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Designing from a personal pool of mechanism

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I have talked in the past, that in order to design board games, you need to do mechanic searching to find what you need to complete your design, which could take a lot of time if you do not have the mechanics your are looking for.

This is why there was some discussions about making mechanics data bases, to have a better idea of mechanics available, but it was pretty complicated to do since each mechanism can have a lot of tiny variations.

Now, each designer, have it's down preferences, quirks and target design. For example, if I only focus on solitaire and 2 player games, I do not need to know about acting, negotiating and party game mechanism.

So I wandered, what if I could have a personalized list of game mechanism that I can dig in when I need something. I need a combat mechanism, look into the pool for the combat mechanism I have vetted and chose one from the list.

Again, trying to flesh out those mechanism could be complicated considering there are tiny variations. So I thought, why not build geek lists of vetted board games that contains a good amount of mechanism that I would be willing to use. I could put in the description the mechanics that I like and hate to know what to include and exclude.

Making a geeklist should require much less effort and still be useful even if not as precise as a mechanism list.

What are your thoughts?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
You can start with this!

That's a bunch of mechanics and is pretty exhaustive. It even links games that use a specific mechanic.

Best of luck with your Geeklist. I personally don't waste time on things like that in that when I make my games I have the IDEAS FIRST and then figure out what mechanics work for the game I am designing. I usually already HAVE the "core" pre-determined and I need to flesh-out a couple of extra mechanics that I may need to complete the design.

But I use this LIST ... For most projects. It has served me well.


larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
In computer video games, I

In computer video games, I can know for example if an idea can be implemented according to the libraries I have access to. Its easier to know what are the restraints I need to deal with and design a game within those restraints.

The idea of a mechanics list is to have that same notion of what is available to me, in order to know if an idea can be implemented with the mechanics I have. It would make it easier to filter out which project to work on. If I do not have combat mechanism, it's pointless to work on war games.

It could also give the designer a flavor, or a footprint. This designer make those type of games.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Well TBH some mechanics are easier than others

larienna wrote:
...It would make it easier to filter out which project to work on. If I do not have combat mechanism, it's pointless to work on war games...

Each GAME will probably have it's OWN CUSTOM "Combat" Mechanics... As most games are different. But if you have the elements to THREAD COMBAT together ... That will probably reveal if you CAN or CANNOT implement a Combat Mechanic.

What do I mean?

IF you have a routine that rolls a dice on the screen and shows the Winning Face. Well that means you need to conditionally roll "X" dice and each "6" is counted. Much like your AoM thread. That's easy to do ONCE you have the rolling dice mechanic.

Or If you need a coin toss... You need to flip a 3D Coin and land on Heads or Tails. Well then you just need to determine how many Coin Tosses are required and then voila that mechanic is resolved.

Making a CARD GAME (TCG or CCG, etc.) is probably the HARDEST because there are usually multiple actions that can occur with cards. Eg. Perform Action #1 or Perform Action #2 all conditionally based on the player's turn (for example).

I am just comparing with "DuelBotz" and the amount of information and choices available to the players is high ... But I guess you can convert this to a CASE statement with some effort and then take resources left over to account for what choices are still permissible, etc. HARD to implement but possible.

If you use OOP it may be easier to Categorize the Actions as classes. But like I said you can do it procedurally with a big CASE and a controller function which determines what "Actions" can be done when (Pre, During, Post, etc.)

Your AoM Combat Mechanic is pretty SIMPLE TBH: just roll dice and track winning rolls. Do that for both players in the battle. Not all that hard TBH.

Anyhow ... You probably understand that COMBAT MECHANICS will be SPECIFIC to EACH GAME you design & code and as such should not be "core" Game Mechanics that you select from a pool to make your game.


X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Are often designed around the combat mechanic.
I have rarely seen the other way around.

The combat mechanics get more complex as you add in more variables.

That is why a simple combat mechanic like, who rolls the highest. Or who plays the best card. Are easier to design. Yet, can be just as interesting as the higher tier of combat mechanics.

In all honesty, my personal combat mechanics for my boardgames copy RTS in a lot of ways.
If I try to get it into a card mechanic style. I often get stuck.

So a database in regards of card mechanics and combat mechanics. Will peek my interest.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
We all design differently for different "genres" of games!

larienna wrote:
In computer video games, I can know for example if an idea can be implemented according to the libraries I have access to...

In video games ALL is possible. The only limitations are on the amount of time and code required to making the game a reality. That's why some Video Game Designers COPY known games and their mechanics to make their games feel more like something SOLID. Take Lava Potion's "Songs of Conquest" which re-implemented the Combat sequencing from another game. This was in the Designer Diaries before the game was released. I believe it was from HOMM2. Bottom line: the Combat mechanic was BORROWED.

larienna wrote:
The idea of a mechanics list is to have that same notion of what is available to me, in order to know if an idea can be implemented with the mechanics I have...

Even IF you have the mechanic available, in a video game no doubt there will need to be customization. You'll probably NOT be able to just plug & play. So I don't see the purpose of such a list because it's not as "flexible" as the list I provided you (on BGG too) because it's simpler to customize TableTop Game Mechanics than it is say a "Video Game" mechanic.

larienna wrote:
It would make it easier to filter out which project to work on. If I do not have combat mechanism, it's pointless to work on war games...

Like I said before "Combat" mechanics cannot be universal. They are custom to each game you design and develop. As such they are NOT "core" mechanics behind most TableTop Games. Just because you have ONE (1) Combat Mechanic doesn't mean you CAN design a Wargame... It doesn't work like that and you should know better that to suggest something like that.


Also like @X3M says most "Wargames" focus on the Combat Mechanic as the PRIMARY mechanic of the game. And this is probably TRUE to their nature but are also connected to games which are "Combat-Oriented" Games like Gloomhaven and Frosthaven which are strongly focused on "campaign-style" simulations with miniatures and strict Combat Rules. They're not classified as Wargames per se. But the game's playstyle is very close to a wargame. Mostly what you do in those games is progress up a ladder of baddies until you defeat the Boss for a given "scenario".

