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How to design and balance a Rock-Paper-Scissor like mechanism

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I was thinking about Age of mythology board game recently which have different unit types with bonus against other unit types. Creating a sort of Rock-Paper-Scissor system.

How can that pool of units be signed to be balanced across all factions? The objective is to find units too weak/strong, for find overused/underused unit types, or attack bonus.

Solutions I came up so far:

1.First way to analyze this is to count the number of units of each type. Some units can have multiple types, therefore being weaker.

2.Create a graph of unit types targeting unit types. See the number of arrows targeting each type. The more, the weaker units in that category should be.

3.Same thing for exiting arrows, the more arrows, the stronger is that type.

4. A matrix could be used. You sum the modified strength of units for each possible combinations. The units with the biggest sums are stronger.

4. Again using a matrix, but instead of summing combat strength, you sum up probabilities to kill, the target.

Do you have other suggestions?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I don't know if this will help or not... but!

If you are going to design in an RPS-3 SPACE with units being stronger or weaker well then I believe the "Method of Attack" should be the focus on how the units behave. Let me explain...

questccg wrote:
The principle in a game like Warcraft RTS is that there are various forms of attack (Methods of Attack): Melee, Ranged and Flying. The RPS rules are pretty obvious that a "Flying Unit can beat a Melee Unit" and that a "Melee Unit can beat a Ranged Unit". Lastly an "Ranged Unit can beat a Flying Unit"...

Why is that important??? Because it is possible to have DUELLING RPS-3 systems which can be like this:

questccg wrote:
Melee, Ranged and Flying PLUS Power, Skill and Magic. A 2nd RPS-3 which can also make things a bit more complicated too!

Why is this significant??? Because it adds more variety to the POOL of UNITS that can be made and allows for more variability in the Units being created for the game.

So a Power/Melee unit beats and a Ranged/Skill unit ... So an ORC (Orcs) will beat a RANGER (Human) ... For example. He would have a STRONG DOUBLE EFFECT bonus (2x) for the ORC vs. the RANGER.

As you can see with TWO (2) RPS-3s you can create a bunch of units and figure out what the "Trade-offs" are when pairing the units against each other.

Another method is to create WEAKNESSES or BONUSES versus the respective RPS-3 being used. Think like Pokémon:

questccg wrote:
Each card has a WEAKNESS indicated and how BIG a penalty they take when facing that opponent. So if I have WATER and it is WEAK towards ELECTRIC by -20 Attack... That means each attack of an ELECTRIC unit deals +20 ATTACK when combating a WATER unit.

This is more OBVIOUS and the ACTUAL WEAKNESSES are ON THE CARDS themselves. You don't need to be a Great Strategist ... You just need to be a bit lucky when facing your opponent.

These are two (2) very different methods and ways to implement an RPS-3. In order to dive down deeper into your "question", I would need to know more about the RPS-3 you plan to use:

  • Is it a DUEL RPS-3 like Warcraft RTS;
  • Is it like Pokémon where there are PENALTIES vs some class of units;
  • Is it something completely different???

Anyhow ... With further explanation I'm sure we can discuss the matter further. I can even explain how to implement an RPS-5 system given a limited set of RPS-3s that work in tandem to make the RPS-5 SIMPLE to decode and understand if it is more "internal" than say a Pokémon RPS system.

Please let me know how you are expecting to handle the RPS-3 and if you have considered an RPS-5 (Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock). But I would use COLORS instead and explain HOW to get it to work more intuitively.

Cheers @larienna.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
It depends on:

The combat mechanics. In order to know how the RPS should work.

I don't know the Age of mythology boardgame.
But it is certainly no RTS.
RTS needs a different approach than a boardgame.
Balance is much more important in a boardgame as well.
Since players try to play most optimal in a turn based setting.

I think you best go with a matrix. And expand this matrix until you thought of all designs.

As for the probabilities of killing a target. These targets will have a value as well.
So, you will end up with a crosslink loop. This is...ok. Simply copy paste the matrix.

First matrix solely has all the probabilities of killing a target.
Second matrix does the same, but now the value's that you got from the first matrix are used.
Third matrix does the same, but then with the value's of the second matrix.
Etc. etc.

If you like, I could send you a small example through a private message (PM)?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Nice thing about the Pokémon RPS is...

You don't need to INFER the RPS-3. The Weaknesses are available to all to see and know. You don't need to even remember the standard and most common relationships such as:

Fire beats Earth, Earth beats Water, Water beats Fire.

Obviously this is a CLASS-based version of the RPS-3. Like I said, IF you are interested, I will show you how to create an RPS-5 which is VERY EASY to use and is also very intuitive to "remember".

Something like this:

Red, Green, Blue, White and Black.

or CLASS-based which could be:

Fire, Earth, Water, Life and Death.

Although these classes seem a bit like "Magic: the Gathering" (MtG) don't worry they are not. MtG doesn't really use their color pie to create a strong/weak conditions in their decks. It's more about the Deck-Strategy and how you play your cards and what ensues with the opponent's Deck-Strategy. In many instances the FASTER or "quicker" Deck-Strategy is the more optimal one and in this case, that player normally wins the duel.

So getting back to the RPS-5, here is how you break it down into FIVE (5) EASY RPS-3 relationships:

questccg wrote:
Fire => Earth => Water => Fire.
Earth => Water => Life => Earth.
Water => Life => Death => Water.
Life => Death => Fire => Life.
Death => Fire => Earth => Death.

These relationships are EASY to determine and all you need to do is CYCLE through the RPS-5 primary CLASSES:

Again Fire, Earth, Water, Life and Death.

Those FIVE (5) RPS-3 cover ALL the relationships that could occur in the RPS-5. And you don't NEED to memorize or have difficulties remembering the relationships because they all could from those FIVE (5) RPS-3s...

But if you want to do more COMPLEXE RPS systems (Seven, Nine, etc.) well then you'll run into the issue that most RPS games do... It's hard for the PLAYERS to do the balance (figure which unit to pair against which foe).

So then with MORE COMPLICATED RPS systems (higher than 5) you run into the situation that there are more that ONE type of relationship and one unit can be weak to a couple of units not just one (like in Pokémon). In these cases, it would be EASIER to indicate WHICH CLASSES (or COLORS) a unit is weak to and what the PENALTY (or weakness) is...

