Some designers from here and I (as an artist) teamed up to finish some products what we plan to publish later.
I wonder what you all think guys (especially publishers visiting this site): What publishers like better: game ideas and designs. Or they might even accept (like) the idea of a fully finished (ready to print) product?
Will they want to use their own in-house artists or hire freelancers to REDO the art of such a product?
I ask theoretically (not our specific games).
I know that it might depend on the quality of art so:
http://www.beautyofbeast.com ->my portfolio
Without asking the respected designers, I can't show the works in progress. I'll ask them in mail and if they allow it and anybody is interested here I'll put something up to show.
So, I ask it at the moment theoretically.
Hi Jack!
Every comment is welcomed!
Yes at SJG:
"# We don't expect the designer to do his own illustrations. When a designer tries to do so, we are usually horrified by the result. (Sometimes we're amused -- but not in a good way.) Okay, Tom Wham is an exception, but you're not Tom Wham. (If you are, in fact, Tom Wham, ignore that sentence. If you are not sure whether you are Tom Wham, check your drivers' license. If it says that you are Tom Wham, send us more games.)
# Likewise, you as the designer are not responsible for providing art. That's our problem. Your prototype does not need to have any art at all, and the maps and boards can be very crudely drawn as long as they're clear."
It only means (for me!): you don't have to, your game might be totally worthy for them without art. And: if you are not experienced PLEASE DO NOT DO ANY art. (unless you are Tom Wham).
I am not Tom Wham, but I am not the designer. :)
The designer gives the game, I illustrate it, and then we submit it!
(thanks for your words anyway! :) You know, at least I won't terrify them.)
I hope that Z-man games might reply to this topic...