I've realized that I could CHANGE the audience of a game depending on the formulas or how the rules are presented.
For example: Visually have three (3) Yellow Cubes -> 1 Green Cube.
Or simply state: 3 Income -> 1 Boon.
Obviously the 2nd version while still lisable, is not as OBVIOUS as the first case where we showed what "Cubes" are used in by the engine...
So I'm curious, which of these two methods would you prefer to see???
Is it a "Graphical notation" which kids can understand and play??
Or is it a more "grown-up" notation that requires players to read the rulebook at least once?
I understand and didn't consider "internationalization" as one aspect that "symbols & cubes" could make the game much more ACCESSIBLE.
I just figured that seeing "symbols & cubes" made the game more understandable. And maybe seem to appeal to a younger audience at the same time.
Whereas in the sense of the "resource" labels (such as Income, Renown and Favor) would require a level of abstraction to understand that "Yellow Cube" = "Income". And therefore three (3) "Yellow Cubes" = 3x Income.
So I guess I should go with "symbols & cubes" but explain in the rulebook what each symbol and/or cube actually means...
The question I guess I must ask myself is: "How simple do you want the game to appear to be?" Having a symbolic language might be interesting (as I have mentioned) ... but I'm not convinced just yet. I need to think about it some more!