I am currently working on a battle system suitable for wargames, boardgames or even simple roleplaying games. The main focus is to create a very simple system that provides enough space to expand it by adding new content. Magic the Gathering for example works only with a few attributes (strength/toughness) but is inifinitely expandable just by adding new cards and rules.
My system suits best with fantasy miniature games, maybe card games or abstract wargames played with tokens. I think it really works for close combat, futuristic combat with all the ranged weapons and artillery might not be so easy to represent. Okay, lets go:
Every unit (creature, combatant etc.) in the game is represented by a card or a template. On this card you find all the basic statistics like the name and a picture of the unit. The unique thing is, that on the lower half of the template of every unit there is some kind of gauge, or display called the Health-Meter. The Health-Meter shows a single number between 1 and something like 10 and represents the units life or hitpoints.
Each unit enters play with a full health-meter: Use a token or a dice to keep track of the current lifepoints. When attacking, a unit rolls as many six sided dice as it has health points left. This is also true for defending and morale rolls - in fact: whenever a unit has to make a test of some sort, you roll d6 equal to its health. This means, the more health a unit looses - the weaker it becomes, reducing its chances to hit or dodge enemy attacks.
A short note on tests and dice rolls: Imagine a health-4 unit is attacking a health-5 unit: The attacker rolls 4d6. Please note that the results are not added, instead each dice counts as one attack attempt. The attackers results are: 5, 3, 1 and 6. Now the defender rolls 5d6 showing: 3, 5 , 6 , 1 and 3.
Now the defender pairs the dice in a way trying to block as many attacks as possible. An attack is blocked or negated when the defender pairs an equal or higher result against it. Only one die can be paired against another - as the defender rolled more dice than the attacker, he has just one more chance to negate a high result.
The result looks like this: 5 blocked by 5, 3 blocked by 3, 1 blocked by 1 and 6 blocked by 6 - the additional 3 the defender rolled is left unused. As all dice have been negated - the attack was dodged successfully (If the attacker rolled one more 5 or 6 - the dice would have been unblockable and dealt damage to the defender).
Now on to the meat of the battle system: I needed a way to handle all the "fun-stuff", the modifiers, rerolls - critical hits and extra attacks. And of course - the special rules of the units like siege engine rules, flying abilities, magical powers and so on.
So, next to the health meter of every unit there is a rules box that shows all the special abilities a unit has. The trick is, that every special ability is tied to the amount of health the unit has left. This means that a unit not only gets weaker when taking damage: It also looses more and more of its special abilities the more damage it takes.
But, the whole health-meter and tied abilities concept can be used in different ways: there could be units wich GAIN abilities when loosing health (like werewolves going berserk). I could also imagine units starting only with a portion of the maximum health shown on their card. Those units could be able to gain health by killing other units and by that gaining new abilities too etc. etc. etc.
Okay, one more example and a picture of a sample card template for you and then it should be enough talk:
Imagine Runegrogs Axemen fighting a unit of Undead Skeleton Warriors. For simplicity we assume that both units have exactly the same attributes and abilities.
The fight begins and the Axemen swing their first attack: Being at full health they roll 4d6 and looking at the card template we see that they add +1 to each attack roll as long as the unit has 3 or more health left. We roll: 1, 2, 4 and 5 - after the modifier this turns into: 2, 3, 5 and 6.
Now the Undead Skeleton Warriors raise their shields in order to block the incoming blow: Also at full health they roll 4d6 and due to the Shield ability (available only when health is full) they add +1 to each roll. Results: 1, 1, 3 and 5 - modified: 2, 2, 4 and 6.
The defender pairs the dice: 2 blocks 2, 4 blocks 5 and 6 blocks 6. There is an unblocked 3 left wich means that Runegrogs Axemen sucessfully dealt damage to the Undead reducing its health by one point. This loss of health not only reduces the Undead dice rolled from now on from 4 to 3, it also indicates that the units lost their shields.
... to be continued
Hope this is more or less understandable. I would be interested in feedback of all sorts: Do you think the system is playable, is there too much book-keeping or is it too complex to handle with lots of units on the board?
PS: Oops, after posting the topic I encountered a major design flaw: If a 7 dice unit attacks a 3 dice unit - the 3 dice unit will never be able to dodge all the attacks - no matter what results the dice show. Please ignore this error for now, there will be a solution to the problem sooner or later.
Thank you for the quick and qualified answers, lets
see how this discussion develops - everyone is welcome
to contribute thoughts and ideas!
@ Larienna:
The point you speak of is exactly why i started developing
this system: I know many board- and computergames where there
are very powerful units, wich just dont get weaker as you hurt
them. I did not like this fact at all, and I dont know many
games wich do it different. I just wanted the dragons and all
those mighty war-maschines to get weaker as they take hits.
As the damage is permanent, keeping track of all the health
values will be really tricky. But as Lucas.Castro stated in his
post - there will be as many multi-model units as possible in the
game. So most of the bookeeping is done on the playing field itself,
just be the number of models present in a unit. whats left are all
the special characters, monsters and war-maschines - here you have
to use dice or tokens or whatever.
@ Lucas.Castro:
Very constructive post, thank you! It will take a while until I
fleshed out all the details to make the system work fluently without
any flaws - but i think the core-system can be real fun to play.
* Regarding the 7 VS 3 issue:
1. I thought about something like that. Leaving it as it is - the
defender is killed outright. In Magic the Gathering a lower toughness
creature automaticly looses combat, without any dice rolled - so why
should I bother in my system. But: This is not elegant and seems to
be a poorly designed solution.
2 and 3. I like both ideas, but they suit better in special abilities
of some sort and not as a core mechanic. Again its just not elegant enough
in my eyes and seems like a tacked on solution.
So, the 7 VS 3 issue still needs work. basically its about giving even
a very weak unit a chance against very strong units. I have to think about it,
maybe someone has more thoughts to share.
* The complexity issue:
Yes, I want to limit abilities to a maximum of 4 abilities per unit. Where
0-2 is common, 3-4 abilities on a single unit are a rare sight.
see the larienna answer above about the health tracking issue.
* Dices as Deciding factor:
I dont think this issue is serious. I like dicerolling and having a random
element in the game. Imagine all the possible modifiers, rerolls and other
abilities wich will alter the results almost all the time - this should take
some of the weight out of the dice factor.
Again, I like your Combat Rating idea - but again as a ability that many
units have. Not as a core concept. Not elegant enough, its another statistic
and seems tacked on (repeat my blabla from above).
* The last paragraphs:
Yes, its the uber-units right now. I did some tests, playing against myself
with mockup units and the result was horrible. With good mixed and evenly
distributed forces between the players its okay. But when I imagine that both
players design their armies before the game according to a point system - each
one of them will try to max-out their fighting power. It opens the door for
powergamers - a serious issue in my point of view.
Why? Because, you already said it: unhurt big units are the key to win. Well if
we say that a Dragon at 10 is as strong as a unit of 10 soldiers - its okay. But the
dragon will have more and stronger abilities and so on. So its really not the same.
One more thing i occured in testing is that the damage system leads to some kind
of downward spiral: the more hurt a unit is, the weaker it gets - wich increases
the chances of getting even more hurt - rendering the unit almost useless.
Okay, all in all its and idea - and a concept. A start.