I'm a fairly new kid on the block in here, so I'm curious. Several of you have undoubtedly had one or more games published. So what kind of games have you done? Please fill in your game and the publisher that took it on. Perhaps it is possible to spot people working on the same type of games as yourself.
A BGG link would be nice too. :)
Which games have people in here had published?
Ah, what a great opportunity to shamelessly plug my game Gheos, which will be published by Z-Man Games and which will, hopefully, be ready in time for this year's game fair in Essen.
Currently we are in the process of finishing the art and layout for the game, which is done by Josh Cappel (aka OutsideLime). I must say it looks really great, and I can't wait to hold an actual copy of the game in my hands!
This thread should provide a pretty thorough answer to your question, although it may be a bit out of date.
Oh yes, a very nice thread with which to also shamelessly plug our new game (just arrived from the printers yesterday!) The game is called "Whipped!"
This card game is a game for gamers, about gaming, and other related male-bonding that is headed for extinction when your buddies start having to cancel plans with you because of..... her. In "Whipped!", the object is to defend and solidify your friendships through "bonds" (such as things like Poker Night, Paintball, On-line Gaming, etc.) while sending "Whips" to other players (such as "Walk her Poodle", "A Day at the Kiln" and "Aromatherapy Class"). Last man with a friend on the table is the "winner", or at least the less whipped of the bunch.
Review decks are being sent out. Our website is .... almost ready to go up (It is www.whippedcardgame.com) and we are just about to start this whole process of promoting and selling our game.
This is all so new to the three of us who created this thing, and I am just new to these boards, so I hope you wil bear with me as I get my feet wet here.
Cheers all!
Mark G
double post chopped. Sorry guys.
We've just kicked off our games company The Big Play Ltd.
Our first release is minizoomerz™ - miniature racing on a grand scale. It's a miniature motor racing game where players can create and design their own circuits. It's aimed at 10 years and up.
We've gone the 'print & play' route.
The web site for the game is http://www.minizoomerz.com
Just a quick update here: Our website is up, and you are all MOST welcome to come and take a peek at it.
The URL is www.whippedcardgame.com
Whew... getting the website done is such a relief. We got some outside help on it so that was wonderful.
I am curious also, from those of you guys in the know, how critical is developing the website in terms of getting your game out there...
Thanks a lot!
Hi Stony and fellow publishers. For my sins I am have developed my own family game Evolution and selling it myself www.super-apegames.com. However good a game is, getting it visible to the public (i.e. marketing it ) is the main battle but ( i'm no expert though!) . As a small concern this is isnt easy and I notice even the smaller chains are now asking about national and even TV marketing coverage before they consider stocking a game. Of course if you take a long term view word of mouth is the cheapest and best way forward. I am launching at SPEIL ( essen) in october. From experience of other product areas a website in itself is not the whole answer . Particularly if you are aiming at a volume market. super-ape