However intrinsically ... DUELLING RPS-3s are probably the BEST IDEA I've seen and it's easy to infer the relationships. Plus it sets up a penalty/bonus set-up that is rather EASY to comprehend.

The RPS-5 although LOGICAL is a bit more complicated... And anything HIGHER needs EXPLICIT rules to follow.

That's why I would suggest DUELLING RPS-3s at MAXIMUM because they are EASY to know, use and comprehend.

Cheers @larienna.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I explained the DUELLING RPS-3s ... But

For completeness I will repeat what they are:

Melee => Ranged => Flight => Melee

And then type of attack:

Power => Skill => Magic => Power

This is obviously in the scenario of a "Medieval Fantasy" setting... But I'm sure you get the idea... It is rather simple.

First (1st) you define the type of unit it is (from one of three) and then (2nd) you choose the type of attack a unit has (from the other three).

This is a SIMPLE as it gets and it is VERY flexible and easy to understand without the need of too much thought to understand HOW and WHY the relations works...


Note #1: To setup something that work ... You can have a PENALTY which can be a NEGATIVE to your ATTACK SCORE and then you can have a BONUS which is a POSITIVE to your ATTACK SCORE.

So Melee vs. Ranged gives the Ranged units a PENALTY during their attacks.

Next Power vs. Skill give the Power units a BONUS which means they deal MORE damage when they HIT.

This is ONE (1) of MANY interpretations on HOW(?) you can use the DUELLING RPS-3s for your implementation. It depends on you and what works best for your game in particular.

This was my example of an Orc (Melee/Power) unit combatting a Human Ranger (Ranged/Skill)...

It's an effective example to show HOW(?) these two (2) RPS-3s can be used in tandem.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Playing with weights

RPS can become softer.

Such that RPS-4 and RPS-6 are also possibilities.

With units being good against all other, except for 1.


I just realized, you also have different factions.

One faction cannot access the units of another faction.
And if they do, an unit might have a different value in that other faction.

Solution to this would be having the same matrix. But group the units as a whole. And have blocks with a second factor.

What I mean is that if you have for example 3 factions with each 5 units.
You get a 15 x 15 matrix to work with. But a 3x3 faction matrix right next to it. Where the average winning chance is considered. And this should be factored in.

Not sure if it works like this, and if the 3x3 matrix should be separate or imbedded. But I see it as a challenge to make something. I don't have the time right now.

Edit 2:
Of course, I could simply have multiple versions in 1 matrix of the same unit. Then a faction unit cannot target their own faction. Which automatically shows a difference in the usefullness of the same unit in both factions.
Problem solved.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
You have point 4 and...

You have point 4 and... 4.
The first one is based on that your units can team up against a target.
The second one is NOT.

It is very important to know which one.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
It does not have to be a

It does not have to be a strict X-way RPS. There can be multiple systems which are not symmetric.

Age of mythology use a binomial system: Roll X dices > Y. You get additional dices against certain unit types. Some units can have multiple types (therefore weakness).

Here is a picture of the reference sheet I made for all the units in Age of Mythology. The number in square is the unmodified nb of dices rolled.

X3M: Can you elaborate on your embedded matrix idea. Give an example if possible. Right now, I do not see how I can embed the results of one matrix into another.


As discussed on BGG, the main difficulties are if there are external factors involved than the duel itself. For example, is there synergies between units that makes units on paper weaker, but stronger when a specific pair is combined. In advance wars, artillery units are considered weaker (they can be easily killed), but they ignore the fact that they can attack at long range.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wow ... That actually looks COOL!!!

I watched a Video "review" of "Age of Mythology" and the person doing the review was like: "Don't buy this game unless you are a fan of the Video Game..." He was dead set on making the game seem to be a total failure in the fact that it is supposed to be a mash-up between a Euro and Ameritrash... And that it failed in its implementation of both.

But looking at the UNITS in that "Player Boards" picture ... I actually makes some sense and seems to be "not too bad"! The RPS system is present and you can make some argument that while not a "matrix" it does cover a lot of ground.

One QUESTION(?) thought:

questccg wrote:
Are the colored "cubes" on each unit the COST to "deploy" such a unit???

That was the only real question that I had because that type of Unit symmetry is actually very INTERESTING. Granted you TOLD US it was an RPS system behind the scenes... It may not be 100% apparent that it really is.

How does COMBAT work??? I see a number (like "5" for the "Classical Hero" in the Norse Faction) and it costs 3 Yellow Cubes and 3 Green Cubes to recruit???

What I don't see is HEALTH or is the "5" both HEALTH and DAMAGE combined into a single stat???

Looks more interesting now that you shared those units.

Something of interest to discuss further. Would like an EXPLANATION of combat and how the RPS works...


X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
larienna wrote:It does not

larienna wrote:
It does not have to be a strict X-way RPS. There can be multiple systems which are not symmetric.

Age of mythology use a binomial system: Roll X dices > Y. You get additional dices against certain unit types. Some units can have multiple types (therefore weakness).

Here is a picture of the reference sheet I made for all the units in Age of Mythology. The number in square is the unmodified nb of dices rolled.

X3M: Can you elaborate on your embedded matrix idea. Give an example if possible. Right now, I do not see how I can embed the results of one matrix into another.


As discussed on BGG, the main difficulties are if there are external factors involved than the duel itself. For example, is there synergies between units that makes units on paper weaker, but stronger when a specific pair is combined. In advance wars, artillery units are considered weaker (they can be easily killed), but they ignore the fact that they can attack at long range.

Synergies do make things more complex. And I too am not that good at it.

But if you keep the synergies logical. Like for example, every infantry unit gets +1 for every artillery present. Then you can see what this infantry unit is supposed to weight WITH the bonus. And divide this bonus weight over the infantry and the artillery. That is the most logical way of implementing synergies. On the other hand, a synergy might be removed or not being applied at all. Thus the weight comming from synergy doesn't have to be 100% divided among the units.

