I hear Gencon and Origins are the shows to attend if you want to show off your game to potential publishers. Yet something nobody talks about is exactly how this is done. Do you show up in a suit and tie, and invite people to private demos? Is there an event where people just show off prototypes? It seems to me that many manufacturers would be too busy showing off their own games at the show to take the time fiddle with some designer and his idea. For some of us, taking the time to fly to Columbus or whereever these events are represent a considerable expenditure of time and resources, and while there
Game Shows / Trade Shows?
I hear Gencon and Origins are the shows to attend if you want to show off your game to potential publishers. Yet something nobody talks about is exactly how this is done.
Well, I've gone to GenCon in the past with the intention of schmoozing potential publishers. Although a game can be picked up in this manner, I think it's pretty rare. (I think Looney Labs did something like that with "Fluxx," which was picked up for a first print run by Iron Crown Enterprises.)
However, I wouldn't bank on getting published this way. Frankly, most companies go to those things to sell their games and to get their name out. In fact, this is the first GenCon that I am going to as an exhibitor, not a game-player. (I have mixed emotions about this.) Therefore, I have seen things from both sides of the fence.
The exhibitors are trying to push product, primarily. Not many are really actively looking for new games, which is somewhat sad. Speaking from personal experience as a first-time small game publisher, game ideas are cheap... I've got about a dozen "great ideas" with no money to publish them! ;-)
Me, I did a small print run of 1000, and I'm sharing a booth with another company to help defray costs.
If you stop by my booth (Dogtown Games) at GenCon, I'd be happy to chat with you about it, and give you plenty of my free misguided advice. ;-)
Best of luck,
Scott S.
Good luck showing off Sticky Gulch at Gencon. I hope the printers are able to get it to you in time! It looks like a really fun game!