Hello All... As per the "topic", I am seeking to add a "layer" above my existing game. I know this might be a bit complicated to ASK... But I figured I'd TRY before sending P&P copies to various designers. So please let me explain more about the game ... and then maybe someone might have a suggestion.
A> Basic Gameplay
On a turn, the first thing the player does is:
- Draw a card (only 1) from their deck into their hand.
- Next they may "attack" using a card in play (optional).
- Lastly then MUST play one (1) (and only 1) card from their hand into play.
The game is set in a dynamic 5x5 card grid and players must play cards adjacent to another card (N,S,E,W). The Nexus card is played at the very start of the game (and usually has some kind of "scoring bonus").
Each player has a Micro Deck of 12 cards. And therefore there are 12 rounds to every game.
B> "Attacking" and stats involved
When a player choose to attack an opponent's card, he must follow the "Attack Pattern" of his card. Here is a sample card:
This card shows that the card MAY "attack" up-to the Left and Right and Directly Behind. So if this card is place in such a way that either of these three (3) position there is an opposing card, the player may choose to ATTACK his opponent's card.
Next how ATTACK is computed is "tricky":
- (Attacker Power - Defender Power)
- (Attacker Skill - Defender Skill)
- (Attacker Magic - Defender Magic)
Moral Point Adjustment = 1. - 2. x 3.
Now there is an ONLINE "Calculator" at https://www.monsterkeep.com
That's basically all there is (gameplay-wise).
What I am looking for is to add a layer with either:
A> Meeples, acting like "Leaders" for either player.
B> Acrylic Cubes, acting as some kind of "Bonus or Scoring" System.
C> Polyhedral dice, either D12 or D20 (something in this vein).
D> (Your own ideas for an ADDITIONAL gameplay layer)...
I am THINKING something like one of these... But am unsure because currently there are too many possibilities and I'm not sure WHAT I want to ACHIEVE with these "possible" layers.
Does anyone have any IDEAS??? OR think some of mine could be fleshed out a bit?? OR maybe a combination of a couple of these? If you have any questions, feedback, comments and/or ideas, please feel free to respond.
Many thanks for your efforts in understanding my dilemma.
This idea is for an "Alternate Win Condition". Each player starts with ONE (1) D12 (Polyhedral die) at a Value of 1. The goal is to "collect" Acrylic Cubes corresponding to YOUR "color". If you are "Blue", well then the goal is to accumulate "Blue" cubes.
You only have 12 Rounds and at the start there are a limited amount of cards.
Some ideas and issues:
This is JUST ONE (1) IDEA. But it can help in understanding the underlying issue and what I feel needs to be ADDED to the game...