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What is an average run on a published game?

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I come from a book publishing background, so I know that most books only see 5000 - 7500 sales in their entire lives, with bestsellers considerably more high than that.

The board game market is much smaller than books, so I was wondering if anyone could put a number to what a typical game will sell. Any ideas? Is 2500 too low or too high?

Joined: 04/23/2013
What is an average run on a published game?

The normal thinking is to produce as many games as is economically feasible. I.E. You might only think you can reasonably sell 1000, but it may not be cost effective to produce any less than 5000. The cost difference in producing 1000 compared to 5000 may only be a fraction per unit, so it makes more sense to go ahead and get the higher quantity and hope for the best.

The best thing to do is when you get costs to manufacture, ask for quotes for various quantities; 500,1000,2500, 5000, etc and then make an analysis based upon cost per unit. Another thing to consider is the cost of storing unsold units. Even if they're in your garage, you need to come up with a reasonable cost per month to store them (although that cost might be neglible if stored at your home) and figure that into your cost per unit (take into account how long you think it will be before you sell them all).

Hope this helps.

lewpuls's picture
Joined: 04/04/2009
What is an average run on a published game?

I cannot speak for Euro-style games. For wargames, a print run of 1,000-2,000 seems to be common for the usual publishers. These are numbers I get from the publishers of from people who ought to know.

I was once told that Eagle printed 10,000-40,000, but the informant couldn't understand how they could sell them all. And I don't know where he got the information.

Print runs for wargames were MUCH larger 20 years ago, in that Eagle range, than they usually are now.

Lew Pulsipher

Joined: 12/31/1969
What is an average run on a published game?

Some good numbers from a few years back:

(obviously skip the first chart)

-- Matthew

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