a little more or get a better click through rate than your competitors.

The ads are sold using a auction where even if you say you are willing to pay $1/click-through you only get charged the $1 if someone else indicates they are willing to pay $1.01. For high ticket items prices/click-though can be much higher. For example, mortgages, where a leads are worth more, rates are much higher than $0.05.

Also, only the top ads are shown for any given word.

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