Hi, would anyone willing to test the mechanics of my card game?
I have a very primitive card layout that can be printed
You can check out my post to find any other information about my game
It is only the orc faction and there are not much region or attachment cards yet as i just want people to test the flow of the game, with drawing cards from the deck, spending resources for deploying creature cards and attacking your opponent
Here is a quick rule guide
since there are only a few cards, start with 3 cards and then draw a card each turn, (amount of cards in your hand does not matter at this point) all creature and resource cards go into the deck and the player card remains at your side
There are 2 resource type mechanic i want you to do, 1 is discard the resource cards to the discard pile once you play a creature, the 2nd mechanic is, instead of sending your spent resource cards to the discard, they are instead set aside until your next or 2nd next turn then you can reuse the resource cards again, just like how magic uses mana. See if any of those 2 resource mechanics are better than the other one and give me your feedback, it is important that you get back to me as it is a crucial thing in my game
This would help me a lot since play testing by yourself isn't the real thing
Also it would be great if you can test out some of the monsters effects and maybe try to change it or add some new ones, especially the creatures with no effects
A quick guide to start the game
Put all the monster, region and action cards in the same deck and shuffle them and keep your faction card on your side, this cards acts as your life points, if you opponent attacks this card and your points reaches 0, you lose. Your monsters are your defense, your opponent must clear the field of your monsters in order to attack your faction card (unless a card states otherwise)
For this test you can only have up to 3 monsters on the field at once
Draw 3 cards each. choose who goes first and begin
Player 1 draws card, player 1 deploys creature if the required number of food is in the hand. player is free to use region and action cards. first person to go first cannot attack this turn, end turn.
Player 2 draws card, player 2 puts a counter on their faction card, player 2 deploys creature if the required number of food is in hand. Player 2 can now use their faction ability 1 if choose to do, if not, you can save it and let it build up each turn. Player 2 can choose to attack if creature are available. Player also is free to use region/action cards. Player 2 ends turn
This cycle continues through out the game
Creature cards can only attack once pet turn unless a card effect states otherwise.
card sheets
Updated with better looking card layout