Got an interesting idea while playing Lords of Waterdeep and I have to put it down somewhere.
I'm thinking of a game where players are nobles in a devastated city and are working together to build it back up. The problem is that one or more players may be responsible for the disaster and will attempt to thwart the rebuilding.
Players would recruit workers and either train those workers (upgrading their token, maybe making a d6 into a d8, or just flipping a die over to another side) or have those workers perform tasks. Much like Lords of Waterdeep. Buildings can be raised, special characters can be recruited, devastation could be repaired.
After players use their workers, the Intrigue phase begins and each player draws one of each type of card (Merchant, Thief, Guard, Traitor). These cards have different effects depending if it's used during the worker phase or the intrigue phase. Each player plays one face down and keep another one, discarding the rest. The discarded cards (from this turn and all previous turns) are shuffled and one is randomly added to the played cards. This allows players the ability to choose if they will be a traitor or not. Merchants bring more trade to the city, thieves cause certain buildings to grant rewards to the players that built them, traitors damage the city's clean-up, and guards improve the resistance to thieves (preventing thieves from being used in the next turn). During worker placement, merchants grant a player resources immediately, thieves can take gold from a player, guards can force a player to play their intrigue card face-up, and traitors can counter any card played.
If the devastation is not repaired in time, the player with the lowest score wins (a neighbouring nation invades the city and assumes the lowest-scoring player was doing the work for them). If repaired in time, the player with the most points is considered the most popular and the citizens ask that player to rule them.
The main ideas are worker placement where the workers can be upgraded individually and a game where a player can choose to be a traitor instead of randomly becoming one. The lowest-scoring player winning can be a method to allow losing players to still win.
Any feedback?
I'm thinking, as a start, that players would have one phase where they place workers and a phase after that where they play the intrigue cards.
At the start of the game, players should have little impact on each other's strategy. This allows players to build their strategy before players start interfering with one another.