The YES/NO principle might assist here. And asking only 50% of the total weight. (This also depends on how much the yes and no are present in a game)

Example in this could be that same infantry unit, costing for example 4, and is 4 strong. The artillery costs 12 while 12 strong. The weight for the infantry unit could be 8 if the synergy kicks in. A difference of 4, is then cut in half according to the yes/no principle. Then it is divided among the 2 units once more.

Each getting a +1 in cost.
Thus the infantry cost 5 each, the artillery 13.
Individual total worth is 16.
Total cost is 18.
Synergy worth is 20.


As for the elaboration on the embedded matrix.
I scrapped that idea. But I made the matrix bigger.

How does it look like?
Let's say, each faction has those 12 cards that you showed in the link.
And 3 factions? Then the matrix that I would use is 36x36 big.
Each faction will probably not fight themselves. Thus 3x12x12 are left out.

Here is an example of what I mean of 3 factions with 3 units each. Without the titles for the rows and columns. And ehm, all chances are 50% here.

------ ½½½ ½½½
------ ½½½ ½½½
------ ½½½ ½½½
½½½ ------ ½½½
½½½ ------ ½½½
½½½ ------ ½½½
½½½ ½½½ ------
½½½ ½½½ ------
½½½ ½½½ ------

Now it is "clumsy", to do this on the forum. Nor can I truly explain of what I do with it. And the results are for "a vanilla game".

I have seen the combat mechanic. In simple terms:
Each unit has X dice.
Each unit can have +Y dice against certain opponent types.
The total dice are rolled.
The player rolling the most 6's will win.

I could put this in a matrix and work it out.
As example.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

The first "table" takes the most work.
A 5x5 matrix is 25 symbols I need to check.
A 36x36 matrix is 1296 symbols I need to check.
The symbols are the only ones that I can't seem to drag out, IF I want to fast copy paste the matrix for the balance calculation.

Cheers, X3M

PSPS... There is actually an option in Excel to do this. NVM.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
We need a bit of clarification HOW(?) the combat works...

X3M wrote:
...I have seen the combat mechanic. In simple terms:

Each unit has X dice.
Each unit can have +Y dice against certain opponent types.

The total dice are rolled...

What do the NUMBERS on the cards mean: "Classical Hero" in the Norse Faction has a "5". What does this "5" mean?

Furthermore he has "+4 vs. Myth"... I get the "Myth" Part... But what does the "+4" MEAN??? Is it add +4 one dice roll and compare vs. the opponent's roll. Or is the total of several (pre-determined) dice rolls and then add +4 to the total?

larienna wrote:
Age of mythology use a binomial system: Roll X dices > Y. You get additional dices against certain unit types. Some units can have multiple types (therefore weakness).

So the "5" = # of DICE (X) and where do you get the "Y" from the UNIT BEING ATTACKED (so Centaur "5" dice too) and what does the "+4 vs. Myth" mean? Add +4 to the TOTAL ROLL or ADD +4 DICE to ROLL?!

Not 100% sure... So I figured I'd ASK.

Cheers @larienna.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

We used X and Y for different purposes.
The squares with numbers are the amount of dice this unit can roll.

Every 6 counts.
The player that rolls the most 6's wins that battle.
A tie results in a re-roll. (Except for Medusa (that B!tc4))

+4 simply means to use 4 more dice against the opponent of that type.
For example, Jarl vs Toxotes.
Jarl has 3 dice. But can get +4 vs heroes and +4 against archers.
Toxotes is an archer, so Jarl may use 3+4=7 dice.

Toxotes has 3 dice as well to start with. +4 vs flyers and +3 vs warriors. Jarl cannot fly, nor is Jarl a warrior. No, Jarl is a simple mortal and likes to ride horses. So no bonus for Toxotes.

7 vs 3 dice.
I have determined that the chances are 78.5% vs 21.5% for Jarl. And what do you expect from Toxotes? Just look at how that dude is just standing there. "loser Toxotes"


Either way, I have been filling in the first matrix for Jarl. I am now at the Hydra. And I can see that this one has some self inflicting synergy, depending on the opponents.

Seeing as how the players first select 5 units for the battle. Then decide on what the opponent has as a challenge.
The hydra gets +1 for every defeated opponent. It starts at 6 dice. But can get up to 10 for the last battle, IF it started at the first battle.
Now, defeating an opponent depends on the win chances. So, I don't know for certain. But I guess this guy needs the YES/NO synergy addition added after the whole balancing ordeal.

Meaning, I need to see the true power of this guy at just 6 dice. What the power is as factor compared to the "super" average. If the super average is 12 and this guy will get 15. Then the average win chance is 15 vs (12-(15-12)) or 15 vs 9. Thus roughly 60%. This is the Yes/No weight as well.
Then see how much the total power will rise with each addition. 60% of this weight can be added.
Then this step gets the same deal. And thus I need to the whole matrix thing 5 times in total to see how much synergy I may add to this little hydra.


This game might actually be fun for me. Through simplicity alone.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

I don't understand its special abilities.

May choose to throw opponent out of battle?
+3 dice? win place until back on board?


Is this something that you are talking about @larienna?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
It does feel more like a "Wargame" TBH!

X3M wrote:
Every 6 counts.

The player that rolls the most 6's wins that battle.
A tie results in a re-roll. (Except for Medusa (that B!tc4))

+4 simply means to use 4 more dice against the opponent of that type...

I downloaded the rules to check this out... And yeah, you are correct: ONLY 6s count towards the total amount of hits.

So a "5" + "4" = NINE (9) Dice vs. "5" means that the "Classical Hero" (Norse) has four (4) more dice to roll to defeat the "Centaur" (Greek).

It's a bit FUNNY... Talking about "6s" and one of my recent Duel Botz cards which is the "Spark Firestarter" has a "Fireax" Attack which produces 0 Heat, ask the player to roll 3D6 and each "6" is a HIT (+1 DMG). My ex-boss with whom I was chatting ... Told me to use ChatGPT to compute odds and ensure that my THINKING is in-line with the MATH.

For example, roll one (1) "6" over 3D6... Is 42%. So I thought 2x the rolls would yield 84% odds of rolling two (2) "6". Oddly enough that is incorrect and the math says 66% (almost 2/3rds). 84% vs. 66% is still a significant difference. But it is what it is...

