In "Monster Keep" (MK), I have defined two distinctive SYSTEMS that are part of the game (or could be depending on your feedback).
Reputation System:
There are nine (9) Races, each one having its own Reputation. They are:
- Paragon
- Noble
- Honorable
- Mercenary
- Neutral
- Anarchist
- Corrupt
- Outlaw
- Diabolic
Alignment System:
- Lawful Good
- Neutral Good
- Chaotic Good
- Lawful Neutral
- True Neutral
- Chaotic Neutral
- Lawful Evil
- Neutral Evil
- Chaotic Evil
Game Classes:
- Humans - Order
- High Elves - Life
- Dwarves - Storm
- Gnomes - Technology
- Wood Elves - Nature
- Dark Elves - Chaos
- Undead - Death
- Giants - Frost
- Orcs - Fire
For various reasons, I find the Alignment system more "of value". It RE-GROUPS classes into different categories. My problem is that this is Copyright material from AD&D ... But I have a work-around for the presentation of this system...
The Reputation system presents as described each classes reputation. While cool, it seems to be a bit "redundant".
So my question is?
Can someone "think-up" a SYSTEM which could be like the AD&D Alignment system ... but be inspired by the "Reputation" system??? I'm trying not to infringe on the AD&D Alignment system.
Specifically let me show you what I have already...
Instead of "Good/Neural/Evil", I have "Heroic/Mercenary/Villainous"
But what I NEED is a REPLACEMENT for "Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic"... And I was thinking along the lines of "religion" or something similar. I think I'm onto "something" ... just need some HELP to figure out the LAST bit.
Anyone have any thoughts???
But I'm not so sure it's as GOOD as "Heroic/Mercenary/Villainous" classification... For "Good/Neutral/Evil"
Definitely need some INPUT...!
Some analysis goes like this:
Is this "not too bad"???
I'm not sure... I'm trying to work with class "Behavior", how the race "behaves" in its existence...
It KINDA works... what do you guys think???