Been talking with my cousin about this.
And I always had some issue's with any of my game designs.
Either, there was too much handling. Or too simple. Or it was too painfully unbalanced.
I tried many games with the RPS mechanics in mind. And I love my proto-type version the most. But it is better suited for a pc game at this point.
So, what if I combine my proto-type version, my public version and my cardgame version in such a way. That the things I had to test out and add. Are sorted out?
Here is my new idea.
I have a board with smaller hexagons than usual. The terrain is now solo. And a number will indicate if a force fits.
The player can have 1 hq and 6 forces. Numbered 1 to 6.
Maybe you already have guessed it, the map now functions more like that of a radar.
A force can either move, or attack.
A move is done for each force, it will be the slowest unit in that force.
The last issue's are with the attack.
The issue will be mentioned soon.
I think an attack is possible at a certain range. Including some, maybe all units. Then, the attack will have to continue until a certain situation is met.
What I mean is that when an attack occurs. Both players pick the force deck.
The deck has cards that are similar to Unit Statistic Cards (USC's). But then really as a deck. There are rules on how big the deck can be. But let's say, each player can have up to 8 decks. A stock deck (to purchase from), an HQ deck, and 6 force decks.
The right deck is chosen for both players(if the HQ attacks or is attack, it is chosen).
There will be 1 counter on the distance the 2 forces have to each other.
The players place the cards on the table in a cover configuration. I keep the 3 lines. But triangles are allowed now. Either way, break to the front line in order to reach something behind.
Both players can either fire, or move. Maybe I arrange something for an assault (I still love that move)
When a move occurs, the distance counter can either be reduced or increased. Only units that have the required attack range, can fire.
The combat repeats until. One or both sides are destroyed. Or the forces are to far appart.
The last issue with this
Once combat is over. The force pieces have not moved on the map itself? Or should I allow this? It would mean that during combat, the force pieces that are not in combat are frozen. And only the 2 pieces that are in combat move on that map. At least, this could allow for some high ground effects or something. Not sure about this, what do you guys think?
As end result.
I have no more action points. Which also costed a lot of handling. I believe my Ogame variant also didn't have these. They instead made use of a salvo mechanic. But I rather refrain of that. But perhaps I still will use it in a way. But it requires a second counter during battle. And it would be reset if the battle ends.
Health tracking will certainly be easier on a card. Simply place counters. Previously, the proto-type was with 20x20mm whiteboard with numbers written on them. But for a card, I could use a clip, or multiple clips, that point to the total damage a card has. But only for when it goes back into the deck. In fact, the deck is only out when a combat happens. And stays out until the combat ends. And a combat can take a long time.
I think I will post on this a bit more in the future. If I get something sorted out.
Cheers, X3M
PS. I do this out of "dissapointments" that I currently
Is that the combat resolution is not sufficient or overpowered.
1 attack per round is the same handling as what we do in our prototype game. The pieces fight, then are returned to the map (in this case, a deck).
Health is tracked this time. That is a primairy goal.
I could do the same as my Ogame variant. Which used threshold mechanics (do more damage than the target X in order to destroy it).
But since I want to do health tracking. I cannot have the sides combat till destruction either, without movement
So, a salvo would really be best. Which is multiple attacks in a combat.
My Ogame variant has a salvo of 3 subturn.
The pieces are tapped each subturn when used.
And out of range means, no roll.
But with health tracking, the balance of a salvo will be harder.
A h/d ratio of only 3 might be too short here too. But I could try it out. If it doesn't work, I need to reduce it back to 2...
But if it works, I could experiment with a higher ratio and maybe bigger salvo's.