Getting back to "Age of Mythology" (AOM) without any real BOARD for territory this Euro flavor seems to lean towards ABSTRACTION. Leading me to believe that people who like Wargames might like the COMBAT aspect of this game.

I personally think the Reviewer was much too harsh and could have said something like: "This blended game may appeal to wargamers or people who enjoy creating small armies to combat their opponent..." The Combat system is CLEVER and the resources with the RPS look cool too (cubes to buy units).

IDK... I'm on the fence with this one.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
I like the combat mechanic as well

It is simple, yet there is RPS.
Only the balance will get a check from me.

I completed Jarl for now. 35 more to go.

Seems little Jarl for now ends up on a weight of 8.5 compared with the average of 12.
This doesn't mean it will stay that way.

I didn't include the extra stuff of the Hydra. Which has to be done 5 times.

The mummy will have an increased cost due to the fact that if a mummy fights, it can reproduce more mummies. If it costs 10 and the chance to get another mummy from a win. Then this would add 5 to it. A mummy would cost 15 then. But practical and psychological choices are key here. So, the mummy is negotiable in terms of total weight. Maybe the choices don't matter much, but we only know at the completion of the table.

As for the resurection options for some through a priest. I left that one out.

Thge cyclops... still a mystery for me.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wanted to re-iterate something

I know it's like beating a dead horse... BUT... I clearly FEEL that DUELLING RPS-3s is the best way to go.

From the TYPE of attack (you can be penalized) and the METHOD of attack (you can get a bonus) ... This would feel the best (IMHO).


Because by having THREE (3) Categories of TYPES (Melee, Ranged and Flying) you can easily comprehend which units will be PENALIZED. Again how you implement that PENALTY is 100% up to you. But I have a picture of something in my mind and it's something like this:

questccg wrote:
If you have 3 RANGERS (Ranged/Skill) vs. 4 ORCS (Melee/Power), clearly in an RTS, those RANGERS can ATTACK the ORCS from a distance. So a PENALTY to their attacks sounds REASONABLE. And if their TO-HIT is not 100% but some variable amount ... Having a PENALTY AT LEAST sets up the fact that the ORCS (or some of them) can REACH the "Rangers"... Before they are wiped out (defeated)!

I guess in a Board Game where there is NO DISTANCE to cover ... It may seem a bit MOOT as a point. BUT... in an RTS... The PENALTY makes MUCH MORE SENSE because your ORCS will get attacked BEFORE the remaining ORCS reach the Rangers.

Therefore IT MAKES 100% no 1000% sense that the FIRST dueling RPS-3 is whether there is a PENALTY or not.

The second RPS-3 which is the METHOD of attack (Power, Skill and Magic) can be tailored to what suits your theme and universe. But in this case there would be a BONUS to the attack.

So clearly with the 1st RPS-3 you take care of DISTANCE and APPROACH. Something that in an RTS is VERY important... And you may bestow a penalty given the RPS-3 rules governing the encounter.

I don't know how that would be re-presented in a Board Game ... But I guess in a Wargame that is possible (there is a distance to attack and there is therefore a range...) The 2nd RPS-3 is more like AOM where there are BONUSES given depending on the units involved in combat. That could be as simple as granting bonuses +x or +y in terms of DICE or TOTAL ATTACK, etc. It depends on how you want to create YOUR game.

Last point I want to make is this:

questccg wrote:
The first (1st) RPS-3 which uses the TYPE of attack to determine if and where there is a PENALTY doesn't need much ANALYSIS. It is simple with the three (3) types: Melee, Ranged and Flying.

You don't need a MATRIX for this. It is pretty STRAIGHT-FORWARD. As I explained in much detail the RTS (Video Game) would heavily rely on this as efficiency of a Ranged attack versus Melee units (that have yet to reach the opponent's attacking units). It's SELF-EXPLANATORY (ei. Natural).

The 2nd METHOD of attack is where you will need to define the RPS-3 Nature of each BONUS and what each one CAN or CANNOT be.

If you do it somewhat like this... Well then it makes it MUCH EASIER since you only need to PERFECT ONE (1) MATRIX. Only one. The other RPS-3 (TYPE) is obvious...

Let me know what are you thoughts on this concept (of having 2 Natural RPS-3s)

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Wow, I would not know that

Wow, I would not know that those unit sheets would interest you guys. Side note, Those sheets are for a variant of mine, the only new unit is the Fenris wolf, but the original combat system rolling is the same except for a different TN.

Yes the game is not perfect, many people made variants, I made a melting pot of all those variants. It's still not perfect. Think of the game like Puerto Rico with war. I tried to make a solo variant recently, and it did not meet the expectations. The idea was to fight a titan like in Ancient World, but the combat system is a multi unit vs multi unit system. More details here:

The colored cubes are the price to buy units. The number in the square is the basic strength without any modifiers.

Here is a combat example, I'll just explains the duel resolution between 2 units.

Hoplite [3] (Mortal:Warrior) +3 vs cavalry, +1 vs mortal
Chariot archer [3] (Mortal: Archer, Cavalry) +3 vs flyers, +3 vs Warriors

Hoplite rolls 3 dice + 3 dices because his opponent is a cavalry, and +1 die because his opponent is also a mortal: Total 7 dices.

The Chariot Archer roll 3 base dice + 3 dice because the hoplite is of type Warriors.

So it's 7 vs 6 dices. Roll all the dices, count the number of 6 (or 5+ in my variant), the side with the most hit defeats it's opponent. In case of ties, both units retreat (in my variant). Very easy combat system.

Here the chariot archer being at the same time Archer and cavalry breaks up the 3 way RPS relation.

X3M, your yes/no theory is interesting. You could just assign a probability for the synergy to occur. If I say it happens 50% of the time, I could count the unit strength twice, once with and without the synergy.

I could probably apply this in my "Ratscraft" design where if a pair of unit on the card is present you get additional effect. I could determine that there is 25% chance for that pair of unit in question is present. I can collect game data to know such occurrence.

I don't remember what the cyclops does. Maybe I shrunk the text to make it fit. Here is a better phrased effect:

"You can choose to throw the opposing unit by rolling 9 dices instead of 6. A successful throw makes the target retreat. You cannot throw giant units"

Perfect X-way RPS might feel more solid, but it makes the strategy boring, and in the end, many times, you end up choosing randomly.

