First of all, sorry for stealing the name for the topic. It was just so perfect that when I come back here with a problem to see a topic of almost describing my problem.
Unfortunately that one didn't answer my question...
I've done passive research dozens upon dozens of hours now and looked at threads and other Google results about different ways of tracking health in games, but I grow frustrated and want to actively bother people with my issue.
So, I have a game (A space ship adventure game, but I will forever talk about it with D&D mechanics because it is easier for everyone to understand) that has shields on PC's which will act as the main defense, pretty much your generic HP track. But also have some sort of defensive layer underneath the shield, a hull if you will, almost as having an extra HP tracker after you have gone through your "normal HP".
And it also has weapons which will bypass the main defense layer and go straight to the hull layer.
So the problem is how should I track the weaker hull layer and with what mechanic?
The shots that bypass shields come through at damage of 1-2, while the bigger shots that must go through the shields do maybe total of 3-8 damage.
So what am I looking for are these things:
1) The less it has book keeping the better, something elegant (the main book keeping is on the shields)
2) I like the idea of shots hitting at the hull to start degrading your ship (disabling the ship systems etc.), maybe some sort of abstract injury type deal, but...
3) The small shots that go through shields should not feel lethal or that much threatening
4) The big shots that you must defend via shields should feel threatening once they start coming through
What else my systems has, and what could be incorporated in to the elegant design, are: crew (that could act as an abstract HP); different ship locations/systems (that could be destroyed); and a cooldown mechanic for said systems (that could go for extra down time). I also have the tracker for my shields, which could just have a hull tracker in it too...
It's just that everything abstract I've come up with just doesn't feel right, and everything that feels good is a convoluted mess...
So do any of you have any mechanics or games (of board or video variety) for me to check out to help me out of this block?
And on top of this, the 3 to 8 damage is also lower, once it hits the hull. Again, if it is half of the original design. You need only half of the max health.
Most likely making that penetrating damage rarer by design will be the easiest way to balance things.
Second option:
Binairy health tracking.
I came upon something very similar during my research. It was used with some ttrpg. Just a handful of health boxes, that spilled over to the next one if one box was hit twice. I wanna say Fate, but looking at it's damage mechanics again now, I'm not so sure. I'm not that experienced with ttrpg's, so I hardly retain any information about them.
Funnily enough that was one of the ones I gave a much deeper think, and tried to bend it to my liking...
Only one ship per player (unless a carrier or some sort of drone-maker ship), it really is like D&D in most cases, but with big metal husks and in space.
Oh hey, this got me thinking! I do have the crew members which are constant on your ship (pretty much acting as D&D ability score modifiers). I could have them to act as a spot to hold some sort of harm tokens, as they now don't do nothing more than give the ship its stats...
That's the thing, though. I want players and enemies to be able to poke each other dead if poked enough with the small piercing attacks. I'd like to have that as a concept. It just ends up in a lot of book keeping.
One of the easiest ideas that keeps on popping in my mind is to have some sort save after hitting the hull. The small attacks of course would be easier to save, and players would not be stressed about them that much.
The end result of that system is the most ideal I came up with, to shrug off most of the smaller hits along with the pain of keeping book of them. But the downside is that it introduces one more dice mechanic, and is pretty slow to go through once the hits start coming in.
I need something That would have the best of both of those two...
Terrain and events, sure. Dice rolls? Like a crit to go over the defense threshold?
Combined attacks might be a no-go. I have pretty literal and deterministic damage system. Big broadside batteries shooting a handful of 2 or 3 damage shots, while big giant front mounted gun doing 8-ish on a single hit. All damage is counted as is, and I feel abstracting it by some combo system takes away its simplicity.
Anyway. Big thanks to both of you. I now have more food for the thought!