I play tested multi weapons. But also high AP cost weapons. This together with someone else. We both, absolutely loved it!!!
But here is my question. What choices would you make? Depending on the figures that I give here.
Weapon fast:
Damage 33%. (3 shots needed for a kill)
Costs 1 AP.
A player can shoot 6 times.
Weapon slow:
Damage 50%. (2 shots needed for a kill)
Costs 2 AP.
A player can shoot only 3 times.
The remaining 3 turns are by weapon A.
If I where to break it down into a direct combat between 2 squads.
Weapon slow, is certainly better. After 2 turns, the opponent looses an unit. While weapon fast needs 3 turns for this.
Why the "slow" then?
Well, after applying 3 times, this weapon needs to cool down. The fast weapon will continue firing.
If you think about it. The list goes like this:
33% - 50%
67% -100%
100% - 150%
233% - 200%
267% - 250%
300% - 300%
Every 100%, means a kill. But once killed, they will not return fire. I tested this out on normal riflemen and riflemen with a slow weapon. The riflemen with a slow weapon can gain an advantage, so big. That in the long run, they win by a big difference.
However, against a lot of hit points. The fast weapons still have a 50-50 chance. The slow weapons are actually weaker.
Since my health to damage ratio is only 3. The options that I have for these kind of weapons, are limited.
1 = 33.3%
2 = 50.0%
3 = 60.0%
4 = 66.7%
5 = 71.4%
6 = 75.0%
7 = 77.8%
infinite = 100%
As you can see, having higher options makes no difference. Yet costs a lot more. Of course, a difference in soldiers after one round shows more intel.
36 vs 36 (slower weapons)
1 = 24.0 vs 24, 100.0%
2 = 18.0 vs 24, 133.3%
3 = 14.4 vs 24, 166.7%
4 = 12.0 vs 24, 200.0%
5 = 10.3 vs 24, 233.3%
6 = _9.0 vs 24, 266.7%
7 = _8.0 vs 24, 300.0%
infinite = 0 vs 24, infinite%
The infinite weapons, are without health. These will only be 100% damage for a price. Like the Reaver and its Scarabs of Starcraft ;)
Although, an infinite cool down is impossible. It will be only 1 AP again, for 100% damage. You simply loose resources.
I can stack the effect. And say, let's pay 7 AP for that one time 100% damage. Or if I want to do 700% damage, simply pay 7 times more resources.
I see a bright future for this idea. But am also worried that I am missing something.
What do you guys think?
In other words, one weapon on its own may be ineffective, but what if there were even two soldiers armed with the weapons that needed cooldown? One could fire three rounds, and then while that first weapon is in cooldown the second soldier could fire their three rounds. Repeat the cycle and you have a constant barrage of that heavier weapon.
Since it is based on AP. A constant barrage is not possible. Unless... Both sides have 12 AP to spend instead of 6 AP per round.
The list goes like this, but not 2 rounds, just 1:
33% - 50%
67% -100%
100% - 150%
133% - 200%
167% - 250%
200% - 300%
Maybe you've worked this out already, but what if you had a squads of five or six soldiers? How much damage can be done to a heavily-armoured target by each class of weapon? Do advantages/strengths still make themselves clear? Or is there now an amplification of the weaknesses inherent in the weapons with cooldown?
Good question.
I mentioned the conclusion.
However, against a lot of hit points. The fast weapons still have a 50-50 chance. The slow weapons are actually weaker.
But did not provide numbers.
Here is the 2 round list again. Only of infantry against infantry (The tank is literally the same, but even more health). This time both sides have 4 times more health. And remember, 100% means a kill. And a kill means less damage in the next round, from that side.
8.33% - 12.5%
16.7% - 25.0%
25.0% - 37.5%
58.3% - 50.0%
66.7% - 62.5%
75.0% - 75.0%
With 12 AP, thus only 1 round:
8.33% - 12.5%
16.7% - 25.0%
25.0% - 37.5%
33.3% - 50.0%
41.7% - 62.5%
50.0% - 75.0%
For destroying a tank with 75 health (light armor), 25 rifle men are to be used:
The normal need 3 turns. The "slow" need only 2 turns.
With only 5 rifle men. Things change. And the example is 6 AP (The basic game has 7) again:
The normal need 15 turns, which is 2.50 rounds.
The "slow" need 10 turns, but seeing as how you only have 3 turns each round, we end up with 3.33 rounds.
Seeing how the RPS effects work. After 1 round and 25 riflemen. The normal weapon will be able to kill 2 tanks in 1 round (given if all soldiers survive). The "slow" weapon is certainly to kill only 1.5 tanks.
If you wonder how a battle progresses with 2 big battalions. One side, normal weapons. The other side the "slow" weapons. 6 AP/round. Excluding sum effect of activity:
36 vs 36 slow
18 vs 24 slow
_6 vs 18 slow
XX vs 16 slow