New Version Available Here: [Rules] [Board]
After some very helpful feedback and some playtesting, I've made a few major changes to the rules, completely redid the art and replaced the fixed board with tiles. I've also increased the size of the components, as I found the centimetre-wide tokens in the original version somewhat hard to pick up. I am rather sad that the whole game no longer fits on a single page, but it will be easier to play now anyway.
Big thanks to Tyberius, Mathew Rodgers, Andy GB, Avalaunch and Silent Fury for their feedback :)
Also, if you would like to try the game without having to make all the tiles, I've made up some fancy Battleship-style pen-and-paper boards: [Preset] [Blank] I still need to write up rules for this version, but essentially, each player has their own board, hidden from the others, as the wolves move they call out the square numbers, and the bunny lets them know if she's been there or not.
Rule Changes: (2012.06.15) Max players reduced to 3 Tokens now hidden under tiles, rather than placed on board Only the wolf that catches the bunny gets points Bunny keeps playing until she runs out of tokens More than one token can be under a tile Players all get two turns as the bunny
Old Post: My entry for the April Game Design Showdown got some nice feedback, so I decided to make up a Print and Play version: [Rules] [Board]
I'd be much obliged to anyone who would playtest this for me, and let me know if you found any issues. Specifically: *Is the board to small? Too Big? *Does four players make it too easy for the wolves? *Is the eye-closing mechanism too fiddly? *Does the River give the bunny too much of an advantage?
Let me know if you enjoy the game as well :)
* The bunny says "Splash" each time she enters a river square
* The bunny can enter a briars square for one movement
* A wolf cannot enter a briar if he has taken all but one move
* 3 wolves is a bit high, I don't expect it to work, but I'd like to see how it comes out in the play testing. I think 2 is probably ideal
*There's a typo in the rules, both bunny and wolves are supposed to have 4 moves each turn, making the Briars a little more valuable as a hiding place for the bunny
*The wolves are placed by their respective players, without any knowledge of where the Bunny starts from
My goal was for it to be difficult to play the bunny, it's why her score is doubled if she manages to win. Impossible was not what I was going for though. The goal was for the bunny to have to resort to different tactics: hiding in bushes, losing her scent in the water (while giving indications of being in the water), doubling back on her trail... The carrots are visible in the gardens so she can't just grab one out from under a wolf's nose, but has to lead them across the board, then sneak back, grab the carrot and get scarce before they can reach her.
One rule you can try, is that once per turn, if the bunny has a face-up carrot in front of her, she can flip it face down to gain an extra four moves before the wolves' turn. That should make up for the wolves' knowledge of which carrots she's captured. And can make the river and Briars even more useful.
I hope that helps :)