Hello everyone, thanks for adding me to the forum!
I have an idea for a new workerplacement-game, and I would like to check, if there is (I hope not...) a game already existing. It would be quite hard, if I developed this idea further and then all people say "oh man, it`s a copy of game xy". So, with no further ado:
Is there a workerplacement-game, where you "draft" workers in different colors, that fulfill special roles when placed?
Thanks alot!
Thanks for all your comments!
The fun thing about the different colors of workers would be that certain actions can only be performed by a certain color whereas there are other actions that can be performed by all colors. This way you can prevent other players from doing a specific move not only by occupying the spot through placing your own worker but rather by taking the last meeple in that color.
You canˋt intermix the meeple, because the meeple are drafted from a pool of meeple, that is replenished each round.
Again, thanks for your answers!