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Too much fidling?

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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
I should explain the combat mechanic once more

Ok, let's assume that I use the 8 combinations of the classes.
(And I should not forget to have accuracy play a big role in helping me balance the game)

I should compile a list of possible cards first. Then select a few for a little explanation again.

I do this, so I can test how easy/hard it is to design new cards in "vanilla" style.

I could copy AoW3. However, they only have 1 type of wall...the wall.
Some other games have multiple walls. I guess, I should design my own units first.

Then I come back here later with some cards for the explanation of the combat.

Just remember:
- A player that attacks will exhaust those cards that are in the attack. When the opponent is in turn. The exhausted cards cannot defend.
- Chips come in the ammounts of 1, 3, 9, 27 etc. A player can choose to roll 1 or 3 dice for every chip, except for the chips of 1.
- There is a basic accuracy roll of 3/6th. This due to the health to damage ratio of 2.
- If damage hits, it has to be equal or higher than the target armor, in order to destroy an opponent.
- A damage of 3 cannot be divided among 3 opponents with just 1 armor. This is my hidden RPS mechanic.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Hmmmmm, found a challenge...a mistake

I used an RTS+AP balancing technique for my cardgame. But....
The game is not RTS, nor makes use of AP.
I can have units and defences fight to the death...but for a small cost.

Example of the machine gun.

At first, I had the machine gun deal 1 damage.
Or, it has a die roll of 1/3th in order to hit, at the same time as all other units.
Then it keeps rolling 1/3th for all eternity. Effectively having infinite damage.

This is a design flaw. And I noticed only now due to all the shit going on...


How a salvo works...

In RTS, units keep shooting. All of them. Damage is during their lifetime. And can be infinite.

The units that shoot only once are indeed cheaper. Since they do not fight infinitely. The damage is often enough to one shot the same target as if it was a salvo. Here durability times 1 equals 1 times 1 shot.

Not sure if you can follow :)

In my proto-type board game, a longer salvo costs a higher AP. This simulates that units with a weapon that costs 1 AP, are just as effective as a bigger salvo.
The salvo is more effective. But the AP are lost if the target is already dead. You can't shoot another region if you will.

In my card game.
- No RTS
- No AP
- Cards are supposed to shoot every round


How to solve this?

- Maybe increase the costs of each step?
6 equals 4+3 equals 2+6 equals 2+4+3 etc.
That would change into something that would consume the damage points more....
6 equals 1+6 equals 1+1+6
And that doesn't work....
Of course I could have an ever changing weight factor.
I need to do some advanced math to think of something good here. Perhaps my choice weapons, where the player could choose if an attack continued or not. Maybe I can find something in there. But it is super complicated

- Maybe limiting a salvo for the cards.
I first went for 2 in this topic.
But 3, 4, 5 etc. are all possible options.
I made the mistake of leaving this open.
The solution can be, closing it again.

- Leaving it as it is.
Making godlike units as if nothing is shooting back.
This means that a rifleman that doesn't encounter defence of any kind. And is able to shoot with an infinite salvo. Will be able to wipe out the entire enemy base.
It reminds me of some RTS games where the enemy base is indeed abandoned. And you have only 1 unit shooting.

dumb fact wrote:
A grunt needs roughly 2 minutes in order to kill a farm. It still counts as 1 attack.

- Leaving it as it is.
But making a new rule.
I have no idea yet of how this rule should be.
I don't want to do cooldown tracking. This is a horrifying experience for any player.
I don't want to limit the cards on a basis of equal grounds. Where the cards keep shooting as long as the opponent can keep shooting. This was once proposed to me. But it can also be abused by simply having a deck of 1 shot per round units.
The only rule that remains is that an unit like that, can only keep shooting at 1 target.
This means that a rifleman can destroy anything that doesn't shoot back. But even this rule can have a game breaking situation. Unless I allow the defender to re-asign blocking. That way, if anything can still shoot. It can shoot again.
Technically, these would be infinite salvo units as well.

meh.... I need to think about this problem.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013


This time, I have the normal calulation.
But then I factor in the yes/no situation of if anything can shoot back.

If every design costs 3.
9 equals
3+9 equals
3+3+9 equals
Or an infinite salvo of 3.

I do some math by calculating an average from the normal cost calculation. And then the total damage calculation.
This way, a salvo weapon will do more damage in time. But it can never become infinite.

Now the costs of the list is:
9 gives 3 and becomes 3
3+9 gives 4 and becomes 3.5
3+3+9 gives 5 and becomes 4
The infinite salvo will cost infinite.

Now to see if I can get nice round figures where all weapons cost 3...
9 equals
4+6 equals

Well, those are the only 2 for the weapon cost of 3.
The 4+6 does 1 more damage...
The 0+3+9 does even 3 more damage.
(The numbers are round)
Where the original design would give 3 or 6 more damage in the given designs.

If I think about it. The salvo of 2 design is 6/7th. And the salvo of 3 design is 3/4th.
The total damages in this regard are 10.3 and 11.3 respectively.

The salvo of 4 design has 2/3th. This is funny, because we get 2+2+2+6 instead of 3+3+3+9. Yet the total damage is still higher than the original 9. It is 12. Which is very acceptable.

My options are very limited. But at least I got the math solution ready.

Now for testing the other options before making a decision.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
BTW the units can be different...

I just offered the units as options given what we have been talking about. But know that in order to keep a simple "card game", it's easier if there are multiples of card. To recap you have these three (3) buildings:

A> Barrack: for troops/soldiers.

B> Factory: for vehicles/tanks.

C> Airfield: for flying vehicles.

If we establish that there are 36 cards per pile (Building) and there is a maximum of four (4) Players, this means you have "3 units" per building.

So, each one of these Buildings needs 3 units...

Why??? 36 cards / 4 Factions = 9 units. Then we have 9 units / 3 duplicates = 3 distinct and unique units.

That's that bit of MATH for you... No worries, just sharing some reasoning and what makes sense in terms of the "cards" versus the "real-time" combat component which should be a LAYER in itself.

Cheers @X3M!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Thinking about 1 deck

I have been pondering about this for a while.

I wished to have 1 deck. Just like MtG.
But if the deck is like 60 cards. It would not leave much room for having variation.
Just keep in mind, the deck can be recycled.

If each card is used 4 times. We have only 15 in total.
15 minus the HQ, extra construction, extra resources.
We are left with 12.
1 type gives 11 of that type.
2 types gives an average of 5 per type.
3 types gives an average of 3 per type.
4 types gives an average of 2 per type.
And this is still excluding defences.

Players might want a "perfect" deck. No weaknesses...

Let's say that the defences are types^2+types. Just to mirror the units. The defences are body*weapon combinations and we got the walls too.

15 minues 3 is 12 left.
1 type requires 1 defence, 1 wall. 9 remain for units.
2 types requires 4 defences, 2 walls. 2 units on average per type.
3 types requires 9 defences, 3 walls. This is over limit.

What if there are only 3 cards per version?
Then we can have 20 cards.
1 tier allows for 14 units.
2 tiers allows for 4.5 units per tier.
3 tiers allows for only <1 unit per tier.
Of course, some defences could be left out.

