Hello All,
I'm in the process of self-publishing my game Portrayal (http://www.braincog.com/portrayal.html. My wife and I have been working on it for the last few years and have done lots of playtesting (including a couple Mensa games nights, MBA students - so not just friends), also had a third party agency do a market evaluation. I wrote and secured a patent completely on my own (mainly just because I wanted to go through the process), set up the website myself, and am now in the process of getting bids from several printers/manufacturers. I have the resources to do a print run of 3,000 to 5,000 copies initially.
I'm not afraid of the business aspects of self-publishing and running a business, but I recognize that I have absolutely NO contacts in the industry (particularly with retailers and distributors). In my experience in other areas, "who you know" and forming networks has always been a significant contributor to success.
I'm hoping some folks out there might have some suggestions about how best to approach distributors, and when it is customary to do so. What is the process like?
I'd really like to have some pretty solid contacts and options regarding distribution BEFORE I begin production, so as to minimize the amount of time and effort required to get my game into the market once I have finished units.
Also, I've seen some posts about the firm Impressions as a distributor/consolidator, but none from the last year. Do folks still recommend this firm? Any others that people recommend?
Does anyone have games sold through Spilsbury or AreYouGame.com? How do these companies choose products? Figured I'd see if anyone has any experience before I just contacted them myself and sounded too silly.
Outbound yet Perky,