I'm trying to find existing card games to reference that have no restrictions on how many cards a player can play each turn, instead having natural reasons players wouldn't want to play everything every turn.
I'm looking for non-deck builders specifically.
I'd greatly appreciate any recommendations.
Thank you!
Thanks Jay,
I've left the request vague as Im not looking for specific types of gameplay, but perhaps it was too vague.
I'm searching for any card game that has no resource system and no limit to how many cards you can play in your turn. Ideally with mechanics that discourage but don't prevent players from playing any or all of their cards during their turn.
I mentioned deck builders specifically because most that I've played allow you to play your entire hand every turn and there's little reason not to. They have the deck building aspect as a virtual resource ramp up.
I'll take a look at exploding kittens. Do you ever find holding cards back in that game to be valuable? Or do you usually play your entire hand each turn?