Therefore those kinds of game RELY A LOT on the Game's Combat Mechanics and they are usually the FOCUS of the game.

So yes Wargames focus on Combat Mechanics HEAVILY and hide the mechanics of the combat system within the strategy of the game. For some it can be a RPS mechanic or a RTS mechanic, etc. Both viable ways to design a Wargame and can sometimes be even used TOGETHER too (Both RPS & RTS).


Having said that. Board & Card Games rely on more that their Combat Mechanics. Not all... My DuelBotz Card Game is heavily focused on Combat too. One of the OFFLINE activities is "Deck Construction" which is figuring out what cards you want to use for you TEAM (yes... It's 2-Player team combat). It is NOT a "Wargame", it is primarily a "Card Game" heavily focused on HOW(?) to defeat your opponent's Deck. In many other ways it is different but that's not my point.

My point is... With Video Games you need to TAILOR "everything". You have to personalize TableTop Game Mechanics TOO... But this is a question of HOW(?) the mechanic impacts the GAME and not what I need to CODE differently for the Mechanic to work. See the difference???

In any event "Wargames" focus on Combat as the MEAT of the game. "Card Games" focus on the interaction between the cards and a game system which introduces varying amounts of strategy. "Video Games" allow you to do anything you want with a LOT of EFFORT. Everything is CUSTOM.


If you don't believe me... I'll re-iterate my example from before.

#1: Rolling Dice = Board Game.

All you need is to defined what kind of dice, how many and the rules governing them. Flexible and not overly-complicated.

#2: Rolling Dice = Video Game.

If you can roll one (1) dice, you need to keep track of results if you want to roll several of that SAME dice. So you need a Dice Array with the results. You also need to program how the computer "understands" the roll: is it a "1" or is it a "3" or is it a "6"... You can do it CHEAP ASS... And use a Random Function. Or you can use a Complex 3D Dice Object and simulate the Rolling and end-result.

When you roll dice in a Video Game... I would expect to see the DICE ROLL on a surface. Otherwise the implementation is pure garbage and way too simple.

#3: Rolling Dice = Wargame.

This is the heart of your Combat Mechanic because you require some kind of Randomness for the Wargame's "Combat Engine" to work. But much closer to the "Card Game", you can flesh out the rules without requiring implementation with regards to ACTUAL ROLLING. You have to simply define the rules in the amount and type of dice to be rolled and how they vary in each situation.


What's my point??? It's something like this:

1: "Card Games" using dice are usually the simplest form of game. They don't require high precision or depend on tactical odds. They are mostly added to offer a certain amount of randomness to a deterministic style of strategy.

2: "Wargames" use dice are middle ground because of how the probabilities affect the outcome of the game. In many instances the "Combat" Mechanic relies heavily on dice in comparison with to-hit tables and other player aids that help players "Do Battle".

3: "Video Games" are the hardest implementation of dice if you want something REALISTIC looking. If you ROLL a dice... I actually WANT TO SEE IT ROLL. Not random number generation (RNG) which is simple. That's why people HATED "Golem Arcana" rolling system and preferred rolling physical dice and to then input the results of those dice rolls.


Bottom line: Those go from simplest dice system to most complicated. But also from least flexible to most flexible. Meaning you can do what you want with a Video Game. "Card Games" are VERY LIMITED and from experience you learn about things that BREAK a game. Take for example "Solforge", one of its downfalls was that there were too many "extra" pieces to divide and sort making tournaments harder to handle.

Why is that important??? Well it seems like most people enjoy Playing in Tournaments and people mostly play Card Games in that setting. Any game which has too many "extra" pieces is going to be harder to play. And have a much shorter lifespan ... If the Tournament experience is not FUN!


I don't want to discourage either of you (@larienna or @X3M). We each seem to be going in diverging paths. Or perhaps our interests are different in that we each seem to prefer different "genres" of games.

I (@questccg) prefer TableTop Games and have many designs around these games.

@larienna seems to want to design Video Games given that he enjoys programming and has experience in that domain. Kudos to you... It's challenging coding everything you need to bring together to make a good Video Game.

@X3M seems to solely focus on Wargames and has various version of his OWN "Wargame" which he plays with people who enjoy that type of game.

No worries ... We are all different. I don't privy anyone in particular ... You are all allowed to post on because it's ALL "Game Related". Well we don't have much people discussing "Video Games" because that's a bit of a stretch for a "TableTop" Gaming Forum. But still it is acceptable to discuss such matters in your BLOGs as these are your own efforts in "Game Design" the true nature of the process of making games.

Cheers all!

Note #1: And it's not as if we are DEBUGGING CODE in the forum. Or discussion implementation details regarding "software". So when the talk is sufficiently generic enough... Discussing Video Games and what some of you want to do ... Is 100% acceptable. As long as it borders on "Game Design" why not?!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I was not implying video or

I was not implying video or board games for this thread. In fact it might be more suitable to board game design. Of course, there are tons of variation to certain mechanics, many can come up later with playtesting.

The objective is always to be able to come up with a playable prototype without hitting any walls, so that you can start working on the game design.

Designing a variant, gives that experience because I have a playable game and try to modify it. But what If I want to reproduce this experience to new games.

Assembling new games, by combining stuff that exists to quickly reach the playable prototype phase could be an interesting solution. Then, from there, you can start working on crafting a new game.

Mechanism searching is tedious, and it has a lot of possibilities. If I could use instead a restricted pool of mechanics I like and intend to use, it could make the creation of that playable prototype much faster. It allows putting time at the right place.

Also, scavenging components from those games can make it easier to build a prototype.

It reminds me of that toy play approach, but this is different. You play as a toy in hope that some new mechanism will appear from the experience. The solution I am proposing above only reuse what exists.

Example of game design: I would Like to make a solitaire game like Star Trek Deep space nine, where you manage a space station, and can have battles once a while.

