Please tell me if you feel differently. I find that event cards always seem to take away from the fun of a game. All the careful planning, maneuvering, set-up of your future moves, can be totally wasted and why?... Because someone simply flipped a random event card that stated a change will occure in the game. A totally anticlimactic and unsatisfying effect. If you have examples of where you feel event cards are effectively used, post below.
Also, on the same note, does anyone know of a game with modified event cards? Where you can throw your weight one way or the other to have one card picked over another.
Jwarrend asked: Could you give some examples of the games that inspired this thread?
I was recently playing a game of "Friederich", It seems like the odds are really stacked against the Prussians, after the sixth round however event cards start coming into play, which mostly benefit the Prussians. So the strategy seems to be to play defensively, cut your loses until you can take advantage of the event cards. In the game I played the event cards only helped the Prussians very modestly and they got their butt kicked. Some possible events include, entire countries getting taken out of the game (ie. France has another war to fight with England and leaves the fight with Prussia).
This got me thinking about event cards in general. I couldn't think of a game that I like that uses them. To be clear I'm talking about cards that are randomly flipped up from the table, not ones played from your hand.