I need to have some sort of partially planned story line where various events happens at different time. The only solution so far is a series of event cards stacked in a certain way. These cards are resolved in order of the draw throught the course of the game.
The problem is that making sure to stack this event deck efficiently can be pretty annoying. So I was wondering If there was not another mechanic that could simulate various events happening on a certain timeline.
One thing I have just thought is using a mechanic close to Shadow over camelot. You have a certain amounts of card types an you need to bring X cards of this type for an event to trigger. In shadow over camelot, you need like 4 pick/saxon card for the saxon to win. Here it will be accumulate 3 event cards for an event to occur. This way, you can somewhat see what is comming.
In order to reduce the number of cards, a variation could be that there is a dozen of cards and only 8 out of 12 are drawn. Each time the card is drawn, a token is placed on the table. When you get 3 tokens of that category, an event occurs. Then you reshuffle the cards.
Any other ideas?
I don't know if I could make something not too random with dices.
I like the idea, it's like a "roll and move" made by the board game. And as you said, you can make sure that falling on the square and jumping over a square trigger something different each. I am not sure if I am going to use that but it's still a good idea.
For dices, I was thinking for example: Each turn you roll 3 dice: If you roll a 2-3 the event track increase if you roll a 4-5 the attack track increase. So let say that the event track has 3 square and the attack track has 9 squares. When each of these tracks fill up, either an event or an attack happens. I could even add that if you roll a 1, you place a token on the lowest track, if you roll a 6 you place a token on the highest track.
Now the number of rolls could be variable. For example, players could do good things which would increase the amount of roll for an event to happen. Maybe it could require 4 or 5 rolls now. Same thing for attack. In order to increase the amount of attack near the end of the game, I could say that after each attack the number of rolls required is reduced by 2. So the 2nd attack would require 7 rolls, the 3rd attack 5 rolls and the 4th attack 3 rolls. I could also make sure that the number of dice rolled could increase or decrease.
So it gives me a lot of variables I can control to make sure the story line is not flat. Else, I would need a calendar of event but the problem is that the storyline becomes predictable.
As for the event track described above, if I want a non flat story line, maybe I would need to make the track change during the course of the game. Either the track goes around the board and change with time. Either the track is modular and some pieces get changed through the course of the game.