I used an RTS+AP balancing technique for my cardgame. But....
The game is not RTS, nor makes use of AP.
I can have units and defences fight to the death...but for a small cost.
Example of the machine gun.
At first, I had the machine gun deal 1 damage.
Or, it has a die roll of 1/3th in order to hit, at the same time as all other units.
Then it keeps rolling 1/3th for all eternity. Effectively having infinite damage.
This is a design flaw. And I noticed only now due to all the shit going on...
How a salvo works...
In RTS, units keep shooting. All of them. Damage is during their lifetime. And can be infinite.
The units that shoot only once are indeed cheaper. Since they do not fight infinitely. The damage is often enough to one shot the same target as if it was a salvo. Here durability times 1 equals 1 times 1 shot.
Not sure if you can follow :)
In my proto-type board game, a longer salvo costs a higher AP. This simulates that units with a weapon that costs 1 AP, are just as effective as a bigger salvo.
The salvo is more effective. But the AP are lost if the target is already dead. You can't shoot another region if you will.
In my card game.
- No RTS
- No AP
- Cards are supposed to shoot every round
How to solve this?
- Maybe increase the costs of each step?
6 equals 4+3 equals 2+6 equals 2+4+3 etc.
That would change into something that would consume the damage points more....
6 equals 1+6 equals 1+1+6
And that doesn't work....
Of course I could have an ever changing weight factor.
I need to do some advanced math to think of something good here. Perhaps my choice weapons, where the player could choose if an attack continued or not. Maybe I can find something in there. But it is super complicated
- Maybe limiting a salvo for the cards.
I first went for 2 in this topic.
But 3, 4, 5 etc. are all possible options.
I made the mistake of leaving this open.
The solution can be, closing it again.
- Leaving it as it is.
Making godlike units as if nothing is shooting back.
This means that a rifleman that doesn't encounter defence of any kind. And is able to shoot with an infinite salvo. Will be able to wipe out the entire enemy base.
It reminds me of some RTS games where the enemy base is indeed abandoned. And you have only 1 unit shooting.
- Leaving it as it is.
But making a new rule.
I have no idea yet of how this rule should be.
I don't want to do cooldown tracking. This is a horrifying experience for any player.
I don't want to limit the cards on a basis of equal grounds. Where the cards keep shooting as long as the opponent can keep shooting. This was once proposed to me. But it can also be abused by simply having a deck of 1 shot per round units.
The only rule that remains is that an unit like that, can only keep shooting at 1 target.
This means that a rifleman can destroy anything that doesn't shoot back. But even this rule can have a game breaking situation. Unless I allow the defender to re-asign blocking. That way, if anything can still shoot. It can shoot again.
Technically, these would be infinite salvo units as well.
meh.... I need to think about this problem.
Ok, let's assume that I use the 8 combinations of the classes.
(And I should not forget to have accuracy play a big role in helping me balance the game)
I should compile a list of possible cards first. Then select a few for a little explanation again.
I do this, so I can test how easy/hard it is to design new cards in "vanilla" style.
I could copy AoW3. However, they only have 1 type of wall...the wall.
Some other games have multiple walls. I guess, I should design my own units first.
Then I come back here later with some cards for the explanation of the combat.
Just remember:
- A player that attacks will exhaust those cards that are in the attack. When the opponent is in turn. The exhausted cards cannot defend.
- Chips come in the ammounts of 1, 3, 9, 27 etc. A player can choose to roll 1 or 3 dice for every chip, except for the chips of 1.
- There is a basic accuracy roll of 3/6th. This due to the health to damage ratio of 2.
- If damage hits, it has to be equal or higher than the target armor, in order to destroy an opponent.
- A damage of 3 cannot be divided among 3 opponents with just 1 armor. This is my hidden RPS mechanic.