I have a bit of trouble of deciding which player may go first.
The only noteworthy randomness that the game contains are the different value's on the cards. These range from 1 to idk.
There are no dice or other variable's!
I would like to refrain from adding tools.
This is what I have so far:
Both players shuffle their deck.
Each player draws a card from the top of their deck and reveal these to each other.
The player that reveals the highest value may choose to begin or not.
With an equal value; continue to draw cards in this manner.
Stop after drawing 7 cards.
Put them back in the deck and restart by shuffling the deck.
Any picked cards will go to the players hand for the first round.
The main problem is that, starter decks contain a lot of low value cards.
The choice of revealing the first cards to each other is to lift a bit of the fog of war. Normally, most cards are already revealed on the table. Except for the very first round. So, this way the first hand is partly known to the other player.
Any suggestions in how to make this better or simpler?
Perhaps letting players draw 7 cards right away and reveal the entire hand? I figured that standard definition makes the chance on equal hands higher than having just a few cards.
...We use counters in the game...
[In Jack Blacks voice]And he said!
[In 5 year old kid voice]Put a counter behind your back in one of your hands? And let the other pick a hand?
Outsmarted by a kid...
I need vacation guys. I really need one. Or lets start with sufficient sleep and vitamins.
Same works with 2 different cards. Shuffle, let the other player pick one. It can be so simple. Why am I so blind?
It doesn't really matter who begins. It should be balanced since both players would go defences first. After roughly 3 rounds, the best deck will start to show the upper hand.
This topic is done I guess. But please do comment on my <5 year old intelect due to lack of rest.