  • Puerto rico or Age of Mythology could be used for building construction and resource management.
  • The action system will require a worker placement game to strength the star trek theme of every character in different suit colors for every job.
  • Then I need a combat system in space, multiple options are available: Star wards rebellion and Axis and Allies uneven binomial system, Eclipse also have an interesting ship design system that can be used to build station defenses.

By reusing stuff that exists, I get a player prototype faster, reaching the phase that is more interesting to work on, and not loosing too much time on prototype components that will be thrown away after a failed playtest.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
This is just me but...

I tend to "explore" Mechanics and create games with different "core" experiences. As such my games are all VERY "different" from one another. Changing the "core" Mechanics has a deep impact on how the game plays and how other Mechanics can be used together to make a cohesive unit.

So let me explain:


Focuses on Deck-Building but also includes Hand Management, Take-That, Dice Rolling, Action Pool, and Asymmetric Powers.

Quest Adventure Cards

Focuses on Set Collection but also includes Hand Management and Take-That.

Crystal Heroes

Focuses on Tile Laying and Area Control but also includes Dice Rolling, Push-Your-Luck, Action Points, Action Pool, and Tic-Tac-Toe.


Focuses on Deck Construction but also includes STAT Management, Dice Rolling, Coin Tossing, Action Points, Card Abilities, and STAT Combinations.

These are four (4) examples of Mechanics sets which have produced very unique games that are different from one another. As such the gaming experience is very different with each game. None of them remotely feel like they have been designed by the SAME Game Designer because I actually make a conscientious effort to VARY my "core" Mechanics.

Granted there are a lot of CARDS in these games ... I have always been interested in Card Games and even thought these game are mostly Card-Oriented, they are still very distinct.

But that's just me... I like to come up with NEW concepts that are different from my other games. That's why I RETIRED "Monster Keep" (MK) because it was a Deck Construction game with AI Art. I said NO to this design because DuelBotz does a much better job at a similar "core" (even if the games are DIFFERENT) and I wanted to have something more unique when it comes to my games.

Lastly how does this compare and what does it have to do with your post???

Well take for example a secondary mechanic like "Hand Management". It is present in a few of my designs but it is not IDENTICAL in each Game. Yes you many have a HAND but the rules governing how that hand "operates" is different.

So even if you PLAN a "list" to re-use Mechanics ... It is HIGHLY probable that the Mechanics are different and TAILORED to each game meaning that you CANNOT use them "out-of-the-box" without the need to customize them for each game that you create. I've never seen a Mechanic you just PLUG-IN and voila... It works. Usually it takes some form of scheming and such...

Let me know what you think...!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

I think I see the general problem here.

Take for example dice mechanics.

There are sooooo many of them. How to sort them?
Where to start?

Perhaps just start. And see how they can be sorted in the first place.

Each dice mechanic can be described.


Roll 3 dice.
Calculate the sum for result.

Roll 3 dice.
Calculate the sum of the 2 highest numbers for result.

Roll 3 dice.
Take the highest number for result.

Roll 3 dice.
Take the lowest number for result.

Roll 3 dice.
Calculate the sum of the 2 lowest numbers for result.

Here you can see 5 versions of a die roll of 3 dice.
How to classify these?

We got the roll of 3 dice.
We got the calculation of a sum.
We don't always have this calculation of a sum.
We got to pick the lowest numbers.
We got to pick the highest numbers.
In short, we get to pick.

So, classifications could be:
- Roll dice
- 3
- Calculate sum
- Pick;
-- Highest
-- Lowest
-- 2

As you can see, if you ignore the first 2 classifications. You got just as many classifications as there are mechanics described.
In a sense, I think that you better gather the description of a mechanic.
Then simply have a search engine looking for the words.

A mini google if you will. Or just in word, will work just as fine.

Just describe the mechanic. And then use ctrl F, if you want to find it back.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Of course, in Word one could

Of course, in Word one could get back many results.
Perhaps building this in Excel would be better.

There are ways. Although, it costs a lot of work.
- The mechanic described.
- A list of words that get a score of 1, 2, 4, 8 etc.
- A list of the same words that get a same score, but these are tickboxes. Thus the search engine in the top if you will.
- If a search option aligns. Only these scores are counted.
- Each mechanic will have a unique score. As soon as you have 2 similar mechanics with 1 difference. Then this difference should be named.
- The sheet returns the location of the first described mechanic. Better yet, you can even have the sheet simply copy that described mechanic.

As for the 1, 2, 4, 8 etc.
If you take a sum of these. You always end up with an unique score. Because every new item will give a double score compared to the previous one.

na - Roll 3 dice
1 - Calculating the sum
na - Picking # dice
2 - Highest #(=1)
4 - Lowest #(=1)
8 - #=2

The 5 mechanics described so far have the scores:

Calculate the sum for result.

Calculate the sum of the 2 highest numbers for result.

Take the highest number for result.

Take the lowest number for result.

Calculate the sum of the 2 lowest numbers for result.

As you can see, there will be gaps too.
1+2 is not possible here.
Maybe the sum could be regarding to something else, once you build up your database.
And highest could also be regarding to something else.
For example:
Take the sum of the attack of a force. Subtract the highest of the defense of # dice roll.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Let me clarify a bit...

questccg wrote:
Crystal Heroes

Focuses on Tile Laying and Area Control but also includes Dice Rolling, Push-Your-Luck, Action Points, Action Pool, and Tic-Tac-Toe.

I know I said "Tic-Tac-Toe" as a Mechanic and it IS! So you try to score 1 Victory Point by matching Gems on a "Tic-Tac-Toe" Grid. For the alternate Victory, you also can match 2 sets of matching Gems (by placing the middle gem last rather than 1st).


So even a "dumb game" can be used as a Mechanic with enough thought and some effort that had to be put into it.

Cheers @larienna.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
This is why listing mechanics

This is why listing mechanics does not work, there is too many of them, with too many variations. I expect variations to get carved as the game design progress.

On the other hand, listing reference games that could be used to look into for mechanics is much more feasible. You can still get in the exhaustive listing problems, for example, list all games with the axis and allies combat mechanics.

