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How many cards?

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PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019

Fri and Quest, thanks for your suggestions. I will remember them. However, I plan to keep the current army setup the same, because I can't figure out how the technology would fit into my format. I will delete(or not) the berserker and ranger units, and add them in a later expansion, with will contain the technology stuff you guys talked about(that is, if the game succeeds enough to have an expansion. Thnks fr th sggstns.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Just a quick follow-up

The idea would be to offer three (3) standard units:

  • Swordsman, Spearman and Knight.

Each unit has 15 cards. Top three (3) are common for ALL of that unit's technology tree. Bottom two (2) are specific for that class. Which means that ten (10) cards are COMMON and the last FIVE (5) are selectable:

So if you have a Swordsman, he can remain so with his 15 cards. But if you would want to use the Militia or Berserker, you would discard the Swordsman bottom two (5 cards) and choose either the Militia or Berserker FIVE (5) cards to enable that style of play.

Therefore you have 15 cards x 4 units = 60 cards + (2 specialization x 5 cards each x 2 units) = 60 + 20 cards = 80 cards. You can play around with the "core" units ...

Instead of four (4) "core" units (of type Swordsman), you could have THREE (3). And then you would have 45 + 20 = 65 cards! You can cut it further by have only ONE (1) of each specialization: 45 "core" + 10 cards = 55 cards (even less)!

Anyhow just some ideas ... you can explore them if you wish to do so!

Note #1: In total you would have 55 x 3 = 165 cards for only the units (but 9 units in all). Instead of 180 army cards... So 15 cards less (a small saving) ... but 9 instead of 12 units.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
NCH Software ClickCharts v4.15 for Home use only.

PG-Developement wrote:
BTW, what did you use to make your diagram? I use simplemind.

NCH ClickCharts (Free for non-commercial use). It does all kinds of diagrams. It may be a bit finicky when it comes to adding "links", sometimes when you want to EDIT "Text" it'll think you want to add a "link", things like that. But for FREE and all the diagrams it does... Who needs "Visio" when you can use NCH's tool and do all kinds of diagrams with one single program.

I counted 28 different diagrams. Reminds me A LOT like Microsoft "Visio"!

"NCH Software ClickCharts v4.15" for Home use only.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
If you review further ... you'll see

That you can have ALL the "units" and their classes with less cards if you use the "specialization" method that I described!

How you manage the "Class Tree" is pretty simple. And an example is something like this:

  • Swordsman becomes Militia with the use of Large Shield.

  • Swordsman becomes Berserker with the use of Two (2) Short Swords.

  • Swordsman remains Swordsman with the use of a Short Sword ONLY.

So you have 3 Tech items: Short Sword, 2 Short Swords and Large Shield. Each of these Tech "clusters" contain 5 cards each + the Tech card so 30 cards in total... (3 Swords + 15 Cards) + (1 Two Swords + 5 Cards) + (1 Large Shield + 5 Cards) = 30 cards.

And so your PACKS are identified with three (3) Tech items above the cluster of cards used for specializing the class to 1 of 3 combinations.

You can apply the SAME logic for "Spearmen" and "Knights".

Anyhow it's your design... I'm just explaining HOW you could use Class Specialization and have ALL of the classes plus a couple that I invented for the purpose of this "exercise".

If you have questions or need some further clarification, just let me know and I'll provide further details in relation to your concerns. I personally think it would be a shame to limit the game to LESS classes than to explore a way to "tighten" the design for more variety.

But like I said, at the end of the day, it's YOUR design!

I'm just providing you with additional details and concepts relative to what Fri introduce and what I "fleshed-out" a bit in further detail.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
More on defining the Tech Tree

questccg wrote:
So you have 3 Tech items: Short Sword, 2 Short Swords and Large Shield. Each of these Tech "clusters" contain 5 cards each + the Tech card so 30 cards in total... (3 Swords + 15 Cards) + (1 Two Swords + 5 Cards) + (1 Large Shield + 5 Cards) = 30 cards...

The "Common" cards for the "Swordman" is 10 cards x 3 units. So +30 cards. Added to the Class and Tech cards is 30 + 30 = 60 cards.

Do this for three (3) distinct and unique units 60 x 3 = 180 cards!

So your game would have 9 units, with 3 classes each. But restricting specialization to only 2 types/classes per "core" unit. Maybe you could think up a way to PAY (have an associated cost) for the "specialization" so that it's not necessarily random but relies on some kind of economic system.

Again I'm sharing some of my ideas. You can feel free to disregard them if you are not interested. And like I said if you have questions, need clarification, see errors, etc. Just let me know and I'll do my best to address your concerns.

I don't want you to feel that I'm pushing this "Tech Tree" on you... I'm just taking a stab at the design and trying to see if you can make it better with LESS cards and MORE classes of units.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
"Royal Order" expansion!

PG-Developement wrote:
Fri and Quest, thanks for your suggestions. I will remember them... add them in a later expansion, with will contain the technology stuff you guys talked about(that is, if the game succeeds enough to have an expansion.

Here's another idea: Keep the Swordsmen and Spearmen but take out the Knights and use them for an expansion called "Royal Order". So Knights + Cavalry + Gryphon Riders could be for that monumental "expansion".

With that being said, the Swordsmen and Spearmen could be boosted to 4 of each unit and 2 of each specialized class.

Now if I do my math based on your own data I get something like:

  1. 4 x 10 "core" cards = 40 cards
  2. 4 x 5 "specialization" cards = 20 cards
  3. 4 x 5 "core unit" cards = 20 cards
  4. Total for one unit = 80 cards.
  5. Do that for both types of units or 80 x 2 = 160 cards.

Bottom line: your game would have 160 cards, 2 "core" classes and 4 specializations, 2 per unit.

Just something that I was thinking about when you said you might want to "remove" something from your current "configuration".

Again feel free to ignore if you feel you want to go in another direction.


PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019
Royalty Expansion

There already is a royalty expansion. (Look in the OP)

PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019

Day three of the online game: Bug in the code, on line 200 something... Asking for support in module... None given

PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019
It’s been a while...

It’s been a while since I posted, so might as well. I play tested the game with paper cards, and it worked well. But there are some problems. So I might change a few things, but I’ll keep you guys posted.

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