Hi there,
I'm slowly (oh so painfully slowly) putting together a trio of games (one global domination, naval and army battle). I've got lots in my head but not so much written down ;-)
My question is for the army game, each unit will have three stats (all are in a range of 1-5):
movement, ability to inflict damage, ability for unit to remain cohesive (it covers moral, quality of armour etc) so its pretty abstract. In combat I was originally thinking of rolling a number of d6 equal to damage rating against a tn of its cohesion, but I have had a second thought of either:
a) Rolling a number of dice equal to the higher stat against a tn equal to the lower stat or
b) Rolling a number of dice equal to the lower stat against a tn equal to the higher stat
A would even out effect of luck by having lots of dice rolls
B would give a more predictable outcome to any one combat
Which would you find more desirable, predictable outcome or wider variation both of which (in theory) would balance out over time? (or go with the original plan of always rolling damage against tn of cohesion)
I'll take it back a step further....
What I had in mind was a battlefield where you had perfect knowledge but the units didn't, this is reflected by dividing the battle field into four zones, reserve, left, center and right.
You would deploy your troops and lay down a card for each zone which would allow you to move between 0 and four units (these cards would be from a common mixed stack of cards). You would lay down orders for the first two rounds, resolve the first round (move units, see who hits what etc) then lay cards for the third turn and resolve round two.
So you are always reacting to what the your opponent set in motion. So the strategy is there so I'm happy for the tatical to be a bit more random.
To answer the other Q's tn shows my mainly roleplay game history (dnd and the like) it stands for target number so when rolling dice you're aiming for particular number (and above or below depending on the system)
I am looking to resolve combat with a single roll (so no A attacks then B rolls defence) so am making a choice to describe combat at a units ability to remain a cohesive fighting force able to injure opponents, I hight cohesion will allow a unit to stay in the fight longer