I want to make a deep, yet simple, war-game that is fun to play and easy.
What I got so far;
Players move over different terrain and try to conquer 1/3th of the board.
There is one standard unit type with wich you can fight against you opponent, these are blocks in 3 different colours wich represent the amount of units they are.
Each block is hide in a shell so that the opponent cannot see your units strenght.
The units in the shell take time to move i.e. a shell with 1 unit moves faster then a shell with 3 units, and there are different movement penalties for the different kind of terrains.
There are also certain rules wich apply to battle to resolve the battles, i.e. if you attack from 2 sides you get a bonus to offevense, or if you attack with mroe units you get a bonus etc.
After all points are calculated the battle will resolve with the simple math X-Y=?
The idea behind this is that you manouvre your opponent in such a position that you can fight him under the best circumstances for you, however because unit strenghts are hidden you'll have to guess what exactly is your opponents plan.
To spice this all up, I thought of 8 different special "Generals" or units troops, that add a certain bonus to the units they're attached too, i.e. move faster, more powerfull, les damage when fleeing etc.
At the beginning of the game you can secretly choose 3 of these 8 special units and use there bonuses in the coming battles.
What I would like to know;
How can I create fun battles without randomness, but wich are simple to resolve.
However, because battles and manouvring is what this game is about, there should be some depth in them.
How can I make it easy to remember and use the various rules you use in battle or for moving.
How can I create a fun map that is random and different per game whil not being hex-based or pre-printed?!
Do you have any advice for me, or suggestions what you would add or remove?
Thank you!
What I mean with shells is that it's open on one side facing the player who controls that piece, I thought of this so that units can switch shells and special units can be add to them.
The idea of th victory condition is that players (max. 2) get into conflict with each other.
Trying to figre out how strong your opponent is in a certain area and what kind of special bonuses he gets in a fight is key of the game.
A battle will be resolved by adding the various bonuses to both sides and then compare these 2 to see who has won.
I think this game is a combination between, chess, go, risk, and stratego.