I have a solid core design, which easily could fit with 3-4 different themes with just minor changes.
Are there any well known examples or success stories out there, where the designer have more or less published the same game more than one time, with just thematic and minor changes?
I am thinking about using my core design but in three versions, with the purpose of being able to pitch three games instead of one.
I have got the impression that theme is more important than publishers like to admit.
The ”right” theme seems to open more doors and get people more intrested than the underlaying mechanics.
Anyone else here with similar thoughts or experience?
I will have a look at those games to get a feel for what others have done.
My design started with the mechanics and the theme is more or less pasted on it after the core was done.
Minor adaptions have been done to support the theme.
But a couple of other themes that struck me during design would also fit the mechanics very well.
Theres a lot of work involved with making three different prototypes with different artwork etc, even if its just clipart and symbols at this early stage.
Do you think its worth the effort to do the prototypes or do you think its better to make one prototype "shine" and just mention the other theme suggestions?
What do you think is the most succesful way when approaching a Publisher?