Personally, I would list games where 50%+ of the mechanics are worth being used in my design style. With a short list for each game.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Maybe I'm dumb or something...?

How is your list DIFFERENT than the BGG Mechanics list??? I mean you say you want to list mechanics and then for each mechanic have a list of example games that use it. Right??? Did I miss something?!

Because that is exactly what the BGG Mechanics list ALREADY does.

Sorry I'm not understanding what would be different.

From my understanding is... That you choose a Mechanic that interests you... You read it's description and figure is this something that interest you in adding to your game and then you watch video of some of the games listed to see that Mechanic in-action. Or how it has been "bastardized" (for lack of a better word) for a specific implementation.

Can you explain what I do not understand???

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Organize the games? Or objects?

Perhaps you need to find a new way for organizing mechanics?

What if you start with 1 object. For example, the cards and their information.

For every game that you own. You could see, which games use cards that provide information.

What kind of information?

What will the player do with the information?

Is the information known to 1 or more/all players?
At what time?

The same can be done for dice.

MtG: A d20 is used to track the players health.
Risk: 3 red d6 and 2 blue d6 are used for a combat roll.
Then describe every part of it.
Warhammer: ...?
Monopoly: 2 d6 are used for a roll for distance. If the player rolls double eyes, the player may roll again. If the player rolls double eyes, 3 times in a row. The player has to go to prison (on the board).

So, 2 keywords to begin with. Cards, Dice
But instead of a mechanic. You could have these in the level, objects.
Then the keywords that are linked to these can be:
A number of objects.
Perhaps per player.

IDK what else I could suggest. But I really think, you need to start somewhere. And build up.
Keywords are really only usefull if you want to track the differences.
Of course, also in relation to other mechanics/objects.
2d6 and 2d6 can be completely different in usage. Where the first 2d6 is for that Monopoly game. And the other 2d6 are the 2 blue dice for Risk.

Also...colour is a keyword.
Coloured dice are certainly different than just...dice.

Here is another idea. If you own Monopoly and Risk.
Start with those 2 games.
Pick an object that they share.
Then list all differences.
Every set of differences are 2 keywords.
And if one of the 2 games has extra mechanics, than these are keywords too, compared to the "nothing" of the other game.

For which, coloured dice versus .... normal dice?

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I think, the mechanics list

I think, the mechanics list on BGG is indeed a good start, but it is either too broad or too abstract. If you select a mechanism from a game, you have a concrete example, and borrowing for building an early prototype might be easier.

Another thing I though this morning, is that each game idea you have could have it's own list of reference game. Or each category of games you want to make could draw from the same pool.

For example, mechanics for a war game would be way different than mechanics for an investigation game. Only combat is common between both ideas.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I believe this is WHAT you WANT?! Correct me if I am WRONG!

larienna wrote:
I think, the mechanics list on BGG is indeed a good start, but it is either too broad or too abstract...

Well maybe there should be another LAYER between the MECHANIC, VARIANTS and GAMES?!

TOO BROAD is GOOD. You don't want to limit yourself when looking for mechanics. However I agree that some are also a bit too abstract. But again this is LEVEL #1. How about LEVEL #2 is a TABLE with VARIANTS only no games. And then from each VARIANT a list of GAMES similar to the VARIANT.

larienna wrote:
Another thing I though this morning, is that each game idea you have could have it's own list of reference game. Or each category of games you want to make could draw from the same pool.

You know this is a BAD idea. Trying to copy a GAME and how it operates is the opposite of the MECHANICS table or reference. Sure if you are creating a VARIANT for some game well you can use their mechanics and alter them a bit ... but in now way is that normally good for making normal games by designing.

So maybe all you need is a 3-LEVEL Reference:

  • Level #1: List only the Mechanic by name (Table #1)
  • Level #2: Describe the nature of the Mechanic (abstract or not) and list a table with VARIANTS (Table #2) with descriptions of each VARIANT explaining how it is different (not sure what columns you need...) But yeah something like that.
  • Level #3: From a VARIANT describe the nature of the SPECIFIC Mechanic (concrete) and list a table with GAMES (Table #3) with the similar uses.

That may all that you need TBH IMHO. Another LEVEL that allows you to move from ABSTRACT Mechanic to VARIANTS to a list of SAMPLES (which are specific implementation of the SAME VARIANT).

That could be very useful actually. But I would never find the time to create such a LIST TBH. I guess a Geeklist could be possible. Not 100% sure because I am not aware of BGG and how their site works. I mean yeah I know they have forums and lists and games, etc. I'm not sure TECHINICALLY if you could chain 3 LEVELS together or not and what that might be in terms of effort.

Let me know what you think?! I hope all goes well and that you figure out what works best for YOU. Again this is only a suggestion, you can do with it as you like: ignore, use, adapt, etc. Whatever your heart desired.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Something to consider

questccg wrote:
...I guess a Geeklist could be possible. Not 100% sure because I am not aware of BGG and how their site works. I mean yeah I know they have forums and lists and games, etc. I'm not sure TECHINICALLY if you could chain 3 LEVELS together or not and what that might be in terms of effort...

Maybe you could add is to LARIENNA'S LIBRARY???

No offense but I don't like BGG much. Lots of the people are rude and obnoxious. Often with a bad sense of entitlement. I see some people with badges of like 500 contests they've been in... And that makes me wonder why or not are they still into designing games. Perhaps like everyone else... It is not easy to make it as a "Game Designer" or this is only a Hobby for them... Or they like problems and assignments with restrictions and rules to follow. I don't and I don't like contests.

Anyways IF you PUBLISH it on LARIENNA'S LIBRARY ... I can give you a FREE 2-Slot LIFETIME Banner. So it will allow people who visit this site to link to your website. Trust me this is good because LAST MONTH we got over 50,000 unique visitors to the website.

Having a BANNER (and FREE of course) I LIKE the idea and I could support such an activity and offer your FREE ADVERTISING on I do this every now and then. The Banner ads are not what they used to be in the 90s... But that doesn't really matter. Once the Banner is seen ... People will check out your website and you will have a LINK/URL to your own website which is GOOD TOO!

