When designing something, you generally have 2 phase, the expansion phase where you pitch idea and explore the possibilities, and the compression phase where you streamline you design and make it fit to reality.
Recently I wrote a thread that when I design video games I seem to use an additive design, where I constantly add stuff as the design progress. While why designing board game you constantly substract stuff from the design to make the game fit it reality which is limited by time (playtime, complexity) and space (components, table space) constraints.
I also previously said that it would be easier for me to design a video game, play it a lot, then abstract the game as a board game, than actually start desiging it as a board game.
Which made me realise that the additive substractive process is in fact the expansion and compression phase of design. And that expansion is easier in video game design as your are only constrained by the resources of the computer, while in board game design the expansion is harder as you are more likely to do a lot of compression to respect the restriction of time and space imposed by reality. Considering that all designable mediums would have an expansion and compression phase, the question is:
How an expansion phase could be possible in board game design considering you are always facing the restraints of reality.
For example, in board game design, I cannot go wild and explore any idea without considering if the game is going to be a card game, a tile game, or a dexterity game. Even if you could go wild, I would rapidly need to switch to compression if I wanted a playable prototype.
So from my experience, the expansion phase in board game design is very limited and you might constantly need to compress back which could create a kind of iterative pattern of compression/depression after each playtest.
While in video game design, you have a large expansion, then a large compression.
Adding some stuff I wrote on BGG
How is that different than the concept of getting to a 'workable prototype' in a "physical game"?
If I take a complex game idea where let say you play a pirate/merchant fleet that needs to manage various ships, with cargo, crew and weapons. Having AI fleets that has the same information. Then manage cities with commodities and transaction to influence the price, military occupation with country data, political relationships, etc.
If I want to make a video game out of it, I know that the idea above can be contained in a relational database. It might end up as a very large database, but I know it's possible. I could draw the database model right away and make some design decisions in the process to add remove features I want. The only thing I do not know so far is:
- What are the rules that will change that data
- Will it be fun
- Will it be balanced.
But I could gradually add rules that would use or modify that data as I design the game and actually test the game as I add stuff. At every step of the process I get a working game, this is the additive game design process. . For example, I could start with a landlocked ship with the set the data and rules related to ship and crew management. The game would be incomplete, but working and playable.
Now Let say I want to do the same thing with board game design. Would it be possible to contain all that information into board game components? I am not sure, possibly: card for crew member, tiles for cargo, pen and paper for transaction log. But it will possibly require a gymnasium full of table to hold all the information I need. Now let say I do it, I find a gymnasium, and fill it with board game components. I cannot consider it as a working game, therefore I cannot play the game and get an early feel of it.
So we quickly realize that the only solution is abstraction, so I could like in the example above compress the ship management and only test that portion of the game. But the problem is that mechanics will only be able to connect it self to other mechanism if they are also compressed. But you cannot compress/abstract mechanics is isolation, you cannot say, ok I'll compress ship management, then city management, then country politics and connect everything together afterwards. Because the compression method is interrelated to other game elements since there is more than 1 way to compress the data.
So you need to compress all game elements together. You cannot use the bite and chew method above like in video game design, you need to swallow everything at the same time and if you choke, you try again. So this is why I think the medium will lead to different design approach and that the "Bite and chew" method which is more convenient for me would be impossible in board game design.
So what you are basically saying is that the expansion phase of board game design is only about listing ideas.