I want a game where random encounter cards allow player to chose which skill he wants to use. The problem is that the player will always take the skill with the highest value. So I want to find a solution that would make both path valid.
One idea that came to my mind is that the risk and rewards could be different. For example, if you have a monster encounter, you can choose to fight or sneak the monster. They could both require a skill roll, but if you sneak, the rewards and consequence would be minimal, while if you fight they would be more important.
So I am wondering if there are other alternatives to incite players to choose a skill with a lower value?
Are there other games that use similar mechanics? I think "Fortune and Glory" does give a choice, but the outcome are the same, so you just pickup your best skill.
Because it's not a choice anymore. If I have a choice between A and B, but the good answer is A, then I don't have a choice, I just use A, because it's pointless to use B.
But if A and B have both interesting outcomes, then they are both valid choices.