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Hexagon grid scoring ideas

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 01/20/2011

I’m trying to think of a few clever ways to score an area of 4-7 hexagons that are connected together in various clusters/lines. Players will be gradually adding 1-3 resources to hexagons that make up these clusters. For instance:

1. Every resource added to a cluster of 6 hexagons scores 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, or 21 points (non-spatial).

2. A 7 long hexagon connection- score one point for each cube on it plus the longest connected group. So it would score up to 14 points if there is a cube on each space. So this would be more spatial when placing cubes to fill in gaps.

3. A 3,2,1 pyramid would score amount of cubes times highest level. So 6 total cubes x 2 levels= 12 points.

Any other interesting ways to score? Thanks in advance as always.

Joined: 08/01/2008
Some random ideas: Captures,

Some random ideas:

Captures, like in Pente.

Hexes that score more, but are harder to defend.

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Take It Easy

The 1980's bingo-like game Take It Easy has a solid scoring mechanism for unbroken links from one edge of a hexagon map to the other.

It also scales up to many, many players (again, much like bingo). There may be some way for you to combine this game's mechanics with your own resource management system to provide for a highly-variable, broad set of tactics and strategies.

A main difference between your design and TIE that I see at the outset is that you're able to change the allotment of resources, while the point values and tile permutations in TIE are fixed. A cool wrinkle in TIE though is that even if you know the optimal pattern to score the most points, those tiles may not all come up, and certainly don't come up in any order you can predict.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
What happens if you have a

What happens if you have a circle of 6 hexagons around an empty hexagon? 6 + 6?

what supplies more points? a cluster of 6 hexagons, or divide this cluster into 2 triangles of 3 hexagons if that is possible with a certain configuration? Not 21, but 12 + 12?

Perhaps, the rules need to remain relatively simple in regards to scoring?
I don't know if it is harder to have a single line or a cluster of 7 hexagons. But if you add 1 more point for every next hexagon in a certain direction. And there are 3 directions.
Then the 7 would supply 28 points for the long line, plus 2x7 individual lines. A total of 42?
And the nice round cluster; (3+6+3)x3=36?

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