What if there are only 2 cards per version?
Then we can have 30 cards.
1 tier allows for 24 units.
2 tiers allows for 9.5 units per tier.
3 tiers allows for 4 units per tier.
4 tiers allows for <1 unit per tier.
With this, the 2nd card would only be used in order to increase the one on the table in power.

Possible, but retarded...
1 card per version.
60 cards in total.
tier 1: 54 units
tier 2: 24.5 units per tier
tier 3: 14 units per tier
tier 4: 8.25 units per tier
tier 5: 4.4 units per tier
tier 6: 1.5 units per tier

With that one, tier 5 could allow for 3 ground types, an air type and something special. Like another ground type or a secondary air type.

I once designed a deck of 120 cards. Which is double.
Which would allow for reïnforcements on any card without having to loose it.


I am speaking of tiers here. And counting the air as a tier as well.
My intention however is that infantry are tier 1.
Then we have tier 2, which are light armored.
Tier 3 is, medium armored.
Tier 4 is, heavy armored.

I need to find a way to allow troopers to be in tier 2. Without having too much to do with attributes.
I could have different costs?
Or maybe better. Only the attributes; organic/mechanic.
Where a trooper is organic. And needs a structure that produces organic units.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
How about this???

X3M wrote:
...I need to find a way to allow troopers to be in tier 2. Without having too much to do with attributes...

Why not do like in Poker??? Chips of different COLORS represent different tiers:

- Green could be Tier 1

- Blue could be Tier 2

- Red could be Tier 3

So you could MIX Tiers in the SAME Army (or Platoon) and it would become obvious. Same goes with Vehicles:

- Jeep Tier 1 = Troop Jeep

- Jeep Tier 2 = Machine Gun Jeep

- Jeep Tier 3 = Missile Launch Jeep

That could work... IMHO. I'm just TRYING to stick AWAY from MtG type of deck. Magic is magic... However a Deck-Builder adds more variability to building your Deck during the game and allows for a LOT of expansion too!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Victory Condition

I also came up with a COOL concept for the "Victory Condition". If the game was to be held on separate Game Mats representing each Player, I would suggest that the mat have the HQ, Refinery, Barracks, Factory and Airfield all printed as areas on the Mats.

When an opposing player takes CONTROL of one of these location by defeating all of the Defending troops, that Building falls by the way-side and is "conquered".

To DEFEAT an opponent, you need 3 out of 5 Buildings to be conquered.

Something simple and ELEGANT! Not that the player can rebuild his forces and take it back and then the game will take FOREVER!! Once a Building is conquered, that means that the player's Deck is damaged, meaning some of the cards would now be useless because they Building required for them is no longer available...

Could be cool...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Not planning on mats.

Free on the table.

I still would like to make a prototype of a deck.
And test if it is possible to win by one of the following strategies:

1. Kill the the HQ by carefull planning. If so, then if a player looses this HQ. The rest is harder to rebuild. Further down the tech, CY or Harvesters, should be removed. Or the buildings that create Harvesters. I am already planning that a HQ is allowed to build only one CY per round. And you need like 2 or 3 of CY, to build another one.
So the build up is slow. And can be broken. Eventually the table is empty by destruction.

2. Last man standing. Perhaps I should have the player sacrifice a card from the hand. When another card is placed on the table. Eventually a deck is depleted. And cards on the table will only return to the deck, after being destroyed. Either the deck depletion is a victory condition. Or the table should be emptied. I think this payment will lead to goal number 1.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
I think I need to explain this

Perhaps I should simply keep the tiers as guidelines like how I intended 2 decades ago.

Tier 1
Weight 1
Infantry units
They have 1 armor point
Any weapon that hits, kills them. A super cannon with 1 hit will still kill 1 infantry unit.

Tier 2
Weight 2
Light vehicles, example: jeeps pr other light armored cars
They have 3 armor points

Tier 3
Weight 4
Medium vehicles, example: light tanks or heavy armored cars
They have 9 armor points

Tier 4
Weight 8
Heavy vehicles, example: heavy tanks
Armor 27


The current system:
Tier, weight, armor or weapon
1, _1, _1
2, _2, _3
3, _4, _9
4, _8, 27
5, 16, 81

2 of 1 will give 2 times 1 damage, not enough to kill 3 armor. But can kill 2 of 1 armor.
1 of 2 will give 1 times 3 damage, enough to kill 3 armor. But can kill only 1 of 1 armor.

I used to have another system. But it didn't work well with a card game.

Tier, weight, armor or weapon
1, 2, _1
2, 3, _2
3, 4, _4
4, 6, _8
5, 8, 16

Still, now that I am using chips. It might be fair to use the second system.

Tier 1 needs 5 times the value in order to defeat one tier 5.
With the 2nd system, this factor is 4...
Not much to argue about that tbh.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
About pre-config Deck versus Deck-Building

If we consider "Deck-Building" as a GENRE, we could have these card counts:

- 36x HQ: Tech-Tree for Upgrading
- 36x Refinery: Resources available in the game
- 36x Barracks: Troops and Soldiers
- 36x Factory: Vehicles and other land-based units
- 36x Airfield: Air-based units that fly

- 5x Special: Army-specific units/assets

This means that on AVERAGE, a Player's Deck = 50 cards (when fully constructed). It's a bit lower that your Magic Deck (of 60 cards) but it is fairly CLOSE. And some players may have more than 50 cards, while other may have less...

Unlike Dominion, EVERYTHING has a SELL value. Meaning that Credits can be acquired from each CARD.

Also your Tiers, I have been thinking that there should be FIVE (5) of them:

- White = Tier I
- Green = Tier II
- Blue = Tier III
- Red - Tier IV
- Black - Tier V

But not ALL cards have all five (5) tiers. Some may have only 3 and others only 1. This is a bit a take from "Race through the Galaxy" another very popular Deck-Building Card Game.

And so you see the pre-config Deck (Like Magic) is very similar in the design of the Deck-Building Deck. There may be a 10 Card Difference ... But it is still very close in terms of designs.

The TOTAL of cards for the Deck-Building Version = 200 Cards. Which seems like a lot but is only 50 cards in a 4-Player game. So there you go... Something that is also feasible and realistic.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Pretty decent and very understandable but...

X3M wrote:
Perhaps I should simply keep the tiers as guidelines like how I intended 2 decades ago.

Understood this all correctly. Well explained and simple to understand!

X3M wrote:

The current system:
Tier, weight, armor or weapon
1, _1, _1
2, _2, _3
3, _4, _9
4, _8, 27
5, 16, 81

2 of 1 will give 2 times 1 damage, not enough to kill 3 armor. But can kill 2 of 1 armor.
1 of 2 will give 1 times 3 damage, enough to kill 3 armor. But can kill only 1 of 1 armor.

Okay that is CLEAR too ... Very understandable.

X3M wrote:
I used to have another system. But it didn't work well with a card game.

Tier, weight, armor or weapon
1, 2, _1
2, 3, _2
3, 4, _4
4, 6, _8
5, 8, 16

Still, now that I am using chips. It might be fair to use the second system.

Tier 1 needs 5 times the value in order to defeat one tier 5.
With the 2nd system, this factor is 4...
Not much to argue about that tbh.

I'm not sure I understand the statement: "Tier 1 needs 5 times the value in order to defeat one Tier 5"???

