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Ready to Submit to publishers

8 replies [Last post]
Joined: 11/26/2011

Finallly one of my games is all set to go. I just have to polish the instuction book a bit (and add some graphics for movement explanaitions). Once that is done I'll be sending out submission letters to my favorite publishers.

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time, I've been very busy.

I want to thank everyone on BGDF and BGDF itself for always providing me a place to turn to when I'm in a slump or just want to chat about game design.

I'll post when I've sent out my query letters and whenever I get a response.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Ready to Submit to publishers

Congratulations Krakit!

Can you tell us a little bit about the game or is it one you previously talked about here?

Joined: 11/26/2011
Ready to Submit to publishers

I've never discussed it on the forum, just in chat.

It is kind of a race game, but much more.

If prodded, I'll tell you all about it, otherwise, I'll wait until I start sending out submission letters and give the details then.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Ready to Submit to publishers

Alright, fair enough. Good luck!

Ready to Submit to publishers

hmm, Krakit, I have also been working on a racing / car wars-esque game. If they have any similarity at all, perhaps we could toss some ideas back and forth. If you wanna be a bit "tight-lipped" until you hear back from publishers, I can certainly understand that. Good luck.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Ready to Submit to publishers

Krakit wrote:

If prodded, I'll tell you all about it, otherwise, I'll wait until I start sending out submission letters and give the details then.


Prod, prod...

Joined: 08/03/2008
Ready to Submit to publishers


Congrats on your game! Do keep us informed about the submission process!

One thing you might want to consider, if you haven't already, is to be careful about submitting to more than one publisher at the same time. There was a discussion about this earlier this year; can't recall if it was here, or at BoardGameDesign, but the idea expressed was that some companies will frown very heavily on submissions that have been sent to multiple companies. The reason, obviously, is that companies want to feel like you're submitting your game to them because of some perceived "fit" with their company, some intended benefit to their company. If they think you're just trying to make money/get published/etc, they may not take your submission as seriously. I would check the archives for the full discussion on this.

Good luck!


Ready to Submit to publishers

One thing I've found is that even publishers that don't mind submissions sent out to several companies, will ask for a list of other companies that you've submitted to. This may be for legal reasons, in case they do accept the idea, or it may be for them to check and see if the companies have anything in common or if you were just flooding the market.

Two cents. :)

Joined: 11/26/2011
Ready to Submit to publishers

I had posted a complete discription of my game and found I couldn't sleep. Just not comfortable putting it up on the internet just yet.

Sorry. :oops:


[Edited by FastLearner to clean up deletion request]

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