Don't do all the matrix, just a few of them to know how the analysis could be made.

The idea of the matrix is to be able to compare the strength between units. In my example above, does getting +1 on mortal too powerful compared to other units +3 vs a single type?.

Another side note, if I could manage to program some strategy video games, this board game would be easy to implement since there is no geography and movement. I would probably redesign it with something like you mix one civilization and one god to get different combos. I also had alternate ideas where you are a covenant of Wizards, or a James bond super villain like Evil Genius. Or you are running a space station, you see the idea.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
larienna wrote: X3M, your

larienna wrote:

X3M, your yes/no theory is interesting. You could just assign a probabylity for the synergy to occur. If I say it happens 50% of the time, I could count the unit strength twice, once with and without the synergy.

I could probably apply this in my "Ratscraft" design where if a pair of unit on the card is present you get additional effect. I could determine that there is 25% chance for that pair of unit in question is present. I can collect game data to know such occurence.

It gets more difficult when the presence is based on players choices. Because the weight factor then is also included. I had a reallllly long time on this subject in regards of my "choice of weapons" versus "blasting with all of them".
And that subject was solely for my wargame. It doesn't really apply to other board games. (Except RTS).

If there is a 25% chance of happening. Then the extra weight WITH synergy can be cut in 4. So if the synergy effect weights 8, it becomes 2. After that, you can decide which unit gets the extra weight. Maybe a nice 50-50. Thus adding 1 to each. Or a percentale weight. Where the less expensive unit also gets less extra weight. Then again, if you include tiers or meta gaming. Then you put even more weight on the unit that comes later. So players will not refuse to use the earlier unit only due to it being more expensive right from the bat.

With low digits, a +1 is already enourmus. So I think you need to only increase the weight of the most expensive, later introduced, unit. On which the extra weight is less viable.

Keep in mind that if the synergy effect is on the cheaper unit only. Then it would be more wise though to give this unit the extra weight.

larienna wrote:

I don't remember what the cyclops does. Maybe I shrunk the text to make it fit. Here is a better phrased effect:

"You can choose to throw the opposing unit by rolling 9 dices instead of 6. A successfull throw makes the target retreat. You cannot throw giant units"

Instead of defeat, the target retreats.
I don't know the complete game yet. But I think that a "lesser" result like this dances around the 50% mark.
It is, a choice, by the player. So another 50%.
Both estimates.
I shall weight the normal chance by 4 portions, then the aditional chance by 1 portion. And of course divide by 5.
With this, I can already add in the extra weight in terms of chances.

larienna wrote:

Perfect X-way RPS might feel more solid, but it makes the strategy boring, and in the end, many times, you end up choosing randomly.

A good RTS has several RPS mechanics stacked upon each other.

larienna wrote:

Don't do all the matrix, just a few of them to know how the analysis could be made.

The idea of the matrix is to be able to compare the strength between units. In my example above, does getting +1 on mortal too powerful compared to other units +3 vs a single type?.

And here I am...entering numbers manually.
The thing is, I calculate the results of the dice in anydice. I look at the winning percentages, because the ties do not count. Since 2 units can keep fighting till there is result. I take the winning percentage of both. And adjust them into a total of 100%. Thus 10% versus 40% is actually 20% versus 80%.

I admit, I forgot that you probably wanted to do fast adjustments in the whole ordeal.
Setting to 100% total is easy.
Calculating the initial chances (which differs per attacker and target) is harder. In fact, I don't know how to calculate this with a formula that works in Excel.

larienna wrote:

Another side note, if I could manage to program some strategy video games, this board game would be easy to implement since there is no geography and movement. I would probably redesign it with something like you mix one civilization and one god to get different combos. I also had alternate ideas where you are a covenant of Wizards, or a James bond super villain like Evil Genius. Or you are running a space station, you see the idea.
You might be interested in "Time Warriors" for the mobile.
Although that game is riddled with forced to watch commercials. And rewards are often not given anyway.

Each stage eventually has 3 different units. The only differences in them are:
-Weight cost
-Rate of Fire
-(Damage x Rate of Fire = Salvo with WarmUp and CoolDown)
-Attack Range

Movement speed is not a thing here. Another mobile version that I played has also movement speed and target types or special abilities. Still kept to a simple gameplay.

The simplicity here is, there is no pathfinding. And the stage itself is balanced. The other mobile version had a bit of balance over all the stages, but had imbalanced leveling.

I have extra idea's of how to spice this simple game up. Keeping them for now, in case the new RTS comes out and needs a minigame :D

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
larienna wrote: The idea of

larienna wrote:

The idea of the matrix is to be able to compare the strength between units. In my example above, does getting +1 on mortal too powerful compared to other units +3 vs a single type?

I have an idea to do this a bit more swiftly.
Once the matrix is completed with the current win-ratio's. You can make new tabs that have the original line of win-ratio's. (it is actually a cross of A vs B and B vs A). And then have another line with the new possible results. You can easily replace the 2x2 lines then with copy paste. And see how the results change.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
A way in Excel

Perhaps I should stop now with that matrix.

You mentioned you have 5+ as a hit.

If only the 6 count.
With 3 vs 5 dice, you get:
19.98% versus 41.68%
Recalculated, the weights here are:
32.40% versus 67.60% (factor 2.09)

With 5+ and 3 vs 5 dice, now you get:
19.02% versus 54.52%
Recalculated, the weights then are:
25.86% versus 74.14% (factor 2.87)

That is a lot. If this happens in the long run. Then simply depending on the die mechanic. A weight of 3 would actually be 4.

I suggest I start working on YOUR version. I am already making changes that could simplify filling in the first table for the balance calculator.
But it still has to be done in a "manual" way.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Yeah that makes TOTAL sense!

I like the concept that no matter how many UNITS ... It ALL gets resolved with 1 vs. 1 Combat Decisions. And I like that BOTH players choose which and it is a bit RANDOM. It's this RANDOMNESS that attracts me to the concept. I'm not so concerned that there is no "Board" or "World" to conquer... Like you said a Puerto Rico with Combat (Euro + Combat). That's what the Reviewer was saying but he kept insisting that the end result was a total and utter failure. I disagree.

