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Death By Dice - new rules

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chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015

I've returned to this quirky concept and revised rules based on feedback given by a few of you here...thank you JohnMichaelThomas, MattPlays and Wombat929!

I'll just start fresh and introduce this game, as it's been a good while since the OP:

An illustrator friend of mine and I came up with a simple card and dice game with an unusual theme...ridiculous and comical ways to meet your end. We've designed 60 different cards, ranging from the classic "Running With Scissors" to ludicrous events like "Raining Batteries."

The goal is to take the least amount of "Trauma" and be the last player standing against the onslaught of dumb deaths, as well as the efforts of your opponents to push you closer to meeting your maker. Every card you "survive" has a power which becomes yours for use either in helping yourself or harming others in play.

The deck also includes "Intervention" cards, which are used to get yourself out of taking Trauma, or to reverse a Trauma-inducing play by an opponent.

Death is not the end! Even if you bite the dust, you're still able to mess with the remaining "living" even have a shot to come back to life and win the game!

The core gameplay is based on Poker, using the dice rolls to match the "hands" shown on the cards, thereby surviving, or "cheating death."

See the cards here (rules have changed to those shown here in this post):

Just hit the "X" button at the sign-in shouldn't have to do that in order to view the file.

I think this is now a game which has enough meat (and blood) to it to grab the attention of real gamers. It's still very much a luck-based filler, but there's enough opportunity for strategy and screwing with your opponents to keep players coming back.

I hope you all like how it's evolved! If you want to try the game, just print out the Google Doc with the rules attached here and have at it!

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
I'm also thrilled to note

I'm also thrilled to note that a very LARGE game company has shown interest in this game and has taken it in for playtesting! At the very least, some amazing feedback will come of it...

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Latest rules doc

Latest rules doc uploaded...required just a bit of refinement from the previous. Things have been further simplified to keep the rules very easy to grasp, yet entertaining and exciting. I hope those of you who enjoy lucky dice and social take-that games like it!

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