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Rip Your Opponents Card to Shreds

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Toa Lewa
Toa Lewa's picture
Joined: 10/31/2013

This is a branch of the parent thread "The 'Legacy' Mechanic & Destruction".

After reading the posts from the above thread, I had an interesting idea about using perforated cards in a CCG. Each card would contain perforated sections that contain special abilities. Some perforations provide special abilities by keeping them on, and some provide special abilities by ripping them off.

Here is where things get kind of mean. In a real game, your opponent can use their special abilities to tear one of your card's perforations off. When this happens, your card loses its ability from then on. Because of this permanent effect, the game would be much weightier since your cards can be damaged during the game.

Toa Lewa
Toa Lewa's picture
Joined: 10/31/2013

This is a continuation of the above post (I didn't realize you can't edit the first post).

A damaged card could tremendously alter a player's deck strategy and require the person to find a replacement card.

To prevent super powerful cards from being ripped up by your opponent during a game, a player can fill their deck with defender, blocker, and sacrificer cards. When your opponent attempts to hurt one of your important cards, you can take one of these weaker cards and rip a perforation off of it instead.

The Dead Gamers
The Dead Gamers's picture
Joined: 12/22/2013
I personally love this idea,

I personally love this idea, but I know some of my friends who absolutely wouldn't play it because they care too much about their little pieces of cardboard.

Toa Lewa
Toa Lewa's picture
Joined: 10/31/2013
RYOC and Taping Mechanics

To make it easier, I am going to refer to this mechanic as the RYOC mechanic (Rip Your Opponent's Card).

I have been trying to figure out ways to lessen the blow of card ripping. As others have said, RYOC is a fairly mean spirited mechanic. One of the things I have been thinking about is a "taping" mechanic. When another player rips off one of your perforations, you can tape your perforation back on at the end of the game (with literal tape). When you have a "taped" special ability, the ability is half as effective as the initial special ability. I realize that it will still be painful for this to happen to super cards, but it is better than completely losing the ability. Taping would allow a player to still utilize their card but in a less effective way.

While I think taping will lessen the blow, I don't want to completely remove the tension inherent to this system. Because of this, taped abilities could still be ripped, and when a taped ability is ripped, the ability is literally destroyed. Basically, your ability gets two strikes and its out.

What do you think?

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Toa Lewa wrote: To prevent

Toa Lewa wrote:

To prevent super powerful cards from being ripped up by your opponent during a game, a player can fill their deck with defender, blocker, and sacrificer cards. When your opponent attempts to hurt one of your important cards, you can take one of these weaker cards and rip a perforation off of it instead.

Or you could have a required power threshold to damage more powerful cards requiring more devastating attacks or multiple attacks to damage the card permanently.

In fact you probably want to scale card defense by rarity. It’s not much of a sting to lose a power from a card you can easily replace from your spares but it would be if it’s rare.

I would shoot for a balance where cards can get damaged because that’s the cool gimmick of the game but no not damaged so often or easily that your game is ruined after just a few plays.

Toa Lewa
Toa Lewa's picture
Joined: 10/31/2013

Dralius wrote:
I would shoot for a balance where cards can get damaged because that’s the cool gimmick of the game but no not damaged so often or easily that your game is ruined after just a few plays.

Nice call Dralius. I started thinking about how this game would effect newbies playing against experts. The newbies would be ripped to shreds (no pun intended). There would need to be some way to balance card ripping. Maybe starter decks could focus on protecting cards.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

You play ONCE and you get *educated* on how to play the game! ;)

I'm betting players will get a *good feel* as to how to play the game once they have lost once!

Martin-r-m's picture
Joined: 07/26/2012
Cut Cards

You could make a print&play version. This would reduce cost.

What, if you have some kind of counter on one side of the cards (points or icons) ? Then you turn it around and your oponent cuts them with a scissor in two pices. You may choose what you keep and so damage or victory points are determined....

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