So I have two (2) options with the "control" dice:
1. The first option is having ONE (1) Custom d6 that gets rolled SEQUENTIALLY by each player, one turn after the other.
2. The second option is that EACH player has a color-coordinated Custom d6 and players roll their die at the SAME time.
Let me weight in some of the pros and cons:
A. Having only one Custom d6 will be LESS expensive. But forces sequential order of play, one player after the other.
B. Each having their own Custom d6 is costlier. It also allows all players to look at the dice results and PLAN how the round will go.
This is a co-operative phase of the game. Planning out a round and who will play first and last (also in between) seems very much in the SPIRIT of a "co-operative" game. I really like this aspect.
But the cost is rather high (like $1 to $5).
Which would you choose and why???
I know in my own mind, I would select everyone has a custom die and they are all rolled simultaneously. For additional details, each custom dice has 3 faces: 2x Blank, 2x Shield an 2x Sword. Their purposes are as follows:
1. Blank: You can perform "non-combative" actions/spells to heal, increase your defenses, etc.
2. Shield: You can attack the opposing Monster using whatever option is available to you.
3. Sword: The Monster attacks you and you take damage on a poor d20 roll.
So the question remains: 1 die or multiple dice???
Wow guys those are some very interesting ideas. I like the idea of an "Action Selection Board"... And if you roll only Standard d6s ... Well then the players can all ROLL 1d6 (Standard) and the "collectively" they can determine WHO will actually perform the TASK for that die.
Cool beans!
Definitely something for me to think about... I of course watched a Review ... but yeah... Very interesting!
Note: It gives me MOTIVATION to think of SIX (6) or maybe five (5) like in the Hotel, rolling a "6" would be a Wildcard, Players select which would be the best for "the team"!
In a way it's good... Because I was thinking "Physical Combat" versus "Magic Combat". Or how to manage "Letter Draws" during combat... Things like that.
This will give me something to plan for all "6" values... Will definitely see what I can design!