I’m trying to think of a few clever ways to score an area of 4-7 hexagons that are connected together in various clusters/lines. Players will be gradually adding 1-3 resources to hexagons that make up these clusters. For instance:
1. Every resource added to a cluster of 6 hexagons scores 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, or 21 points (non-spatial).
2. A 7 long hexagon connection- score one point for each cube on it plus the longest connected group. So it would score up to 14 points if there is a cube on each space. So this would be more spatial when placing cubes to fill in gaps.
3. A 3,2,1 pyramid would score amount of cubes times highest level. So 6 total cubes x 2 levels= 12 points.
Any other interesting ways to score? Thanks in advance as always.