Are there any board/card game designers in Cornwall interested in setting up a playtesting group? I scouted most of the pubs in Falmouth and found a few quite happy to host a weekly/fortnightly gaming session...
Any designers in Cornwall?
But @Westmaas is in Toronto, @larienna and me (@questccg) are both in Montreal. I haven't seen Eric (@larienna) in years... Although we do message each other on BGDF.com. Groups have been hit hard because of COVID-19... So with time and all what is going on... Sometimes it's just better to post on BGDF.com with people who all SHARE similar interests, can provide feedback and ideas, and generally have a good time with people around the globe that share the same passion.
That's not that I am discouraging local playgroups. I've just found that in Montreal there are a few Gamer Groups (people who enjoy PLAYING) and not so much DESIGN groups that are focused on making games. I think there may be only a hand-full of us in Montreal (for example).
I'm really proud of how BGDF.com is still around ... And I thank each and every one of you and hope that you become REGULARS (members who visit daily). Like I said, it's great to get a perspective from someone around the World who shares the same understanding about Board & Card Games and understand Game Mechanics, etc. Someone who speaks the SAME lingo!
Cheers ... And sorry, I haven't seen anyone else from Cornwall who has had an active account on BGDF.com. Toronto and Montreal. I don't even think we have any members in Ottawa TBH. And I know there is a Chapter of The Board Game Artisans of Canada in Ottawa... So there must be a bunch of Ottawa designers too... But they don't frequent BGDF.com unfortunately.
How did your event on the 26 June go??? Did you manage to find any locals who were interested in the prospect of taking part in a playtesting event with either prototypes or even simply sharing Game Ideas and seeing what other people think?
Anyhow it would be cool if you could tell us a bit about the event that you hosted and the outcome of future events?! Are you planning on continuing with this "event", did you get sufficient local participation, are you formalizing the event (given the limited amount of time to playtest prototypes and such...)
Would love to hear that this event will keep occurring and a more diverse crowd is partaking in the event!
I thought you were from Cornwall, Ontario, Canada! Sorry mate... I made the mistake and thought you were talking about my Home Country not the UK/Britain!
In any event, please feel free to share with us your experience. And sorry for the mix-up!
TBH it seems like there are MORE and MORE Kickstarters and less "regular" Game Designers. Everyone wants to take their hand at the "Wheel of Fortune" and see what other People think about their IDEAS!
It is my firm belief and watching TGC Commentary Panels that most people lose and then lose a little less and then lose a little less than before ... But that it's a ONE-WAY street and only downwards!
Most people think they are going to get RICH with one Game Idea... And KSs are usually not as successful as it seems. Sure KS is making Billions of dollars but real "Game Designers" are fighting hard to find a place amongst all the noise and "other" people who are just trying to make millions...
That's why the BGDF.com community is small... Because there aren't many "Game Designers" mostly one-off productions from people who will only design one game and realize that the Board & Card Game Industry is HARD to make money in...
I am happy to hear that you have a group that meet to share ideas. I honestly don't WORK like that...! I usually get ideas here and there and decide if the concept MERITS any time from other Game Ideas that I have. Or if there is a QUICKER PATH to reality... Meaning I prioritize Game Ideas that I believe I can make a REALITY FASTER.
And from one perspective, I usually prioritize BETTER Game Ideas over ideas that are more advanced in their respective Design Space. So yeah "Monster Keep" (MK) just got put on the Back-burner... It's VERY advanced, almost production-ready... But my NEW Game Idea is much more promising or so it seems.
I've playtested MK... So I know the "excitement" level is low... TBH.
Which means if I can go with a concept which is MORE FUN and EXCITING... You better believe that I will go with THAT concept FIRST!
So cheers mate... Feel free to share with us your Game Ideas and a bit about them. The only reason that I don't mention the TYPE of Game (for the New Game Idea) is because of the NAME...
But it's an IDEA from five (5) years ago which I could NOT take anywhere... Now that things are different, I am able to FLESH-OUT a rulebook in 2-Days and am now working on Card Ideas...
Anyways ... Feel free to share... Nobody is going to steal anyone's Game Ideas... And the reason I say this is... Because the RULEBOOKS off a copied game would be SO DIFFERENT, it's impossible to say that the SAME game could be copied.
But usually when you RELEASE a "Rulebook" for Review or Editing... That also means YOU OWN the concept. But anyhow... Don't be shy and share with us some of what you guys are working on in the UK...
Cheer Mate!
Note #1: And TBH I usually DON'T share my RULEBOOKS online unless the Game is OUT-THERE on BGG... I'll ask a Developer to review the rulebook and see what they think over the members here at BGDF.com. Why? Because we are all working on Game Ideas at different stages in development, that I personally would NOT ask anyone to review my rules because I know how other "Game Designers" are busy and I have other people who do this (for like 30+ years)!
Same goes with Playtesting...
I don't design by committee ... But sometimes some ideas spark new directions and things to explore. And like I said, for example "Crystal Heroes" (CH) was like 90% done and @The Professor (@Joe) said to send it along and he'd have a look at tell me what he thinks.
So a bunch of good ideas came from him (specifically getting rid of Dry-Erase Markers) that I've already made all corrections and placed the order from "The Game Crafter" (TGC) and should be received in August...
I know in Montreal there was such a Group that would meet once per week... But the group got disbanded. And "Game Designers" (like @Eric) have a ton of ideas to work on (but hardly any of them reach the destination line because he never finishes them or finds flaws in their design, etc.)
Again don't let any of this deter you from working in a GROUP. For some ppl it works ... For most it doesn't. I'm on my 5th Game... Three (3) Published and one looking for a Publisher (CH)...
So keep up the GOOD work!
Our first playtest meetup will be at 'The Moth and the Moon' pub on Sunday 26th June at 1pm. If you're a designer why not bring your game along and we'll give it a go. If you just want to play some prototype games then your feedback would be most appreciated!