In one of my game, the players are allowed to attack each other by using influence instead of using troops. Right now, military combat are resolved with dices. I was thinking of doing the same with influence but cannot find way to do it.
The consequences of influence attack is that the defender must retreat and the attacker capture the city. No troops are lost on both side.
I was thinking that I could use a bidding mechanic to resolve these influence battles. I am not a big fan of bidding and auction so I am not sure if it's a good solution. There is also various variation to this mechanic like open bid, closed bid, etc.
The way it works is that probably each player would have an influence level which can range from 0 to 10. Player can increase their level during the game. So far I have 2 solutions:
A- Each player place a close bid up to their influence level, highest wins. ( problem, hard to evaluate the value of a bid)
B-Both players open bid after one another until somebody wins.
Result a: Both players lose their bid.
Result B: the attacker lose his bid.
I was also thinking that attacking by influence makes the defender lose only 1 unit, the rest retreat. It would prevent the defender from getting back in force.
Any comments?
first of all
That's exactly what I wanted, I just typed it wrong.
I don't want to use cards. I already used cards and it did not worked specifically for my game. Its afterward I realized that an open bid system is like a simplified card bidding system. It has the same mind games behind it.
Thank for the geeklist links, I am surprised that I already played that much games in these list: Lord of the rings (I own the game), games of thrones, vinci (that was really nice), dungeon quest, dune, condotierre, cosmic encounter, magic.