Hey there!
I'm Gilbert Walker, a new member and designer of an abstract strategy bgame.
I'm calling it "Minions!" at the moment. Its been over 3 years in the making, and functions fine as a game,
but it possible still contains glitches I haven't found yet...
Brief Description:
Minions is a strategic race through the woods (a fantasy veneer over an abstract game).
You control a force of creatures and race against your opponent to get 3 to the opposite side of the board.
You will summon wolves, squash frogs, and use magic elves to push turtles into the fire!
These 4 creatures (each with unique skills and abilities) have interactive abilities
that can be used in combination with each other. You can move multiple creatures in a turn and
creative strategy is the key to success.
It is quirky and fun, but essentially Minions! is all about movement and spatial awareness.
There is no dice and very little chance in the game.
I've only sold a few copies of the game so far, and I'm weighing up whether to self-publish or get an agent...
Or not publish at all. I'm trying to gauge it's marketing viability.
Would any of you experienced and critical designers want to participate in a blind test?
(Is that what usually happens?) I'd be keen to receive any feedback, but in particular whether you think the game has potential as a product and why.
Many thanks,
Ah great idea!
It's 2 player (how did I forget to mention this?).
And the game is pretty much all about direct interaction (probably more like HIVE than Blokus)
Each of the 4 creatures has a 'move' (how many spaces they can move per turn) and an 'ability'.
So the strategy is pretty much all in the movement (ie. spatial awareness).
Hmm...does the lack of other replies to this thread indicate that external playtesting is not a done thing here?