For a card game that doesn't make use of a grid. But the players simply place cards on the table.
I have trouble with 2 attributes in the game.
Speed and Range. Or previously known as Fast and Ranged.
Fast would be applied to units. And they would do more damage in an attack. It is a simple factor in the game. But the card is relatively cheaper than its cousin cards without being fast but simply doing more damage in general.
Ranged would be applied to units or structures. And they would do more damage in a defence. Again a simple factor in the game but a cheaper card.
Then there where these fast AND ranged cards. Which seems obsolete, since other cards would have the same function and costs through multi damage. But I was curious in how to have them any way.
I tried to have a nullification rule.
Where ranged vs ranged, fast vs fast, and ranged vs fast would all be nullified to none.
The thought behind it was that these nullified cards would simply act as meat. Especially the cheaper, 1 attribute versions. But the 2 attribute versions causes conflict.
While it looks useful at first. Players would simply go for the multi damage any way. The 2 attribute cards are of no use at all. So I need something better. Something that makes sense to be a choice for the players.
Either that, or the one attribute per card would remain. 2 attributes are simply not possible.
Well, leaving out the nullification rule. Would simply mean that the 2 attributes on 1 card would simply have no meaning.
Players can still use one of the 2 attributes to make a card better at defending OR attacking.
The thing with attributes is that I need to design them in such a way. That they have an advantage somewhere, while having a disadvantage somewhere else.
In case of speed and range, this was simply the additional costs when using them on the wrong end of the stick. Compared to using them at the right end of the stick.
Having both ends of the stick would mean that the card would balance out again in general. But it made no sense because we already had those cards.
At first the 2 cards are technically the same:
Costs 4, armor 1, attack 3* 1
is exactly the same as
Costs 4, armor 1, attack 1, attributes range 2 and speed 2.
Every range or speed add an extra damage to either defending or attacking.
When using only one attribute of these 2. It makes perfectly sense. But what if both are used? Well, it makes no sense. I was hoping to find a way.
But if not. Then using both attributes would not be the case.
In my board game, I do have units that are fast and ranged. But they are always beaten by units that have either of the 2 attributes.
It seems to be much harder in a card game to simulate this effect.
Maybe a bit of a tweak of the rules that I didn't see yet.
Like for example, that range can only neutralise range. But not speed.
For speed, you need speed. But that also give conflict.
Because when a ranged+speed unit attacks. The defending ranged unit would have no range and the attacking unit would be left with speed. In which case, it would still do maximum damage here.
The board game has range and speed for both attacking and defending purposes. So I tried that first for my card game. But seeing as how speed is limited for attacks only and range is limited for defending only. I either made a big mistake. Or I made the right one, but simply cannot build upon.