I'm working on a strategy game and I was wondering what other types of dice based combat systems there are besides the head to head "RISK" mechanic or the casualty system like in "Axis and Allies".
If anyone can suggest another direction to go or a variant an either of these two systems, please respond and help a brother out.
I really like the comments you guys, thanks a bunch. While reading them I thought of a system of a "sliding six scale". I want to use a six sided die for ease of play and to keep production costs down.
Let me tell you about the game. It's a strategy game set in ancient Greece. So we are talking Hoplites and Phalanx. Attacking a Phalanx in the side or the rear was the most dangerous. Right now, I have the game played on a hex grid, and the pieces have a direction indicator to show which way the units are facing.
With this in mind, I was thinking about making each roll of the six sided die do something different. For example, these could be the base rolls if attacking from the front:
1 - Defender attacks back (roll of 1-2, attacker takes hit/casualty)
2 - Defender attacks back (roll of 1, attacker takes hit/casualty)
3 - No effect
4 - No effect
5 - Defender takes a Hit/casualty
6+ - Defender takes a Hit/casualty
These rolls can be augmented. If attacking from the side you can add 1 to the base rolls; and if attacking from the rear you could add 2 to the base rolls.
So by "out flanking" your enemy, the chances of them taking casualties goes up dramatically, and the chances of you taking a casualty goes down dramatically as well.
What do you guys think about that? If you have any critiques or see any potential problems please let me know.