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Why a SpaceGame (part 2)

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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Very simple upgrades?

A warp jump generator.
The ship can still he attacked.
The shields still won't work.
The cost is the ship itself.
The jump is the same speed plus 2.
Meaning, a ship with movement 4. Can move 12 in a round. But with the warp jump generator, it moves 3x 10. Thus 30 in a round.

Excessive? Most likely.

As for the weapon upgrade.
An artillery upgrade is possible in the exact same way. Attack range is added once more. With an additional 2.
Attack range 4? It now becomes 10.
Bomber with 0? It is now 2.
The cost equals the weapon.

I can revert back to gravity costing movement speed. The warp jump is a good help here anyways.

As for a shield that is always active?
It should still be depending on movement speed.
The cost is (total Sp + 2) x Shield cost.
If a shield costs 2 and the speed is 4 plus that warp jump. The cost of adding this shield would be 24.

I should be carefull with what kind of upgrades I add. But the extra costs and effectd should be as simple as possible.

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