Tier 1 does "1 Damage" and therefore you would need 16 Tier 1 to defeat 1 Tier 5, no??? I think I am missing something that I did not understand correctly.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
About your Tier System

Here is a sample of what I have got drafted for the Deck-Building Version... Of course I'll share everything with you once we fill in all the blanks.

Tier Description Chip Color
I Assault Rifle White
II Grenade/Fragmentation Green
III Machine Gun Blue
IV Rocket Launcher Red
V Special Forces Black

And for example my Troop/Soldier classes available from the Barrack cards go as follows:

Qty Rank Available Tiers
3 Regular I, II and III
3 Veteran I, II and IV
3 Elite I, IV and V

I can explain if you need further explanation. But it's pretty simple TBH. The first table describes what each TIER DOES. The second table describes how the "Barrack" can produce 3 types of soldiers with various TIERS PERMISSIBLE during deployment (think choosing chips).

I guess we need to flesh out these details some more.

Note #1: The "Available Tiers" is an ADAPTATION of "Race for the Galaxy" Actions on the Left-Hand-Side (LHS) of each card:

Notice on the LHS there are six (6) actions that may be taken. I would adapt this to be "Tiers" as opposed to the function used in "Race for the Galaxy".

Take a look and let me know if you need/want more explanation. But it's pretty standard: each card has 6 Actions and NOT all are available per card.

Note #2: I THINK the way that I am using Tiers is similar to the way you had eight (8) types of attacks: 100 to 111. But in my case there are only 5 possibilities. And they are like modifiers too. Like a "Regular" soldier could be equipped with a Grenade Launcher if Tier 2 is chosen. What that does is still up to ideas ... But I would think that a grenade would provide more spread and damage (+1 DMG).

So if you had a Jeep 2,_3,_2 ... And it is at Tier 2, that Jeep does cluster damage to opposing units. What that means is 1 Jeep does _2 Damage and since it is clustered, it can kill "2" 1,_1,_1 soldiers...

Something along the lines of that... What do you think???

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also was thinking about "Attackers" & "Defenders"

To make it EASY to understand and VISUALIZE what troops are "Attackers" versus what troops are "Defenders", I offer up this IDEA:

questccg wrote:
The First Row is ALWAYS ATTACKERS and the Second Row (behind) is ALWAYS DEFENDERS.

Something EASY like that and this way you don't need special treatment or a limited pool of "defensive" units... Both ATTACKERS and DEFENDERS can use whatever troops/units they like provided they are in the right Row.

Nothing overly complex.

Note #1: Also if your ATTACKERS die (some or all), you have the choice to MOVE units from the DEFENDER Row to the ATTACKER Row to behave like "Meat". They could be TANKS and cannot ATTACK until the NEXT ROUND (or Player's Turn).

Note #2: How the heck do we have a "DOG-FIGHT" (between fighters planes)???

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Dog fights, costs

A plane that can only attack air versus a plane that can only attack air.

With the factor of 5 and 4...

Lets say you only have tier 1 weapons. And you need to defeat the enemy target with more armor.

In order to defeat
3 armor, you need 3, this costs 3. This is 3/2 is 150% needed for the threshold.
9 armor, you meed 9, this costs 9. This is 9/4 is 225% needed for the threshold.
27 armor yields 27/8 is 337.5% needed for the threshold.
81 armor yields 81/16 is 506.25% needed for the threshold.

If a high tier weapon fights a low tier armor.
You have only 1 weapon that defeats 1.
Tier 2 costs 2, thus you use 200%.
Tier 3 costs 4, thus you use 400%.
Tier 4 costs 8, this you use 800%.
Tier 5 costs 16, this you use 1600%.

The other system:
1 damage is worth 2.
2 armor costs 3. You need 2 of 2. This is 4/3 is 133.3% needed for the threshold.
4 armor costs 4. You need 4 of 2. This is 8/4 is 200% needed for the threshold.
8 armor costs 6. You need 8 of 2. This is 16/6 is 266.7% needed for the threshold.
16 armor costs 8. You need 16 of 2. This is 32/8 is 400% needed for the threshold.

If you have a high tier fighting the lowest tier again. You have onve again only 1 weapon to defeat the 1 armor.
Tier 2 costs 3, thus you use 150%.
Tier 3 costs 4, thus you use 200%.
Tier 4 costs 6, thus you use 300%.
Tier 5 costs 8, this you ise 400%.

Why such a big difference?
The first system has costs growing by a factor 2, but the armor by a factor 3. This for every next tier.
This means that a higher tier weapon, while still being the best choice against higher tiers of armor. The offset increases more and more as well.

Tier 1 vs tier 5 gives a factor 5 on one end, but 16 on the other.

The second system always had a nice balance.
Tier 1 vs tier 5 gives a factor 4 on one end, and a factor 4 on the other.

So....perhaps the second system is better.
The first system was based on having each card being there only once.
But it would mean though, that costs calculations are a bit different.
And tier 1 starts at a cost of 2.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Air versus Air ... And then we can discuss other ideas

I know you are focused on a different Deck (ala MtG) and that's fine. The idea in my mind is to bridge the gap on two very different "core" engines. Your version which is more like a 60 Card Deck... And my version which is something like Dominion where the Deck is built as you play.

X3M wrote:
A plane that can only attack air versus a plane that can only attack air.

With the factor of 5 and 4...

What does: "factor of 5 and 4" mean??? Can you explain?!

X3M wrote:
Tier 1 vs tier 5 gives a factor 5 on one end, but 16 on the other.

The second system always had a nice balance.
Tier 1 vs tier 5 gives a factor 4 on one end, and a factor 4 on the other.

I don't understand either of these statements!? (Sad) What is this talk of "ends"?? Can you explain a bit. I think this has something to do with "weight" or "cost"; you seem to use these two (2) terms interchangeably and at times it can be confusing...

X3M wrote:
So... perhaps the second system is better.

Yes, I too am leaning that way. Especially because in my own version there are three (3) cards per Player that are identical. This is the Deck-Building aspect which requires more cards to HAVE the cards you NEED and WANT rather than relying on MtG style which could only have one (1) card only.

Let's get into your example, because I really want to understand how you are figuring out the details of an Air-vs-Air Battle. And then after your response, I'll try to explain to see if I understood correctly.

X3M wrote:
Lets say you only have tier 1 weapons. And you need to defeat the enemy target with more armor.

In order to defeat in the other system:
1 damage is worth 2.
2 armor costs 3. You need 2 of 2. This is 4/3 is 133.3% needed for the threshold.
4 armor costs 4. You need 4 of 2. This is 8/4 is 200% needed for the threshold.
8 armor costs 6. You need 8 of 2. This is 16/6 is 266.7% needed for the threshold.
16 armor costs 8. You need 16 of 2. This is 32/8 is 400% needed for the threshold.

If you have a high tier fighting the lowest tier again. You have once again only 1 weapon to defeat the 1 armor.
Tier 2 costs 3, thus you use 150%.
Tier 3 costs 4, thus you use 200%.
Tier 4 costs 6, thus you use 300%.
Tier 5 costs 8, this you use 400%.

Let us assume that two (2) Jet Fighters both have "Class 3" (I use Tiers for weapon modifiers) and Classes for the Armor/Weapons.

