Hey all,
Its been a while since ive been active here, i posted some time ago regarding my game "Burrowed", a 2-4 player tile movement game involving rabbits.
The game for the most part is done, and its just a matter of tuning everything, however in all the playtests one thing has been consistent and that is its taking too long to complete a game, or even get fully into the game for that matter. Below is a link to drive with some references images and the rulebook (ignore the images in the rulebook they havent been updated).
By about the 40 minute mark only 1 player (maybe 2) has burrowed a rabbit and usually 2 or even 3 of the players will only have a couple points at best or even none.
I need a way to speed up the game so that it lasts 40 minutes tops and their isnt so much disparity between the scores or the rabbits burrowed.
Any suggestions would be super helpful, this has had me stumped for a while and the games are just sooooo slow.
Thanks for any help, open to any and all suggestions :)
Thanks for the input everyone, ill have a play around with some of the suggestions and see what works best and has the desired outcome.