I had another idea to SHARE with you.

Something to do with SPATIAL MOVEMENT.

So what this IDEA is ... Has got to do with ROLLING 2D3s. It is sorta derived from the RPS-3 concept and that there are ONLY "3" SPACES. Let me explain...

questccg wrote:
A while back ago I was working on a Mech Battle Game in the Pocket Series of games. And we used two (2) dice (D6s) to determine the distance from the enemy...

What you effectively would do is ROLL 2D3s and get two (2) VALUES as follows:

  • Each dice determines the RELATIVE POSITION of the two (2) units.
  • Unless the POSITION is the SAME, there is a "sorta" MOVEMENT or RANGE.
  • Once this RANGE is dealt with the combat proceeds as NORMAL.

How does this work? And what am I trying to explain???

Let's take my EXAMPLE of the 3 ORCS (Melee/Power) vs. 4 RANGERS (Ranged/Skill).

You ROLL the 2D3s and get 2 values. Let's say "1" and "3". What this means is that the two "armies" are 2 SPACES (Virtual) away from one another. This gives the RANGERS a "tactical advantage".

In connection with AOM, I would say something like RANGERS get +2 DICE... GIVING them extra TIME (# of attacks) against the ORCS. Something like that.

IF BOTH 2D3 rolls were "3" and "3"... They would be in the SAME SPACE and there would be no BONUS because both armies are NEXT to one-another. And of course some unit types like Melee vs. Melee do NOT benefit from RANGE since they are ONLY within proximate SPACE (Melee = Physical combat always in range...)

And of course you would have a -x DICE PENALTY for the RANGERS (Melee beats Ranged) and the ORCS would have a +y DICE BONUS (Power beats Skill).

Something like that...

What is NEAT is that you can have ADDITIONAL "VIRTUAL SPACING" ... Given 2D3s rolls which offer less room for EXAGERATED bonuses relative to SPACE (or RANGE)...

Let me know what you think... Like I said we were using DICE for POSITIONING in the Mech Game that I was working on. We abandoned that project and then I got to work on other games (since there was no interest in the Mech Game). It was a TRY to understand the mechanics of the Pocket Series of games and HOW(?) you could implement something as a SOLO DICE GAME with the engine used by all the other SPORT games.

Please share with me your thoughts... If you are already doing a VIRTUAL BOARD it may make sense to ALSO do VIRTUAL SPACING (as explained above)...?!

Cheers @larienna.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

In the Mech game the reason we used 2D6s was because the Mechs had WEAPONS and they ALL had "RANGE OF FIRE". So if the rolls were "2" and "6", it meant that weapons with a RANGE of 4 or more could target EACH OTHER.

So if one Mech had a Missile Rack = "4" and the Opponent had a Particle Cannon = "5" both players COULD attack each other.

The Opponent in this case would be sort of an AI too. As it could be another player. But we were working on SOLO games and there did not seem at that time to be too big of a MARKET for that sort of game TBH.

Anyhow... Because in your game the # of dice don't want to be EXCESSIVE ... I think 2D3s are better than 2D6s.

Let me know what you think...?!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Multi-Unit Combat

larienna wrote:
Here is a combat example, I'll just explains the duel resolution between 2 units.

Hoplite [3] (Mortal:Warrior) +3 vs cavalry, +1 vs mortal
Chariot archer [3] (Mortal: Archer, Cavalry) +3 vs flyers, +3 vs Warriors

Hoplite rolls 3 dice + 3 dices because his opponent is a cavalry, and +1 die because his opponent is also a mortal: Total 7 dices.

The Chariot Archer roll 3 base dice + 3 dice because the hoplite is of type Warriors.

So it's 7 vs 6 dices. Roll all the dices, count the number of 6 (or 5+ in my variant), the side with the most hit defeats it's opponent. In case of ties, both units retreat (in my variant). Very easy combat system.

Here the chariot archer being at the same time Archer and cavalry breaks up the 3 way RPS relation.

Just to be certain that I UNDERSTOOD correctly... The Hoplite vs. Chariot Archer is a ONE to ONE encounter right??? Like in my OWN scenario you can't have "3 Orcs" vs. "4 Rangers", right?!

I know @X3M was working very hard to ENABLE "balance" in multi-unit battles.

Have you thought of this or not?!?!

questccg wrote:
I would ADD another STAT which would be something like GROUP MODIFIER.

What is the "Group Modifier" STAT good for??? It tells you how many DICE to ADD per additional UNIT present.

So if you have a Hoplite with a "5" and a GM = "1.5" it means that for each 2x extra unit... You gain +3 Dice.

I know @X3M was working SO HARD on getting BALANCE... And I feel with ONE (1) SIMPLE COMBAT change could make a WORLD of difference.

questccg wrote:
Instead of the Victor having the MOST "6"s ... Each "6" KILLS one (1) of the opponent's army... AMAZING!!!

Of course I would add the DUALLING RPS-3s and have a PENALTY and BONUS... No doubt that adds to the level of challenge and then I would also add "Virtual Spacing" (2D3s) to make it even a bit more interesting...

So the MORE "Dice" you have, the better the ODDS of DEFEATING ONE (PLUS) UNITS. And this works on BOTH SIDES. BUT! Instead of it being like in AOM where the ROLL ORDER is NOT IMPORTANT, I would say each PLAYER ROLLS 1D6 and when either side reaches the END (maxed dice count), the opponent rolls the remaining ?D6s as EXTRA and can kill units which previously survived.

I think an EXAMPLE of what I have BUILT for YOU (you can modify and improve upon it too...) gives you something that's a bit "MEATIER":

questccg wrote:
The battle is between 3 ORCS (Melee/Power) [5/1.5] and 4 RANGERS (Ranged/Skill) [4/1], the SPACE is "3" minus "2" = +1 RANGE Bonus.

So the ORCS roll 5D6s + (3 x 1.5 = 4.5 = +4 Dice) PLUS a +2 Bonus (Power vs. Skill) = 11 Dice.