Class 3 = 4 Weight/Cost, 4 Armor/Weapon

The amount of Damage (DMG) = 4, meaning that 1 Jet Fighter would always DEFEAT 1 opposing Jet Fighter.

I don't like this... This is too "flat". I mean it comes down to who is the first player to ATTACK.

What can you "propose" to make it LESS "flat"??? Sure you'll say, launch a HIGHER "Class" of Jet Fighter... Instead of Class 3, make it Class 4. But again that only works for one-side... It guarantees ONE (1) Player will best the opponent.

This is the OPPOSITE of a Dog-Fight... I want to simulate some kind of AIREAL COMBAT not instant kills (in any way you look at it...) One side will always beat the opposing side no matter what. Again that's kind of the OPPOSITE of what I was looking to achieve.

It's just a matter of tailoring and understanding how you see "combat" and whether it is "interesting" in that it is NOT all-or-nothing type of battles.


Note #1: I am thinking about introducing "Dual Dice" into the combat mix. Values go as follows:

+1/+0 = 1
+1/+1 = 2
+2/+1 = 3
+2/+2 = 4
+3/+2 = 5
+3/+3 = 6

Maybe we can DESIGN some kind of "hit-system" around these dice... Maybe something like the "Attacker" has the ADVANTAGE and his/her HIT value is the first value (Topmost). In order to defeat his opponent, he has to do sufficient damage.

We need a SOLID combat solution... One which is a bit more "Macro" to eliminate planes (multiples) by using one set of rolls.

How about something like roll "1" die and multiply per the number of "Jet Fighters". Again using Dual Dice: let's say you roll a "3" (+2/+1) and each "Jet Fighter" has a Class of "3" (3/4/4).

Do the math: +6/+3 = defeats 1 Fighter and deals +2 DMG and one of the ATTACKERS get badly injured with +3 DMG.

Is this BETTER??? Doesn't require many DICE (ONLY ONE) and there is simple MATH to figure out what happens to the various Fighters.

Exhaustive MATH:

+1/+0 = 3x = +3/+0
+1/+1 = 3x = +3/+3
+2/+1 = 3x = +6/+3
+2/+2 = 3x = +6/+6
+3/+2 = 3x = +9/+6
+3/+3 = 3x = +9/+9

This means on the lowest end: no "Jet Fighters" are destroyed, but one gets severe damage (+3 DMG).

On the other end (maximum): (4 HP x 2 = 8 DMG) 4 "Jet Fighters" are destroyed, 2 per side PLUS a third (3rd) for each side takes +1 Additional DMG.

So we each had THREE (3) "Jet Fighters" after the "Dog-Fight", both players are left with 1 (+1 DMG) damaged "Jet Fighter" ...

This sounds pretty COOL... I'm leaning towards this...

Take a look and see if MY MATH makes sense and that you can understand what it is that I propose. This seems very interesting to me and it is very MACROMANAGED as opposed to roll for each Class/Tier (in your case)...

Note #2: 50% of the time, the damage is IDENTICAL, the other 50% of the time, the ATTACKER does +1 DMG x "Qty of Units" additional damage. Again there is no "science" here. It just odds of doing damage and how much given relatively little variance.

Let me know what you think!? From my view, it looks good and SIMPLE. But maybe there is something I am missing in terms of the MATH. IDK... You're much better than I am with the math ... So maybe you'll spot some kind of flaw in my logic.

Note #3: I have designed TWO (2) ADDITIONAL "Dual Dice" for this "game". The probabilities are different on the dice when it comes to the higher values (5 & 6 faces)... I'll keep those a "secret" for now. But I'll share them with you once I complete the documentation that I am working on.

Cheers @X3M!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Here are some other examples

Bomber vs. Troops

Bomber (1) > Class 4/600/8 vs. Troops (20) > Class 1/200/1

Roll (Die #1) = +2/+1 = 3

=> 1 x +2/+1 = +2/+1

1x Bomber (7/8) vs. Troops (18)

Jeeps vs. Troops

Jeep (2) > Class 2/300/2 vs. Troops (20) > Class 1/200/1

Roll (Die #2) = +2/+2 = 4

=> 2 x +2/+2 = +4/+4

No vehicles left vs. Troops (16)

Jet Fighter vs. Jet Fighter

Jet Fighter (1) > Class 3/400/4 vs. Jet Fighter (1) > Class 3/400/4

Roll (Die #3) = +3/+2 = 5

=> 1 x +3/+2 = +3/+2

1x Fighter (2/4) vs. 1x Fighter (1/4)

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

You are combining 2 things here.

I should have used asterix between the 2 answers.

Air is an attribute.

Now we move on to that factor 5 and 4.
These are RPS sharpness between the tiers.

Through math, they come forth naturally.

If a weapon does 1 damage. And it costs 1.
Then the damage you need is the cost you need.
On the other hand, the target armor is higher than the costs of that armor. A tier 5 armor costs 16, yet has 81 armor in system 1.
In system 2. The damage of 1 costs 2. The tier 5 armor costs 8, yet has 16 armor.

The damage you need in system 1 is 81 armor divided by cost of 16, is roughly a factor 5.
The damage you need in system 2 is 16 armor divided by the cost of 8, mutliplied by the cost of the damage. This is exactly 4.

Now, if you use a tier 5 weapon.
In system 1, you have a cost of 16 and you target a cost of 1. The factor is 16.
In system 2, you have a cost of 8 and you target a cost of 2. The factor is 4.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Air vs Ground

This one. Will remain classic like all those hundreds of RTS games.

Air is an atribute for the body classification.
Anti-Air is an atribute for the weapon classification.

A fighter that can attack both ground and air.
Will have the attribute [air] and [anti-air]
But also a weapon without an attribute.

A bomber can only attack ground.
It will only have the attribute [air]

A ground unit will not have any attributes.

A ground unit with AA weaponry will have the attribute [anti-air]

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
In regards of who would win in a dogfight

You roll a die for the basic accuracy. This is a 3/6th chance. Every !@#$-ing card has this for each projectile. Period.

- Maybe a fighter has a lower tier of weapon. If the weapon hits. It doesn't mean it can breach through the armor. You will be needing more fighters for this.
- Maybe a fighter has multiple weapons. More dice are rolled at the same time.
- Maybe a fighter has a slow aiming. It has to wait that sub turn. But after, has a much better weapon if the other fighter failed.
- Maybe the chance to hit is less. A hit will be re-rolled to see if it still hits.

Strategies with the lesser species:

If a fighter needs a tier 3 weapon (9 armor needs to be destroyed). Yet the tier is only 2. Then you need 3 of these fighters to hit the target. The good part here is that if you loose 1. You only loose 1. The downside to losing 1 is, you cannot reach the threshold anymore. But you can still defend with them.

To make this cheaper, a fighter could have the ability to shoot at least 3 missiles. So you would have only 1 fighter doing the shooting at the target. 3 missiles have only a chance of 12.5% in this regard. If you use 4 missiles, the chance is 31,25%. And with 5 missiles, the chance is 50% again. The good part here is that the same fighter will be able to kill 2.5 fighters with tier 2 armor.