What do you think? Could you make this list on your OWN WEBSITE???

Not saying you can't use TOM VASAL Videos or BGG Game Links... Just saying you HOST the list on your WEBSITE and not over at BGG...


Note #1: Perhaps instead of linking to the GAME's BGG page, you focus on a Video Review (like Tom Vasal, Rodney Smith, or Lance Mixter, etc.) This way people can see how that game PLAYS and understand how the mechanic works in this scenario.

This IMHO would make the LIST much better and consolidate some of the searching for Videos and Rules as a COHESIVE unit. It would ensure that the readers (or Game Designers) get a good look at how those mechanics are involved in the game.

Review videos are usually like 5-minutes long (except stuff from Radho and sometimes Rodney's are a bit long too...) and you can walk away with some FRESH new ideas given that you spent some time investigating that mechanic.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Thanks for the ad offer,

Thanks for the ad offer, right now I don't have anything interesting to advertise, maybe in the future.

I love BGG, in fact the community there is one of the least toxic that I found online so far.


In a nutshell, figuratively, I need lego blocks available in front of me, on my table, ready to be used, to build a game.

I do not want to search for blocks around the house, or try to find new blocks at the store. I don't want to start making my own blocks, I want to use what is on the table.

Once I have assembled my blocks, I could make some touch up by carving a few custom blocks or polishing some of them.

Certain lego set could be more suitable to make certain constructions. A pirate set might be more geared at making ships than a medieval set.

This is an abstract way of of illustrating the problem.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Best of luck playing with your Legos...

Somehow I don't think that playing Legos is the same as "Game Design". The two are irrevocably different tasks. It's like plug and play PC Hardware. Sometimes you need to PLUG and PRAY. I honestly don't think that the malleability of Mechanics is sufficiently fluid enough for this to be an approach.

I don't design games in that manner either ... So I can't help continue this discussion with any additional ideas.

As far as HOSTING the "Mechanics" Listing ... The Banner would be specifically for that. If you want to advertise other specifics of your website and want to have a banner, let me know. Just remember that the FREE offer was for a hosted version of the "Mechanics". In my book, it's like anywhere ELSE than BGG.

Like you said they didn't reach the funding goals and their community in my experience is very toxic. I don't like it. Not for me... Enough said!

Good luck with your Lego experiment, I hope it goes the way you want it to...


larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Ha! Ha! I like your plug and

Ha! Ha! I like your plug and pray analogy. You plug 2 mechanics together and you pray to get a working game. Very good analogy.

This morning, I had some thoughts of how I could convert my Fallen Kingdoms board game as a roman empire style solitaire game. I tried to repurpose the mechanism in Fallen kingdoms for the new theme and so far it could work.

I would also borrow some AI mechanism from "Wizard's quest`". The 2D6 random event, and the orc mechanism was very clever.

Way much easier to design when you have something to base yourself on. It also makes it very quick to prototype, I can just reuse my fallen kingdom game for initial play testing.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
As far as re-using a game to make a new one...

I also did this with "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" (Quest_AC). I realized that the market for the game was not utilized and therefore created a BETTER version of the game which is a "Card Game" of 70 Cards and features 7 Distinct Quests. It's actually very clever since it is going in the opposite direction of CCGs, TCGs and ECGs. It's just a COMPACT "Card Game" for kids to enjoy!

But again without investing much time in selling the GAME, there has been little movement in the MARKET for a "second time". I got a couple of good reviews from kids who enjoyed the game and parents who also said the game was good for their children.

That being said, I have NOT SOLD my twenty (20) pre-release copies of the game and they are a bit just "sitting there" as I was awaiting the rulesheets. Now that I have the rulesheets, I can maybe approach some store owners even though the game will be made at a LOSS. The wholesale price should be $15 CAD and sold at retail for $25 CAD. I should sell the game for $10 CAD and make about $5 CAD per game sold. Nothing to write home about TBH.

But the pre-release copies cost me $30 CAD to make and so I would be taking a LOSS if I sold them to stores. TBH... I don't mind. I will ship some samples to a Quebec Blogger and drop-off a copy at a friend's home and then be left with 18 copies... WTF am I going to do with 18 pre-release copies??? It cost me around $375 USD for all 20 copies including shipping and such. This means about $25 CAD per copy. So selling to stores would mean a LOSS in terms of $10 CAD per copy.

And I realized that my rulesheets still have one (1) FRENCH error (typo) and that to correct this would cost an additional $35 USD. And so we'll see... One step at a time... I am interested in fixing the error and moving forwards from there on. TBD.

We shall see how things move forwards. Maybe I can make a TOURNAMENT with kids and charge like $10 CAD per person. IDK ... This could be a possibility TBH. I of course need to fix the rulesheets and see if there could be a PLACE for the venue... And I am aware of some "cafes" that are trying to include games in their shops for the kids to play as they enjoy a beverage. TBD ... I could maybe make some sales there too... Another possibility. I could sell the game at $20 CAD to those "cafes" and take a bit of a loss on that inventory too.

Could be of interest TBH. Good for the "cafe", good for the kids and good for me too... As I recover a bit of my investment. Again TBD.

But yeah me too... I'm recycling Quest_AC to try to make "something" off of the time invested in making the ART and original product and then the opportunity to sell some copies of the game to "some kind" of stores...

So the breakdown is a bit like this:

  • 1 for the Game Board Blogger
  • 1 for a friend of mine who wants a compact game
  • 5 for a tournament
  • 3 for "cafes" that specialize in games for people
  • 1 for a Distributor
  • 1 for a Publisher (I've sent them 2 emails so far...)
  • 1 for a Game Store (as a promo copy)

That leaves me with 7 copies... Not too bad. If the "cafes" like the game. With the tournaments, I would need to find a few prizes too... TBD.

Anyhow the idea is to SELL for the tournament and to the "cafes". Anyways... This is probably a good start and see how many ppl turn me down. At least I put my best foot forwards and ask if ppl are interested in TRYING the game.

