I've been reading in here over and over and am getting more and more confused....
I have a prototype of a playtested game and am looking into self-publishing. This is my 1st game. I am sure my sales will be meager, but want to give it a shot, anyway. Of course my idea (like everyone else's!!) is the best idea ever....so how do I protect it? Do I need to if I am self publishing? What keeps another company or person from copying my idea and selling it on a larger scale because of their (much) better contacts and sales channels?
And what is the difference in copyright, trademark, and patent - which one applies to board games?
So I guess the thing to do is go ahead and publish it, and list the copyright and year of publication so I can sue the pants off the giant game companies when they steal it. I think I will go the route of the www.copyright.gov since I am in the US. At least then I'll have some protection. The patent sounds unnecessary and the trademark sounds like something I would do if my game becomes the next monopoly (but hopefully people will actually ENJOY my game).
I know in actuality no one will want to steal my game because there just isn't that great a market out there for these nerdy board games all of us geeks love, BUT every once in awhile someone comes up with a settlers or puerto rico, etc. and it would be a darned shame if an underdog amatuer like myself did this and then didn't get any credit (or cash!).