What if one fighter shoots at once. And has 3 projectiles of an accuracy of 1.5/6th? If you need a hit, the chance is 42% on this.
Well then, another fighter could have only 1 projectile with an accuracy of 1/6th or 17% chance to hit. Then, if it survived. It will be shooting another projectile of 1/6th. Then once more of 1/6th. And finally the 4th missile will have a very good chance of 3/6th. Imagine the target dodging the first 3, yet it cannot avoid the 4th one. But the total chance would be 46%.

(This reminds me. Perhaps the yes/no questions needs to be reduced from 50% effect to 25% effect...)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Air vs Ground

X3M wrote:
This one. Will remain classic like all those hundreds of RTS games.

Indeed it is. But I wouldn't want all kinds of "attributes". Instead I would focus on a POOL of units. Say "X" units for each type. Why? Because you are adding undue complexity in how to manage "attributes" on the various cards. I know you are an expert analyst in RPS studies... But the fact of the matter is that the game needs to be EASY to comprehend.

So "Air" or "Anti-Air" to me is grouped in with the "Tiers / Grades".

This means that Tier II Bomber use a Fragmentation Bomb which means that it can defeat more than one target (not 1 vs. 1; 1 vs. Many instead). And I will combine this with a table for corresponding rolling of dice. Tables are often used in the wargame genre of games. So this might be relatively acceptable.

But I can see the MtG relation. Attribute is like a Keyword such as: "Trample" or "First Strike" or "Flash".

Anyhow ... I like my Dice implementation... It is easier to understand and is simpler math... Not probabilities and percentages TO-HIT, etc. But Quantity of Attackers x die roll results.

My ONLY problem is keeping TRACK of the DAMAGE. How did you plan to do that???

Like if one "Jet Fighter" has 2/4 (50% damage) and his opponent has 1/4 (75% damage) ... How do I remember this for EACH UNIT?!?! OMG seems like a lot to do (housekeeping/tracking)...

Note #1: For one thing ... Is each CHIP STACK a SEPARATE card?! Obviously each Tier is a separate CARD. But what about Classes??? Like for example a Jeep Class 2 vs. Jeep Class 3. They are different CHIPS. Can they BOTH be on the SAME Jeep card ... Or because there are TWO (2) Classes at play, you need TWO (2) Jeep cards?!?!

What are you thoughts on this???

Note #2: If EACH stack of chips is on a separate card and there are like 5 positions in the Attack Row and 5 Positions in the Defense Row, well then it means you need to keep track of UP TO 10 Values (one per stack)... Seems like a LOT ... Maybe not... If this can represent 5x or 10x the amount of units, I see that it can have a depth which is pretty "realistic" and that keeping track of 10 Values is not too bad.

It's always that LAST unit is it 50%, 75% or 25% damaged, etc. Otherwise the other units are LOST/Destroyed... So you don't need to keep track of them at all. Just remove the chips of the defeated units in a stack.

So it's NOT impossible... But it is a bit "clunky" TBH. Thoughts???

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
I guess you are missing several points

I am not tracking health (or damage if you will).
I am working with thresholds.

3 armor to destroy?
You need 1 hit of any weapon that does 3 or more damage.
Or 3 hits of 1 damage.

And because i use chips, i am even pondering if i should go back to my old rps system. In this topic, i have mentioned it as system 2.

I don't think you have noticed it yet. But higher armor automatically means, much toucher.
If something cannot be hit because it is air, an atribute is used. I don't have much atributes.


How chips work?

If you place a card on the table.
It has a certain cost, lets say it costs 4.
The play might have 34 resources at that point.
It can buy up to 8 units.
Then chips are used.
2 chips with worth 3 each.
2 chips with worth 1 each.

Now, if this card attacks or defends. All units are used at the same time. It is a big attack.
Lets say each unit is allowed to ise 2 dice.
Then the player can use 4 dice for the 1 chips.
And 4 dice for the 3 chips.

If a die for a 3 chip hits, this is 3 damage at once. Needed for killing a higher armor tier unit.

This die that hits for 3 damage is not allowed to be split up into smaller ammounts. So if it hits and only 1 armor units are present. It will have over kill.

I did say once that chips could be split into 1 lower tier. But in this given example, you are already dealing with 16 dice in that regard.
And if chips of 9 or more are used, this will give birth to a snowball effect in a build up. Unless the resources are limited greatly.

So in the meantime, i am looking into dice tricks to do this differently. Just like the penalty rolls. I don't think i can find a solution by repeating things over and over here.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'll let someone else help you with the die problem...

X3M wrote:
I am not tracking health (or damage if you will). I am working with thresholds.

3 armor to destroy? You need 1 hit of any weapon that does 3 or more damage. Or 3 hits of 1 damage...

So what you mean it's ALL-OR-NOTHING: either a kill or a miss. Right???

Hmm... Makes for a more complex outcome in my version. But I guess there can be a BOX on the card in which you write the Armor/Weapon current status. Then you would be allowed to MIX Classes and Tiers each card ONLY corresponds to ONE of these. I guess it's DO-ABLE.

Cheers @X3M!

Note #1: "Thresholds" as you call them are fine and dandy: 3 Armor requires 3 x 1 Damage or 1 x 3 Damage. But these are absolutes and don't allow for variable damage (percentage TO-HIT, like 50% or 75% hit NOT only 100% hits...) I don't know if you understand what I mean.

Anyways I guess it's not important because I'd like to use only ONE (1) DICE for combat.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote: So what you

questccg wrote:

So what you mean it's ALL-OR-NOTHING: either a kill or a miss. Right???
Yip, no health tracking this time :)

I have to say, it was starting to be a real bother to me.

questccg wrote:

Hmm... Makes for a more complex outcome in my version. But I guess there can be a BOX on the card in which you write the Armor/Weapon current status. Then you would be allowed to MIX Classes and Tiers each card ONLY corresponds to ONE of these. I guess it's DO-ABLE.

I am not going to combine armor tiers. But weapon tiers are DO-ABLE. I did combinations in my proto type game. Where tanks could have "infantry" shields or vice versa. It was fun though. But it needs health tracking. Still, it was fun and added strategy.

questccg wrote:
Note #1: "Thresholds" as you call them are fine and dandy: 3 Armor requires 3 x 1 Damage or 1 x 3 Damage. But these are absolutes and don't allow for variable damage (percentage TO-HIT, like 50% or 75% hit NOT only 100% hits...) I don't know if you understand what I mean.

Not sure. But let me tell you.
All cards need a durability of 2. This means that with 1 health, they require a basic 50% of being hit. 50% chance to hit is the absolute maximum.
Then, if there are worse weapons, the accuracy goes down.

A sniper would be needing a higher chance to hit though, so a sniper would be getting 2 dice rolls of 50% each. Parrallel, so 2 hits would actually kill 2 infantry cards.

questccg wrote:

Anyways I guess it's not important because I'd like to use only ONE (1) DICE for combat.

That was my original plan too. But then there would be units without variables. And I say that every piece needs a chance to survive and also should be able to have a hit or at least provides sufficient support.

If a piece would die instantly and can't do a thing. Like some wooden fence. Then I want it to be a good fodder. So specialized weapons are the choice of the enemy to be dealing with all those fences.

In the proto type game. Walls could stop units from moving into a certain territory. The walls would also be used by any unit or structure. And their price would be ridiculous cheap. 50% that of something similar that actually could shoot on equal grounds. And 30% compared to a basic unit.