This at least gives me the OPTION to TRY and SEE if I can MAKE some sales...

TBD... I will edit the rulesheet this week and get new copies ASAP so this can all start during the month of March or April (tentatively). We'll have to wait and see. This is of course the WORST part of making games: trying to SELL them!

Everything is fine with Promotional Content (FREE copies) but the tournaments are another matter ... 5 Promo copies is okay. It's about getting the word out about the GAME and try to see IF I have sufficiently good SALES skills. IDK. It kinda bothers me... I don't particularly LIKE "pushing" for sales meaning that try to get ppl who are NOT interested to participate (or worst BUY)!

Anyhow we'll have to WAIT and SEE. Time will tell.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Building Blocks

larienna wrote:
Ha! Ha! I like your plug and pray analogy. You plug 2 mechanics together and you pray to get a working game. Very good analogy.

It's also VERY TRUE too. I mean putting together mechanics is a tricky type of way of making games. I normally reserve the idea for going through the list of mechanics and seeing what "could" work. And then I playtest the "newer" version with the new mechanics and see how that goes.

larienna wrote:
This morning, I had some thoughts of how I could convert my Fallen Kingdoms board game as a roman empire style solitaire game. I tried to repurpose the mechanism in Fallen kingdoms for the new theme and so far it could work.

I've never played your original game... But if you could introduce some AoM Combat RPS-3 Mechanics with your OWN units and used those NEAT Player Boards... That could definitely INJECT some new kind of style of play. I'm saying this because I thought those Player Boards came WITH the GAME! So you did a super good job with them.

larienna wrote:
I would also borrow some AI mechanism from ...

Too much borrowing will result in a PLUG and PRAY situation. In this case, with more mechanics being borrowed may result in a broken game or a prototype that is non-functional. Be careful!

larienna wrote:
Way much easier to design when you have something to base yourself on. It also makes it very quick to prototype, I can just reuse my fallen kingdom game for initial play testing.

Yes Quest_AC was exactly the same for me.


But I'm running into the SAME problem: how to SELL that game. One of my tournament ideas is a no-go because it would mean that everyone would want to do the same thing and it is believed that in this case, NOBODY would be permitted.

Also the venue would force me to provide the Games for FREE. So even in a tournament setting, I cannot make ANY money back from the promotional copies. Which sucks sh!t because I want to get back some of my seed money (I've spent about $600 CAD in total) and I'm in the hole for that amount.

That's the REAL problem with Game Design: it's a waste of ones own money. A very expensive Hobby as some would say ... And all because people don't want other people to offer their game as a title that could be suited for children aged 10+.

Don't get me wrong... I could make the Tournament FREE. But then I stand to lose AGAIN. So the first Quest was a failure because nobody really bought the game and now AGAIN the Reboot stands to be a 2nd failure because nobody is going to buy.

That's exactly what I hate about Game Design. Most people say it's a Hobby of theirs. But what is the point of making games at a LOSS??? I'm already like $20,000 CAD in the hole from my first Quest Game ($5,000 ART, $5,000 Packaging and $10,000 for production). That was a complete loss for my Company as it was my first project. TradeWorlds broke even (I made $0.00 after 7 long years). And Quest_AC the Reboot has so far cost me about $600 CAD.

So even if I making better products with lower costs. I'm still in the hole about $20k CAD. So finding a way to make it in the Market is a BIG challenge. It's really what I dislike about the market TBH.

IDK anymore. There is little to no-way to get traction in this market!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Personally, I think you are

Personally, I think you are thinking too much about the money. Design a game, not a money printer. Money in indie game design should be a bonus if your are lucky, it should not be the primary goal.

The goal is protorushing, so borrowing mecanism helps. I do not worry about cleverness and unique design, because working with that playable proto will bring some changes and modification making it eventually unique and more modern.

For the FK solo game, I was thinking of an Roman like antiquity game. There could be different types of units, but not that many. FK had no unique units. The special stuff was brought to the game with new technologies. I was thinking of maybe having off board ships used in Eclipse colony ship to limit the amount of navigation while not necessarily making it an on board unit.

I Just saw gladiator 2 (an average movie if you ignore the anachronism), from what I could see, unit types would be at most: Infantry, archery, catapult, ships. I am not sure I have seen any cavalry. This is why different unit types is not a necessity. I would rather have technology cards that abstract that.

Still like that Plug and pray naming, I'll name this game design concept this way from now on.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I am sorry to challenge you

I am sorry to challenge you again with the monetary aspect of board game design:

Try to name me a few, freelancing or self publishing board game designer that made a living out of their game design. Exclude employed game designers (like Corey Konieczka).

Not sure if Reiner Knizia is employed, he made games with different publishers, it could be the only one I an think of that did made a living.

Lewis Pulsipher which is on this forum could tell you if he ever made a living at one point in his life from his game design.

Ryan Laukat, the designer of Ancient World and 8 minute empire, is also artist for all his game, so the production cost should be low. Ask him on BGG if he is actually making a living out of his games who are commercial successes.

Even in the video game world, there is few people actually making a living out of their games. Those who succeed have to make enormous sacrifices. Read "Blood Sweat And Pixels" by Jason Schreier to learn about those horror stories.

The only one I can see, who does make a lot of money, especially in the mobile world, are scammers. Which means they make addictive schemes, to take advantage of people who have addiction disorder, with loot boxes and other schemes. See South Park episode "Freemium is not free" for more information (its strangely well documented).

Do you want to be a scammer? If you do not mind, it could be a path to make money out of game design. Still, it might work better on mobile than physical board game.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
No scamming / spamming please...

I'm not trying to make addictive games which force players to spend a lot of money just to get one (1) card per pack that has any value. That's not my business model and never has been. But "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" (Quest_AC) was born on the concept of 10 Fixed Booster Packs. I made 100,000 cards and 10,000 booster packs and spent about ~$20k CAD all-in.

