Visualize a 4X4 grid of cards that are collected each round (75 in all). The grid layout is important for thematic purposes but will likely have to be modified for number of players, e.g., 4X6 for three players. The cards will have various scoring symbols on them for scoring points.
I'm looking for unique ideas on how these cards can be collected. Right now, I'm strongly leaning towards a "take a row or play a card" mechanic similar to one found in Coloretto. Within this structure, I have two ideas:
1. Flip a card anywhere on the grid or claim a column of cards (unflipped & unclaimed cards in the column remain until the next round).
2. Play a card to a column or claim a column (similar to Cardcassonne). Thus, the grid will form as people play cards albeit unevenly. As in Cardcassonne, all cards will be played and revealed (unlike scenerio 1) each round but some unclaimed cards will carry over to the next round.
Visually, the first mechanic works better but the second adds more strategy and possibly tension since you can determine when and where the cards go.
Any other ideas on how these cards might be collected? With 75 cards, I think 3-5 cards (depending on number of players) per player collected each round should work.
Also, I'm not sure how the last round should be handled in "flip-a-card" scenario 1 since the number of cards collected each round will differ. Maybe a last round card buried in the deck near the bottom?
Big thanks in advance for any advice.
I did some playtesting last night and it went relatively well overall with scenerio #1 where one flips a card or claims a column. However, I didn't like how it didn't really matter what card in each column was flipped. For thematic reasons (unique designed meeples will go on claimed cards during each round and would be designed to enhance the theme), I would prefer that the cards get claimed in a more distributed way across the board. So next time I am going to test where you can flip a card, or claim a column OR row. That way, the flipping element becomes more distributed across the board. I wonder if an additional option of claiming a diagonal path would be too spatial? Any other thoughts on how cards can be collected from the 4X4 grid keeping in mind that 3 or 4 a round per person should be the target?