The RANGERS roll 4D6s + (4 x 1 = +4 Dice) PLUS Range bonus +1 = +9 Dice and get a -2 PENALTY (Melee vs. Ranged) = 7 Dice.

So ORCS roll 1D6 = "5", RANGERS roll 1D6 = "6" = 1 ORC dies.
Next ORCS roll 1D6 = "4", RANGERS roll 1D6 = "1" = nobody dies.
Lastly ORCS roll 1D6 = "2", RANGERS roll 1D6 = "6" = 1 ORC dies.

So the COUNT = 2 ORCS dead, 1 ORC surviving. 4 RANGERS alive.

But there are "+8 MORE ORCS" Attacks vs. "+4 RANGER" Attacks.

So ORCS roll 1D6 = "3", RANGERS roll 1D6 = "5" = nobody dies.
Next ORCS roll 1D6 = "6", RANGERS roll 1D6 = "4" = 1 RANGER dies.
Lastly ORCS roll 1D6 = "5", RANGERS roll 1D6 = "6" = 1 ORC dies.

No more ORCS present (all killed), combat ends the RANGERS victorious.

Conclusion: 0 Orcs vs. 3 Rangers left over AFTER the BATTLE!

This is my MASTERFUL implementation of an "improved" system for Battles with Troop counts ala "AOM". I too gave an example, because it would be HARD to comprehend without all the moving parts.

Let me know what you think about this MULTI-PLAYER "ARMY"/Battle Concept.

You can ONLY have ONE (1) TYPE of UNIT per ARMY. You can't have ORCS + SHAMAN. Just ORCS OR SHAMAN. So it's foundation is similar to AOM... With that 1 vs. 1 feel... But just allows for MULTIPLE units of the SAME type to do combat TOGETHER.

Again your thoughts???

Note #1: I realize this is a LOT more "complicated" but it is in a WAY more "Complete". Multiple units vs. other Multiple units (Army vs. Army) and you see what comes of it.

Remember if you NEVER roll "6", your army count SURVIVES. When you have 0 UNITS even if you still have DICE to roll... You LOSE because your army has been conquered (and you have no more units to battle with...)

But if you HOLD on to that ONE (1) UNIT... He/she can make a BIG DIFFERENCE with SOME DICE ROLLING LUCK and even out the playing field. This did NOT happen in my EXAMPLE... But it is POSSIBLE.

Cheers @larienna.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
The Group Modifiers (GM) can go as follows:

Ancient GM = +2
Classical GM = +1.5
Heroic GM = +1.0
Mythic GM = +0.5

You can also ADAPT certain Units to your liking +0.5 or -0.5 as you wish. And this could make for a NEAT multi-unit combat system (as described in the previous comment...)

I'm just stating as far as HOW(?) to handle "Group Modifiers" as a whole with a simple method that is easy to compute and be handled.

Same method for determining Army vs. Army: each player chooses a Card and then they both REVEAL and those two (2) Army of units face off against each other.

That's all I got ATM. I think I've worked pretty tirelessly to get something of value to you.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this COMBAT system and what you could DERIVE from it (if it improves upon this design or borrows some elements to make something more comprehensive...)


larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I forgot about retreat, maybe

I forgot about retreat, maybe you just have multiple outcome. Probability to kill, retreat or die. It's like Battlemist where you have odds to kill or rout.

Now, if you want to evaluate the efficiency of a unit by summing up all probabilities. How much should be ties worth? You could say that ties are worth half the probability of a kill.

This is a variant I made many years ago. I am using AOM as an example of RPS and how to analyze it. The only new stuff about this game was to see if a solo variant could be possible. Of course if I make a new game, I'll take more liberties and make more modification, but I should keep most core mechanism.

I don't remember if I checked the odds modifications by rolling 5+. The idea was to add a bit more randomness and increase the probabilities to get ties, therefore retreating, making the battle progress without losing your entire army if unlucky as rebuilding up is difficult.

About your 2D3 mechanics, that reminds me of a situation roll mechanism I had for a tactical war game. The idea was to simplify the different interactive choices in the NES "Conflict" video game. This system created different situations like one side being alerted while the other side is sleeping. It affected initiative and could allow surprise attacks. As a board game, it adds a lot of rolling.

Combats are one on one. In the original rules, each player select 1 unit, reveal and the units duel. In my variant, the unit selection is random. So you can have 3 orcs vs 4 rangers, but they duel one at a time. Other possible variation could be to have 1 card for each unit, make a deck and resolve like the War card game. Flip a card, roll the dices and continue.

Units unlocking in later age could get bonus or minus to compensate that they are not accessible the from start of the game when using my variant. You need to unlock them by changing age. It could have an impact on the unit's worth. I am not really sure. Else there is not much other variables impacting the value since there is no map and movement. Only special powers will boost a unit's evaluation.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
1 on 1 battles

Are very easy to balance for certain.
Applying this mechanic, while having multiple units in the force, would be no problem.

Expanding this to getting support from multiple units is more difficult to balance.

The only problem I once had was the number of dice that I was rolling. The game that we are looking at, right now. Also has bucket'o'dice. Because the cyclops has a situation where it can roll 13 dice. That is...more than I allow at the moment. The mythical hero also 13.
The hydra could go up to even 14.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
"working hard" is only

"working hard" is only finding ways to "working smarter".

That said, depending on the game mechanics. The key's to balance changes as well.

The question at the moment is:
Do you want to keep 1 on 1 battle's?
Or were you planning to have multiple units work together?

Seeing as how the balance changes by altering a factor. Well, with RTS like games, you use the weight cost for balance.

But the currently described game mechanics, don't show much difference to be honest.

You see, the balance is based on the overal win chance an unit has.
If an unit has 24 possible opponents. Then the average winchance against these opponents, will be the weight factor.
The list dances around 0.5. And the super average will be 12.
You need to add a total winchance of 1, to increase to 13 as weight factor.
So, if out of those 24 possible opponents, there are 6 targets that are mortals. And you have an increased winchance of 1/6th. You get that 1 extra weight. To get the winchance to increase that much. A +3 on 4 or something like that is more than enough.


The whole matrix calculation however is intended to see that when the winchances get closer to 100%. That the weight of the unit will increase more than just 1.
A weight of 24 is not possible or realistic.