But I realized soon after production that there was NOBODY to BUY these Boosters! I mean I thought I'd go to a Distributor, negotiate a deal and have them sell my entire Stock. Didn't quite go that way and I was stuck with 10 Boxes of 1,000 Booster Packs each.

Yes I sold some trivial amount of packs like 100 or so but no where near the 10,000 mark that I had produced.

My Father was a good salesman but he told me: "Go back to programming you'll never make any money with Board Games..." And I was disappointed because this was something that I WANTED to continue and grow with as a business. Anyhow, I realize now that because of some "mistakes" the game COULD have sold. But that was a long time ago and my Father has since died (in 2018 - RIP).

So imagine me TODAY: a Game Designer with over a DOZEN projects all in different states and queue of games just waiting to be completed and yet they are not 100% done... And me learning that there is no REAL possibility for Game Design to sustain me "financially"! It's heartbreaking...!

Now I have a passion for an expensive Hobby that will never make me any real money. You say that I focus on "money" ... That is not true. I have a bunch of design and LOVE designing games. I just would hope that I can make SOME MONEY (somehow) in order to cover the rent, internet, phone and grocery bills...! I can't live on no income for ever.

You see it as FOCUSING on MONEY. I see it as TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW to make any MONEY! You see it's ANOTHER type of problem. You're having a hard time putting mechanics together, I have a couple 100% done games and I'm trying to figure out how to SELL them. Because at some point when the design is done, unless you expect to make $0.00 and consider it an "expensive" HOBBY... The NEXT stage is SALES.

How? That IDK. I've never been a salesman in my life... I was a programmer followed by a consultant and I worked with various teams in my life. And in each business I worked for... There WAS A "SALES" Team. So even with Game Design... you need a person that is willing and capable of SELLING. I know, I am NOT that person... Unfortunately people see me and think I am 20 and I'm really 50... They figure: "No way we're giving any business to a kid..." And that is SAD and so I've tried three (3) e-mails with a local Board Game publisher who is really close by (in LaSalle) and no response.

I could visit the office... But then as my Family points out: "You may appear TOO DESPERATE..." Since they have not replied to any of my e-mails.

So IDK anymore. I contacted a Blogger by some impossible means (again by e-mail) and we'll see if she responds to my inquiry. I'm probably looking for someone who is in their 50s and is a go-getter with regards to pitching games and products. TBD. I'm still in the process of trying to figure things out.

To date, the results have NOT been encouraging TBH.

Enough said.

Note #1: And a bit of a full circle. If you have a hobby which is Wood-Working and you make Wooden Chairs and Tables, etc. You can do that for YOURSELF as a way to make things you like and enjoy. But in games, you can't say you DESIGN for "Yourself". I am biased and see things like Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Catan, Pandemic, etc. All very popular products and I would think to myself: "Maybe I can make a cool and fun game too?!?!"

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

With one of my games (Tentative DuelBotz) I am working on making a "Trading Card Game" (TCG) which means that there will be LIMITED "Card Pool" out-there and that the players can connect with each other to establish TRADES for the cards they want to have. Do I think ALL players will want the SAME "Cards"???

No in general I picture two (2) types of people:

#1> Collectors: who want to have ALL the cards in a set.

These Collectors will make favorable trades in return for the cards that they are missing for their collection. As such multi-card deals are possible for only one card especially when trading with a Gamer.

#2> Gamers: who want to collect the strongest possible set.

The Gamers have a different ANGLE in that they don't necessarily CARE about the having ALL of the cards in a set. Instead they focus on Decks of cards which are the strongest or most lethal forces available at a given point in time for a collection. Gamers can make multi-card deals too but usually they collect the cards RIGHT FOR THEM. And as such make TRADING more easy than a collector.


Having said this (that I will limit the supply of cards), I come to the conclusion that setting up a Discord Server to handle Trades is a POSSIBILITY but I'm not sure that I want to do this. Perhaps a specialized CHAT moderated by myself might be more in-tune with my aspirations for this Card Game... TBD!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Quote:My Father was a good

My Father was a good salesman but he told me: "Go back to programming you'll never make any money with Board Games..."

You should listen to your father, I agree with him.

I also said in the past, collectible games are out of reach for indie development. Only design stand alone games.

There is nothing wrong in making card games, but sell a complete game in a box. Take a look at Star Realms. There is a few stand alone playable game and some small expansion packs, but no collectability.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

A game.

Perhaps for mobile.

Who knows how much money you can rack in with a commercials for rewards system.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Time is running out...

larienna wrote:
You should listen to your father, I agree with him.

That is SAD and disheartening, It's funny I know ppl (Family) who are good at sales and never has anyone suggested HELPING ME learn HOW to sell or what I need to be better at it. I mean if there is an approach to selling, my Father could have taught me about it... He didn't really want to help. He took me to one place called "Quecan Distribution" and I made a mistake: I brought my Binder of Cards instead of a few Booster Packs. The owner told me (given that I had a Binder) that I should pitch the idea to Upper Deck. Mistake I don't think he understood I already HAD and PRODUCED 10,000 Booster Packs. My loss, my Father is dead and I'm sure Quecan has either been passed down to a newer generation or the business was sold to new owners.

larienna wrote:
I also said in the past, collectible games are out of reach for indie development. Only design stand alone games.

I am well aware of this fact. Yes everyone says make a "stand alone game". But TBH the store owners I've met and discussed matters with are 50/50. What do I mean? Well one owner (Chez Geeks) makes most of their money on Tournaments. Like Union Arena and people pay like $35 CAD for 6 or 7 Booster Packs and play to Win a Tournament Prize Card (it's embossed with Gold lettering and says contestant or winner). Those Winning Prize Cards go upwards of $300 CAD on eBay. Furthermore that store owner says they make most of their money on CARD GAMES and tournaments: MtG Commander, Union Arena, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh! all those games make more money for the store that ANY board game.

For Board Games he tells me People BUY them and go home to play with Friends & Family. There is little additional money to be made with Board Games.