In my card game, I got the same percentage. 50% costs compared to other defences. But even 25% compared to a basic unit.

Walls are the way to give health to any structure in my cardgame.

There aren't many RTS games that implement walls correctly.
Dune 2: walls price is based on health like any other unit. Movement influences aren't there...
C&C: walls are more durable due to RPS mechanics. But still overpriced. And are actually used for scenery.
AoW3: these are used to wall out at chokepoints. They are placed very fast. But it takes time till they finish. Often they are easily demolished. And still very expensive.
WC2: hehehehe, here... believe it or not. Where very usefull.
KKnD: had no walls, but if they had any. I bet they would have been very cheap. But very durable. Because... they did something right that all other games failed in. They considered focus aspect of practical balance.
Warzone 2100: take time to build. But once ready, they actually keep out the enemy for a long time. They also protect in a lot of cases, what is behind that wall. Cheap too. A turret that costs 400 could easily be protected by a wall that costs only 25.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Here is something CRAZY that I wanted to SHARE!

In this video which explains board game mechanics, he talks about CHARTS and one game in particular that had an "excessive" amount of charts:

I watched the entire Video and it was very INTERESTING. I will recommend anyone who enjoys designing games to watch this particular video.

Note #1: You can maybe use the Dice Pool from the first edition of Risk:

Given "X" amount of dice, both players roll those D6s and remove "Common" values.

An Example:

- Player #1 rolls (5 dice) = 1, 2, 5, 5, 6.

- Player #2 rolls (5 dice) = 2, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Results is:

- Player #1 = 1, 5.

- Player #2 = 2, 4.

And then each player react and uses these dice values according to your specific rules. However you design the use of these dice values.

Maybe they can be like KILL targets: Player #1 defeats one "1-Point" unit and one "5-Point" unit. Whereas Player #2 defeats one "2-Point" unit and one "4-Point" unit...

This could be cool and you could vary the dice pool quantity as you see fit. With some OTHER rules...

Note #2: I still wish I could find that VIDEO where the guy just rolls a TON of dice and then thins them out... I can't remember the details about HOW he did it... But you could have a rule that is very SIMPLE like this:

1> Roll "X" D6s.

2> Removed any D6s with the Value of "6".

3> Re-Roll again with the remaining dice.

4> Do this "Y" times and always remove the "6"s.

Why is the removal of "6"s important??? Well I guess it could have something to do with Tiers of units. You have Tier 1 to Tier 5. So that's WHY you would remove the "6"s from the remaining dice.

If you do this three (3) times (Y = 3 times) and (X = 10 dice) ... This could maybe be something to consider and you lend up with various dice quantities following the rules of removing ALL "6"s from a ROLL.

You can use two (2) colors of dice: Black & White. The White dice are for your army and the Black dice for the opponent. Whatever is left over after "Y" rolls that is what each side does in terms of eliminating opposing units.

Note #3: I've been fooling around with tables ... And the result is a bit "mixed"! I mean I could have small tables but more of them for let's say Soldiers Classes and Tiers. It's a real challenge. IDK what to do ATM, I need to think about it more how to figure what DICE to use. It's only one (1) die, but varies according to the opposition.


Cheers @X3M!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Nice video at the part where the d7 appears again.
Lewisher???? You seeing that?

... D22, wtf?

But it is true, smaller dice are better for the game.
Then the usage of charts or something I don't want. Just an ammount of dice that are rolled and give a result that is a number.


1> Roll "X" D6s.

2> Removed any D6s with the Value of "6".

3> Re-Roll again with the remaining dice.

4> Do this "Y" times and always remove the "6"s.

This is the penalty roll that I have in my prototype game.

There is a list of the chance for success, roughly though:
Y=0, 6/6th chance
Y=1, 5/6th chance
Y=2, 4/6th chance
Y=4, 3/6th chance
Y=6, 2/6th chance
Y=10,1/6th chance

Maybe... just maybe. I could make something where the higher penalty starts rolling. And lower penalties are added later on...???
After all.... an accuracy of 3/6th equals 4 penalty rolls. They all have this roll.

Example (each set is equal):
10 dice with penalty 4
12 dice with penalty 5
15 dice with penalty 6
20 dice with penalty 8
30 dice with penalty 10
60 dice with penalty 14

A penalty of 3 is 120% that of the default penalty 4.
A penalty of 2 is 133% that of the default penalty 4.
A penalty of 1 is 167% that of the default penalty 4.
A penalty of 0 is 200% that of the default penalty 4.

Either way.

Let's say, I got the set list as a whole to roll.
Then I start with the 60 dice with penalty 14.
I do a penalty roll of 4 on them. Which will be 3 or less for succes.
Half seems to remain, which is 30 dice.

I add the other 30 dice with penalty 10. A total of 60 in the bucket.
Now I roll a penalty of 2 on them. Which will be 4 or less for succes.
4/6th seems to remain, which is 40 dice.

I add the 20 dice with penalty of 8. A total of 60 in the bucket.
I roll again for a penalty of 2 on them.
4/6th seems to remain again; 40 dice.

There are only 15 dice to add this time. The total comes to 55.
A penalty of 1 is the next step.
46 dice seem to remain.

12 dice are added. The total we have will be 58.
A penalty of 1 should be rolled.
We can keep 48 dice.

Finally we add the 10 dice. And we are going to roll 58 dice again.
Although, a penalty of 4 has to be rolled this time.
So we can keep half again. Which is 29.

29 hits in 6 rolls is the end result of the 147 dice. But we never had more than 60 dice in the bucket.

Remember, this will be per target. But perhaps I need to change that aspect of the combat mechanic as well.

I can keep the die colour per tier.
Tier 1, red
Tier 2, orange
Tier 3, yellow
Tier 4, green
Tier air 1, blue
Tier air 2, purple

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Hmm... do I dare ask!?

I am having a bit of an issue with my "Weapon Tiers". Here they are:

1> Assault Riffle (Your basic attack weapon)

2> Grenade/Fragmentation (How to split a projectile into multiple hits???)

3> Machine Gun (Definitely need some kind of "charging" and "rapid-fire"???)

4> Rocket Launcher (like Missiles to target Vehicles ineffective against Troops???)

5> Special Forces (this needs to be handled one case at a time...!)

Any thoughts on HOW to handle some of these??? Cheers!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Penalty, a TLDR post

questccg wrote:
I am having a bit of an issue with my "Weapon Tiers". Here they are:

1> Assault Riffle (Your basic attack weapon)

The basic weapon. Tier 1; 1 damage.
But I had no time yet to think out the new penalty system in terms of balance. But the damage list that players see would probably be 1x[1]"4".
So, 1 projectile, with 1 damage, needing to roll 4 penalty rolls.
Players now know that this is rolling the dice 4 times and removing all the 6 with every roll. Or they roll just once, where the 4, 5 and 6 are removed. If the 1 die is still there, the final penalty roll is rolled, which all dice must undergo.

I have been thinking about including this penalty roll in the total penalty score. But it would make the game unfair. Even the strongest weapon should have a chance to miss. Since the durability of 2 needs to be maintained for balance.

questccg wrote:

2> Grenade/Fragmentation (How to split a projectile into multiple hits???)

