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Win condition for deck building games?

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jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017

What is a good win mechanic for card games either its deck building, TCG, CCG, lcg etc

Here are a few I know which I do not really want to use in my game

Invisible life points = Yugioh. If you have no monsters on the field your opponent can attack directly at you and you lose life points

Deck out = Usually your deck is your life, I tend to have at least 50 cards in my deck and using the deck as my life will take too long to deck out so I don't want that

Milling top cards in deck = Dragonball super. Before you start the game, you mill top 8 cards in your deck and place them aside, these act as your life. once you run out you lose, good idea but not what I want in my game

Point system = MTG? I think magic has this system dunno but once you lose a certain amount of points such as 20 or you gain a certain amount of points to win

For my game I kind of want some kind of leader card that acts as my life but I do not know how to implement it into my game, like does the leader have for an example 3 hearts and if you attack the leader 3 times u win? I want to use the leader card as my life but I don't really want it so if opponent attacks it you lose.

One idea for a leader card, if I'm using my alien deck, the leader is called mothership or something, each leader will have some kind of special effect that helps your alien creatures but how would I make it affect the player's life? Also leader cards I don't really want them to be engaged in combat so I don't want the mothership to attack the opponent, the leaders are like bases or a clan or whatever you like to call it, example my alien deck uses the mothership base and my pirate deck uses a pirate ship etc etc

Joined: 04/02/2018
This is similar to what I’m

This is similar to what I’m making.

I guess you’ve got to ask yourself how long you want the game to last and how you choose to handle your conflict. If you have a leader / boss / main base card, you need to have a slow build to overwhelming that power card — life is one way, but you could do it through VP or pseudo VP.

Deck building in general is about efficiency and you need your game to hinge / descend to finish at a certain efficiency point. You’ve just got to figure out what and where.

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
i could make the leader card

i could make the leader card double sided,I guess i could have the card with 10 hitpoints so every time opponent attacks leader card they lose a hitpoint and when lets say the leader has 5 points left it is then flipped over for a more powerful version with different effects

I still probably wont have the leader attack but being attacked i could still use, though i think it would be better if they can be attacked whenever the opponent wants to attack it instead of can only be attacked if the opponent has no units on the field. That will take too long. Though the problem is players will just attack the leader instead of the units, so dunno what to do in that situation

then again it messes with the theme im going for, like why would a pirate ship leader become stronger when it is damaged, doesnt make sense

Joined: 09/06/2017
Card rotation on damage thresholds

Could you have players rotate their leader card when it receives X amount of damage in a turn and if a player would rotate their leader card a fifth time they loose the game? X could vary on each side of a leader card and the set of X's could vary for different leader cards. This would represent that it is usually easier to do some damage to something then completely destroy it. You could also have a special ability with each leader card orientation.

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
I Decided on double faced

I Decided on double faced leader card it has 8 hit points and has an average ability not too strong and when it reaches 4 hitpoints you can flip it over and the ability is much stronger

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