This is in contrast to "Le Valet" which told me that they prefer selling Board Games because when a Game is sold... The Box is sold and immediately they make a profit. MtG and other Card Games are bothersome because they don't start to make ANY MONEY unless 60% of a Booster Box is SOLD. So while the last 40% is pure profit... Sometimes they don't sell out an Edition and are left with extra Booster Packs.

But that store HATES the Booster Pack Model because they claim it only helps the people selling the Booster Boxes (ie. The Publishing Companies).

larienna wrote:
There is nothing wrong in making card games, but sell a complete game in a box. Take a look at Star Realms. There is a few stand alone playable game and some small expansion packs, but no collectability.

Right now I am trying to focus on SELLING "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" (Quest_AC). Quest_AC is a standalone game for kids aged 9+ and comes in a compact format of a "Tuck Box" with 70 Cards and a rulesheet. It features seven (7) unique Quests for players to set collect during a game. It is made for 2-Players and allows for 3 or 4-Players given a second (2nd) "Tuck Box" of 70 Cards. It's a great game for kids and feels a bit like a traditional game of "Gin Rummy" with the addition of "Take-That" cards which consist of 50% of the Deck. So there is more "spice" to the game in that you play cards against your opponent(s).

The GOAL is maybe to PARTNER with someone who knows HOW(?) to SELL and see IF they can help me make an order for 500 or 1,000 games. Like I want to make a SALE for the TOTAL AMOUNT of the game. And maybe have an advance of 25% (or 125 to 250 games) which would amount to $1,250 to $2,500 in a cash advance. The rest would be paid as stock gets sold. A small advance is not unreasonable I have been reading a lot about SALES in Board & Card Games... This is a reasonable ASK and the warehouse could house the 500 to 1,000 games and report every 3 to 4 months based on how sales have been until the inventory is liquidated.

I'll be HONEST: I'd only make $5,000 CAD on such an order.

Which in TRUTH only pays for the ART that was produced. But it's something and it's also something DONE and completed. So making that $5,000 CAD is VERY important to me...

I'd like to do a bit like "Star Realms" in that I would offer two (2) EXPANSION Booster Packs which are NOT RANDOM. They are EXTRA CARDS that would go along with the "core" Game and are FIXED. It's like selling the "Tuck Box" and buying a couple packs extras for expansion. If I made that $5,000 CAD (on 1,000 units) I would commission more are art and make the TWO (2) EXTRA booster packs.

But ATM financially this is NOT possible. Financially I'm a bit in a bind with little money left over in the company. TBH I've probably got about $2,500 CAD in left over company money. That's it.

Personally too... I am hurting bad in that my savings are almost done too. I've live 15 years with no income and so all the money that I had put aside for a Condo is almost all gone.

It just works out that I have four (4) Products almost ready for SALE... So NOW the BIG PUSH is to get those products to market and make some money from all the work I've been doing over the last 10-Years.

I know the situation seems dire... It well ... IS. But I am hopeful that God has a Plan for me and that something will work it's way. I mean I design from Heavenly Inspiration my creativity comes from God and the way he wired my brain. So if I am getting all these IDEAS and I am FOLLOWING through... It's not like I get an idea, do it and forget it. NO... I actually go through all steps and have 4 to 5 products at various stages of DEVELOPMENT. Not DESIGN.

So we'll have to wait and see... I am still hopeful ... But time is running out TBH.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
The only MISSING "Steps" are all...

SALES related! Meaning that most of the four (4) or five (5) products are nearly done... Most missing a finalized "Rulebook". So the reality is that the products themselves are ALMOST all fully developed. Granted I have not done any Blind Playtesting but I have done some group play sessions with a couple products other don't need playtesting per se (like my Dice) they just need a "Rulebook" or "Guide" to understand what is possible with that specific Product.

I have two (2) Game Expansions that are nearly complete. One is done except the "Rulebook" has not been made but I've playtested that game expansion and it was cool (on a couple of occasions). The other one needs more development... Further playtesting and finalizing the box (Backside). But it's also in a very ADVANCED state.

So to LIST what is ALMOST ready to needs more development here is my list:

1: Quest Adventure Cards(tm) = 100% Done

2: Dual Dice = 90% Done missing Guidebook

3: Prospector (Expansion for Splendor) = 90% Done missing Rulebook

4: Crystal Heroes = 85% Done Rulebook needs editing and some more playtesting

5: Smugglers Run (Expansion for TW) = 75% Done missing Rulebook and needs more playtesting

That's all in various stages of DEVELOPMENT... So this SALES "thingy" is real and not some dream. I am learning more about SALES in gaming. But I can only come off as "not ignorant" and propose things that are NOT unreasonable. Still it is not done ... More effort to be put in and I'd be willing to make some kind of PARTNERSHIP with someone who KNOWS how to SELL.

Note #1: Just as a FYI, all the ART for these products is DONE and PAID FOR. I've invested heavily during the 10-Years in getting art done for these games. That is why there is very little $$$ left over. But all are real products meant to be marketed and SOLD.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I know nothing of mobile programming

X3M wrote:
A game. Perhaps for mobile.

TBH I know nothing about Mobile Game Programming. That's not my "core" expertise. My "core" expertise is in "Integration" connecting disparate systems into a unified fully connected eco-system of programs. I worked for and the VSOP project ran by the Quebec Government, I have also worked for Taleo (also known as Recruitsoft) which was involved in onboarding clients and their resume databases to the platform to have a 3rd party managed careers website site (clients like Yellow, Citigroup, Fannie Mae, National Bank). I've worked in Toronto for Canada Life, I've also worked in the USA too for consulting companies involved in "Integration". My last job I coded and developed CATE; a tool for managing and testing "Integration" through automation. I worked on that product for 2-Years and also did some consulting for them too...

I would like to learn more about Mobile Development... But the truth is... Most games are FREE on The Google Play Store. You don't really make any REAL money. Same goes as @larienna suggested in another post/comment... Most Video Games make very little money. Only studios that make AAA games are making money but they are also heavily INVESTING too.

It's hard nowadays to get ahead anywhere TBH.

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