Probably going to be a tier 2 weapon, 3 damage. But the accuracy can be lowered to half or a third. where the number of projectiles can be increased by 2 or 3. This means the penalty will be increased by 4 or even 6.
Also, the throw needs time. This will make the penalty lower again. So these weapons will look like:
A]Tier 2 with 1 projectile : 1x[3]"4"
B]Tier 2 with 2 projectiles: 2x[3]"8"
C]Tier 2 with 3 projectiles: 3x[3]"10"
D]Tier 2 with 1 projectile. And a charge of 1: 1x[3]"0,3"
E]Tier 2 with 2 projectiles and a charge of 1: 2x[3]"0,7"
F]Tier 2 with 3 projectiles and a charge of 1: 3x[3]"0,9"

That the penalty goes down by exactly 1. Is a super coïncidence. It only applieds for the first and second shot. Not the second and third and so on.

Every hit does 3 damage. But with the fragmentations, multiple soldiers could be hit. If the same fragmentation takes place on vehicles or tanks, the damage would simply be much bigger.

I am very curious about the chances of kills with these 6 examples. I will convert the penalties in simpler rolls, just like in the game. The rule here would be, getting the highest possible penalty reduced to 1 roll. But... the big butt is that the rolling player is allowed to roll a higher possibility if the same ammount of rolls are present. I need to include the better rolls in the manual for sure.

"4" = 3/6th
"8" = 2/6th x 4/6th, but 3/6th x 3/6th is 12,5% better.
"10"= 1/6th
"3" = 5/6th x 5/6th x 5/6th, does give the best chance...prepare a "2" in that attacking force.
"3" = 4/6th x 5/6th
"7" = 2/6th x 5/6th
"9" = 3/6th x 3/6th x 5/6th

Note: The chances on killing will be higher with the units that need a charge. I assume these are protected by other units that also where able to shoot. Thus they do not die. Because in a 1 on 1 match, there is a chance they did die, and the chance on killing their opponent would be less.

25.0% on killing 1 tier 1 or 2 armor.
21.9% on killing 1 tier 1 or 2 armor.
1.56% on killing 2 tier 1 or 2 armor.
21.0% on killing 1 tier 1 or 2 armor.
1.91% on killing 2 tier 1 or 2 armor.
0.06% on killing 3 tier 1 or 2 armor or 1 tier 3 armor.
27.8% on killing 1 tier 1 or 2 armor.
23.9% on killing 1 tier 1 or 2 armor.
1.93% on killing 2 tier 1 or 2 armor.
25.0% on killing 1 tier 1 or 2 armor.
2.92% on killing 2 tier 1 or 2 armor.
0.11% on killing 3 tier 1 or 2 armor or 1 tier 3 armor.

Now that I look at the percentages of the charging weapons. Due to the preventing of infinite strong weapons. The chances don't increase that much. So, perhaps I need to rethink the weight costs of charging weapons again. Nonetheless, if you wait an infinite time on a charging weapon, the damage is double for the same price.
Should I change the weight factor of the yes/no nature of this effect? It is 50%-50% at the moment. But if I increase the weight factor of the weapon costs compared to the weight factor of the total damage costs. Then all charging weapons would become cheaper. But above charging examples will never reach a +50% in terms of damage.
And a beautiful thing was happening. The decrease in penalties was a beautiful step of 1 penalty.
So, here is my "brilliant" idea: If one side has yet another roll, while the other side has not. The penalty is discarded for this roll.

I got a new attribute with this:
Some weapons wait infinitaly long. And cost only half. There are no penalties for these if the opponent doesn't have these cards. The attribute is: [Last]
And effectively, the penalty will be lowered by 4 and displayed.
But I wonder [Last]^infinite or [Last] ^[Last]. Would make the damage weight 0... Should I say, this is impossible because you need to wait an infinite time? Then again, [Last] itself is already an infinite time in a moments notice...

questccg wrote:

3> Machine Gun (Definitely need some kind of "charging" and "rapid-fire"???)

Oh, I love this idea. Clearly a tier 1 weapon. But the charging will make it a bit cheaper. Lets look at the most basic version then, shall we?
AssaultRifle: 1x[1]"4" and it costs 1
Machine Gun : 1x[1]"0,4"+3x[1]"0,0,4"
So first it has 1 bullet, then an additional 3.
This makes me thinking of how to do it better. A penalty of 6 equals 1/3th. Either way, this would simulate the slow starting up of the weapon.
Now it has 3 bullets in the 2nd subround and 3 in the 3rd subround. A different penalty in the 2nd round though.

questccg wrote:

4> Rocket Launcher (like Missiles to target Vehicles ineffective against Troops???)

This one is easy and links all my games. A rocket is a tier 3 weapon. Thus the damage is 9. It can be just like the assault rifle.
1x[9]"4", it still has only 1 projectile to hit a target. This target, even a soldier, will die. But the costs of this weapon is 4 times higher than the assault rifle.
questccg wrote:

5> Special Forces (this needs to be handled one case at a time...!)

Any thoughts on HOW to handle some of these??? Cheers!

I am not sure what kind of special you seek here.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Okay ... let see what we can come up with!

X3M wrote:
questccg wrote:
I am having a bit of an issue with my "Weapon Tiers". Here they are:

1> Assault Riffle (Your basic attack weapon)

The basic weapon. Tier 1; 1 damage.

But I had no time yet to think out the new penalty system in terms of balance. However the damage list that players see would probably be 1x[1]"4".
So, 1 projectile, with 1 damage, needing to roll 4 penalty rolls.

Okay let's start from here and see what I can understand and what needs further explanation. Ok?! Why do you need a "Penalty" when you know the Armor and Damage of each Tier 1 Soldier = 1, 2, 1??? And WHY(?) is it 4 rolls?? And not 3 rolls or 2 rolls, etc.

Given we are using the 2nd System below.

Tier, weight, armor and/or weapon:
1, 2, _1
2, 3, _2
3, 4, _4
4, 6, _8
5, 8, 16

X3M wrote:
Players now know that this is rolling the dice 4 times and removing all the 6 with every roll. Or they roll just once, where the 4, 5 and 6 are removed. If the 1 die is still there, the final penalty roll is rolled, which all dice must undergo.

Could the penalty roll be in relation to the NUMBER of units of a specific Class??? Like "<= 5": 2 dice, "<= 10": 3 dice, "<= 20": 4 dice otherwise 5 dice...

So are we trying to say that the dice rolled = the number of SHOTS fired?!

I don't know why you use the term "Penalty", to me this seems to evoke something a bit different. I would tend to say ROLL "ALL" (according to the number of units mentioned just above) dice and remove any failures (or "6"s).

Then ADD up all the remaining values and THE TOTAL must be GREATER OR EQUAL to the number of units. If it is, then that army scores a "x1" modifier or meaning that the units attack is SUCCESSFUL.

Can it not be something SIMPLE like this??? Just starting with what I can reason and understand. I know it was a TL;DR post... But I've just started to "digest" it and understand what it is you are trying to explain.

Note #1: I DON'T LIKE THIS! It's too much ALL-OR-NOTHING and I would want something that is BETTER in terms of probabilities. Like "Y" out of "Z" shots fired are successful.

Realize that an Armed Soldier (even with an Assault Rifle) does NOT take ONLY one (1) SHOT... He shoots and the gun fires off a certain amount of Bullets.

