Just brainstorming a bit...
Six months ago or so we had the Thursday night chats where the subject of the chat was always a single game. I always thought it was fun to talk and think about how the mechanics a particular game worked (or not) and why and discuss this with others.
Unfortunately, these chats died out, but perhaps we could start a series of dissecting a single game here in the "TiGD" forum. I think this might actually be a better medium to do such a thing than the chatroom.
The format could be the same as the previous "TiGD" series: one person kicks off the thread with an opening post describing the mechanics of the game and everyone can chime in with their thoughts.
Good idea, or no?
- René Wiersma
Personally, I would rather talk about a specific game than a mechanic in general. We already discussed mechanics before in TiGD. I always felt it wasn't really useful to talk about an isolated mechanic without having the greater context of the rest of the game.
For example, there's not a whole lot you can say about tile-laying in general, save for some obvious things. However, when you take a specific game, say Carcassonne, you can talk about the tile laying mechanic in that game and how it interacts with the other resources and the scoring mechanism, which is much more useful, in my opinion.
I do think it is useful to take a specific game and talk about if and how the mechanics and problems we discussed before in this forum show up in that particular game.
Any other opinions?
- René Wiersma