Well I've recently gotten some new "inspiration" for Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — Second Edition... But I've also had a "challenge" too... Something that I'm not sure HOW to deal with:
1. The primary goal was to be the FIRST player to "complete" (Set Collection) three (3) QUESTS.
2. Cards were assigned Point Values (VPs maybe) to keep score of the game.
So WHY am I doing BOTH?!?!
Well I DISLIKE that the game is NOT "strictly" about Victory Points (VPs). But then the problem becomes how do you manage the game in terms of advancement.
In a four (4) player game, there are TEN (10) Quests and if each player has COMPLETED two (2) Quests, that's EIGHT (8) Quests in total... Leaving one for victory and one extra.
It MAKES SENSE. Believe me... I've been thinking about it.
The question I am faced with is HOW to use BOTH (Victory Points and Completed Quests TOGETHER)???
Well I believe (correct me if I am wrong), Scythe has CATEGORIES for the most of a specific aspects of the game.
And so I was thinking about it... MAYBE if I had "categories" too:
1. The Quest with the most cards gains +5 VPs.
2. The Quest with each card type earns +2 VPs.
3. The Quest which has all the optional cards earns +3 VPs.
4... That's what I got! (LOL) But you can see that I WANT the game to be about Victory Points. And somehow the number of Quest completed are also used too... (Again not sure how).
I've definitely started (I know it's not much) ... But I've got some kind of scoring bonuses for a few cases.