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CGD1 Brainstorm: Space Exploration

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Now that some core ideas are out, let's spend some time discussing them and pseudo-brainstorming about them.

It would be great if you'd take a moment to at least:

  • Mention something you like about the idea,
  • Mention something that you don't care for or are concerned about regarding the idea, and
  • Put out anything else about the idea you'd like, including any basic implementation ideas.
Please don't go into great detail about how you think such a game would work, trying to refine a bunch of mechanics or anything. Rather please keep it pretty basic. Once we pick one to move forward on then more details would make sense. Note, too, that whatever we go with we can still work on some of the other ideas later, of course.

Here's one of Krosse's thoughts:

Space Exploration- Cards drawn each turn, with planets, or hostile aliens or space anamolies, etc. That the players each must deal with while trying to...explore the most planets? Find the most artifacts?

Joined: 12/31/1969
CGD1 Brainstorm: Space Exploration

I always enjoy a space game and have always wanted to work on one. Exploration games are fun, too, and I've noticed that several of my designs seem to have exploration in them.

Obviously there aren't too many details here yet so I can't think of any negatives. :)

No real additional thoughts but that I think the idea of "red shirts" in Star Trek would be key -- members of the exploration team that are destined to die when the planet is explored. :)

CGD1 Brainstorm: Space Exploration

Starfarers of Catan is a game along the space exploration lines that is decently fun. I like it less than Settlers, but it's enjoyable, and great to play while downing a few brews with some friends... lol, as a matter of fact I don't think I've ever played that game sober...

Ahem, I digress.

I tried designing my own game based on space exploration and whatnot and found I was steering it straight into a masters of orion adaption rather than a unique concept.

Space exploration is a solid theme, and I'm surprised I havn't seen it yet in more board games (Cosmic Encounter being more along the lines of conquest or colonization).

I think what this game needs most is a solid victory condition. Points may be the way to go, earned through discovery and new diplomatic channels opened up by the players, and other accomplishments.

Other than that I'll have to mull it over a bit more. I'd really like to see more games in space though.

CGD1 Brainstorm: Space Exploration

Just a thought on a victory condition which lends to a storyline for the game. The earth is in danger (from an alien race) and you need to get enough "Technology" to save the planet. You could do this by exploring various planets yourself, or by making diplomatic treaties with other alien races.

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