The other night, I met with Rob, my mentee for this year's Tabletop Mentorship Program and we discussed several of the things he worked on since our last meeting, two weeks prior. At this point, we're more than halfway through the program and it's been a tremendous experience for me and by all accounts, he's benefitted from the exchange, as well.
I plan on taking time over the next several weeks and highlighting specific benefits garnered by the mentee during (or between) these sessions. For this week, I'll focus on Sharing.
When I talk to new designers, they have shared their board game ideas primarily with friends and family, which is certainly reasonable, but not a particularly effective one. friends and family often have limited interest, and generally lack any ability to truly evaluate the merits of a given game, based on design precepts, including mechanics, depth of play, and accessibility.
The folks out here on BGDF have at least taken those first, tentative steps to get their ideas out into the world, and moreover in a community of like-minded individuals who may be able to provide some level of assistance and if not, at least encouragement. I have met a number of designers who have shown only me their designs and I question the secrecy...believe me, no one is going to steal your idea. Ideas are cheap. The real work hasn't even begun.
To that end, I ask you...with whom have you shared your idea beyond penning blogs and threads out here on BGDF (which is good, but not the same as sharing with someone with whom you can have a real dialogue) Was it helpful? If so, how? I often receive PMs, but I ask you to please share out here for the benefit of everyone.
Next time: Deadlines!
That's outstanding, Gamesomuch! It's obviously great to get positive feedback and I look forward to hearing about your excursion to PAX AUS!
I agree that the initial introduction should be small...there's significant merit in that approach.
You pose a good question. I can tell you that as a professional developer, I've never had a designer come back to me if I turned down the original offer. Now, I certainly don't know if some designs got better, but one would hope so.