In the little example, that is waiting on my pc.
I made a 5x5 matrix. It has the super average of 2.5.
And the most expensive unit, a flying monster, initially shows a weight of 4.
The true weight would be 160% over the average here.

But after running the matrix to balance things.
The result is that the super average will be 2.22 and the weight of the flying unit is then 3.7. Which results in 167% over the average.

It slightly increased in costs.


To see what happens if this unit gets even better winchances. I will increase it by removing the only other unit that could harm this creature. I will remove the ability of the archer to shoot the thing. Remember that the flying units can still harm each other in the game. So, the initial weight is now 4.5 with the super average of 2.5.
180% initial weight over the average.

Running the matrix results in a super average of 1.9, and the weight of the flying unit is now 3.96.
This is 220% over the average.

So, by removing the archer ability to harm the flying creature. We went from 167% to 220%.


On a side note. I think I am missing a division somewhere. Since an unit that can win against everything should cost infinite. I will get to work on this on another day.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I proposed MORE dice but only rolling 1 at-a-time

X3M wrote:
The only problem I once had was the number of dice that I was rolling. The game that we are looking at, right now. Also has bucket'o'dice. Because the cyclops has a situation where it can roll 13 dice. That is... more than I allow at the moment. The mythical hero also 13. The hydra could go up to even 14.

Unlike AOM where they say you can roll the dice concurrently and as required. I proposed to make a CHANGE:

questccg wrote:
When having Army vs. Army, each Player rolls 1D6 at a time. If either or BOTH are a "6", one of the appropriate Armies loses one (1) Unit.

And that ends that. There is no need for a bucket'o'dice. Instead you roll 1D6 for BOTH players and observe the outcome. Granted with the EXTRA dice rolling it may take longer to RESOLVE combat... But I think that's the point here: You want to have FUN battling your opponent's armies. It's a different mindset that the original game, enhanced with more COMBAT and more dice rolling and not more DICE... You only need 2D6 to play (for 2-Players).


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

It's not a WINNER TAKES ALL scenario as with AOM method of combat. Firstly it's 1 vs. 1 so it's has to be the winner TAKES ALL. Secondly with more UNITS and ARMIES, the rolling of a "6" has an immediate action. So there is a bit of difference between Multi-Unit Combat vs. 1-on-1.

But you see that in ARMY Combat it's not +5 Dice per unit... It's a fraction of that amount (GM = +0.5 to +2.0) depending on each specific category of unit PLUS any special adjustments done MANUALLY!

So even if it's like 14+ ROLLS, you don't NEED 14+ DICE, only one for each combatant. AOM is 2 to 6 Players ... But AT MOST you would need 2D6s: one White dice and one Black dice. Just so you don't get confused when the players ROLL their dice. It's still 2-Player Combat but just with Armies now...

Note #1: I just wanted to add that it seems like the game can go up to 8 Players (as per the rulebook)...

And BTW those "Player Boards" YOU designed are SUPER COOL! I know we all said they looked good... But they look so PROFESSIONALLY done that it feels like YOUR "Player Boards" are part of the ORIGINAL game... When I look at the IMAGES on BGG, I find NO SUCH Boards and I'm like: "Where are those Player Boards???" They seem ESSENTIAL to the game!

You really did an AMAZING job with them! More than COOL they are ALSO VERY FUNCTIONAL. So KUDOS to you @larienna for a job well done!

So YOUR "variant", how is it DIFFERENT???

What CHANGES have you made??? Your Player Boards are AMAZING and should be part of whatever VARIANT you make in relation to the game. In ARMY combat, I would add a "Group Modifier" (+0.5 to +2.0) on the opposite side of each unit in the Player Boards and that would be that... You have MORE Wargame like content and the ability to bring Multi-Unit Battles.

But you are perfectly well to make your OWN variant from whatever we've discussed. Borrow what you like, disregard what you don't like... They are just suggestions and (obviously) you are free to use whatever you want (or not!)

Note #2: I found your MELTING POT variant ... I read all the rule changes. It wasn't too extreme. But what is the GOAL as I didn't read anything about SOLO Variant only some changes.

Please let me know HOW(?) this MELTING POT variant is compared to the ORIGINAL game and what is NEW. Like I said I READ the "Ruleset" it's just changes and I don't see what is the major difference (or is it only meant to tweak and fix certain rules in the original AOM game)???

Just the broad lines works for me...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
X3M wrote: On a side note. I

X3M wrote:

On a side note. I think I am missing a division somewhere. Since an unit that can win against everything should cost infinite. I will get to work on this on another day.

Found a simple solution to this. Doing the division at the end of the matrix calculations.

I do seem to remember that I had a oscilating calculation in that regard as well. Not sure if the results would have been different.

Either way, it is based on the fact that when you win or loose 50% of the time. The factor is 1. But if you win 75% of the time, the factor is already 3.
80% winchance is a factor of 4.
90% winchance is a factor of 9.
100% winchance is a factor infinite.


To give another idea of how carefull you need to be with the math behind your game.

I remember that in very old times. I added up the winchances and then divided by the lose chances.

If I applied that simple method. In a little test I have here. My archer would weight 0.67 and my flying monster 4.
A factor 6 difference.

If I remove the ability of the archer to shoot the flying monster. The weights would be 0.33 and my flying monster 9.
A factor 27 difference.

Back then, it always felt wrong. Since the usage of certain units also means a lot. If an expensive unit is used a lot. Then the counters to this unit should also weight more. That is what the rebalancer does.

With my matrix rebalancer. The same situation.
A factor 3 difference.
And after the removal of the archers ability.
A factor 7 difference.

And maybe, just maybe, this is a wrong approach.
Since the factor goes down from 27 to 7.


Durability contest? The rest of a game?

If we also have a castle as target. This thing can have a lot of hit points.
If the combat is solely a roll to see who defeats who. And all units will always remove 1 hit point of the castle. Then the archer will always be X times better than the flying monster that costs X times the archer. And that is how I came to the conclusion that a rebalancer is needed. Since going mass flying monsters would mean that an oppontent goes mass X times that ammount of flying monsters in terms of archers. And only 1 archer would die per round per flying monster.

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