So I would want a METHOD by which to MODEL "X" shots where "X=Z" and "Y" is the number of successful shots fired.

The TOO drastic ALL-OR-NOTHING thinking doesn't work.

So we have = ( [Number of Units] x [Dual Dice Roll] ) + [Bonus Damage].

I would like to "Flesh-out" HOW the "Bonus Damage" can be reflected into this plausible equation. Like something like "+1/+0" or "+2/+1" or "+2/+0", etc.

Any thoughts???

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
An example to better help illustrate what I mean

Here is an example of ONE (1) Bomber attacking TWENTY (20) Troops:

Bomber (1) > Class 4/80/8 vs. Troops (20) > Class 1/20/1

Use Dual Dice #1
Roll (Die #1) = +2/+1 [3]

=> 1 x +2/+1 = +2/+1


1x Bomber (7/8) vs. Troops (18)


So what I would want to ADD in terms of extra damage (DMG) is a modifier at the end if this result:

=> 1 x +2/+1 = +2/+1 [+?/+?]


1 <= 5 which means two (2) dice should be rolled ("6"s are removed as a failure).

So let's say I roll a "2" and a "5". What happens NEXT???


An IDEA: Subtract them and convert to a Dual Dice Value (1 to 6).

5 - 2 = 3 = [+2/+1]

It works because it is ONLY 2 dice being used. With more dice, I'm not sure how to handle them...

Maybe you can help me HERE???

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote: Okay let's

questccg wrote:

Okay let's start from here and see what I can understand and what needs further explanation. Ok?! Why do you need a "Penalty" when you know the Armor and Damage of each Tier 1 Soldier = 1, 2, 1??? And WHY(?) is it 4 rolls?? And not 3 rolls or 2 rolls, etc.

5/6th = 1 roll of 5/6th
4/6th = 2 rolls of 5/6th
3/6th = 4 rolls of 5/6th
2/6th = 6 rolls of 5/6th
1/6th = 10 rolls of 5/6th
It is just how the chances to hit are calculated.
If a penalty of 4 or "4" is seen. The player knows this should be 4 rolls of 5/6th in a row with each die.
Or the player can choose to do 1 time a 3/6th roll.
If there are sixty (60) soldiers with a rifle. Then 60 dice are rolled, first for the penalty. Roughly 30 will remain. Which will also roll a second time. Eventually roughly 15 dice remain.

Given we are using the 2nd System below.

questccg wrote:

Tier, weight, armor and/or weapon:
1, 2, _1
2, 3, _2
3, 4, _4
4, 6, _8
5, 8, 16

If we are using the second system. The same penalties work :)
Only the costs will be different for the cards.
I have not decided yet wich one to use. But the second system would be fair if we work with great numbers.
The first system was more for a few cards, no chips.

questccg wrote:

Could the penalty roll be in relation to the NUMBER of units of a specific Class??? Like "<= 5": 2 dice, "<= 10": 3 dice, "<= 20": 4 dice otherwise 5 dice...

Hmmmm, you raise an interesting point here.
If the number of units double, then the penalty roll could be less. But if you do that. You are not allowed to roll so many dice.
Let's say, if 30 soldiers have a penalty roll of "4". Then 15 dice can be used while disregarding this penalty roll. Then only the last roll remains. And the number of hits can never exceed 15. Now the chance to that is very small. But if you are talking about 1 or 2 dice. Then the difference is big.

questccg wrote:

So are we trying to say that the dice rolled = the number of SHOTS fired?!


questccg wrote:

I don't know why you use the term "Penalty", to me this seems to evoke something a bit different. I would tend to say ROLL "ALL" (according to the number of units mentioned just above) dice and remove any failures (or "6"s).

The term "Penalty"....I think I got it from BGDF??
How would you name it? A .... roll??

questccg wrote:
Then ADD up all the remaining values and THE TOTAL must be GREATER OR EQUAL to the number of units. If it is, then that army scores a "x1" modifier or meaning that the units attack is SUCCESSFUL.

Each die that remains at the end. Is a hit of that projectile.
A tier 1 projectile can only kill tier 1 armor.
You need a tier 5 projectile to kill tier 5 or less in terms of armor.
Extra damage is lost. But several tier 1 projectiles that hit can be added up in order to destroy a higher tier armor.

questccg wrote:
Can it not be something SIMPLE like this??? Just starting with what I can reason and understand. I know it was a TL;DR post... But I've just started to "digest" it and understand what it is you are trying to explain.
In the meantime, it kept changing. The "Penalty" rule made things simpler though. Now I only need to change the targeting rules. And I am thinking about having the same frontline, middle and support line.
Of course, buildings will be in the support line. But players will be calculating a lot if they want to decide if they can manage hitting another line than the frontline.

Still, having cards target another card. If a mix of 3 is used when there are only 3 tiers. The blocking gets exponentially harder for the defender. You surely will be able to kill whatever blocks etc. So, with that, I want to keep the simple blocking mechanic instead. Saves players from a second headache.

questccg wrote:
Note #1: I DON'T LIKE THIS! It's too much ALL-OR-NOTHING and I would want something that is BETTER in terms of probabilities. Like "Y" out of "Z" shots fired are successful.

It already is...?
Just observe in anydice the following command:
output 12-12d{0,0,0,1}
You will see how much difference there is in remaining cards/chips.

questccg wrote:
Realize that an Armed Soldier (even with an Assault Rifle) does NOT take ONLY one (1) SHOT... He shoots and the gun fires off a certain amount of Bullets.
Let's keep things simple... I also didn't include splash damage etc. Let's say that 1 projectile can also be considered a short burst attack. Where all bullets hit the same spot. The riflemen in C&C also shoot several times in a short burst. Yet they always do the same damage.
Stronger soldiers might have a weapon that shoots 2 salvo's or something like that.

questccg wrote:
So I would want a METHOD by which to MODEL "X" shots where "X=Z" and "Y" is the number of successful shots fired.


questccg wrote:
The TOO drastic ALL-OR-NOTHING thinking doesn't work.

Or does it? MtG is also an all or nothing. I include dice for gambling.
Sure, health tracking could be an option. But then it takes much more effort for players. I could do it.... But I would start going back to the prototype version in terms of combat. And one more thing... the first system is a NOGO in that regard. The first system is based on the all or nothing, where a higher tier isn't invulnerable.

questccg wrote:

So we have = ( [Number of Units] x [Dual Dice Roll] ) + [Bonus Damage].

[number of dice] = [number of units] x [number of projectiles]
[average number of hits] = [penalty roll chances] x [number of dice]
[total average damage] = [damage projectile] x [average number of hits]

[total average damage] = [damage projectile] x [penalty roll chances] x [number of units] x [number of projectiles]

questccg wrote:

I would like to "Flesh-out" HOW the "Bonus Damage" can be reflected into this plausible equation. Like something like "+1/+0" or "+2/+1" or "+2/+0", etc.

No bonus damage in the card game. It is to balance the cumulative effect of fodder. It only happens if the strongest unit is like a maximum of 1 time on the board. I got it inversed in the first system. And if we work with numbers so high. That the strongest unit is still present a dozen times. Then the bonus damage isn't needed either.

questccg wrote:
Any thoughts???

I am brain dead at the moment...

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